Land Boundary Map and Land Contour Map for Tourism
Accommodation Development using QGIS Software Application in
Kalisada Village, Bali
Gede Yasada and Evin Yudhi Setyono
Civil Engineering Department, Bali State of Politechnic, Bukit Jimbaran, Badung-Bali, Indonesia
Land Boundaries & Land Contours, GPS, Satellite Imagery, QGIS.
Abstract: Land boundary map and land contour map for large scale areas are very difficult to obtain, because these
maps in a certain area have not been made or are not owned, while the initial planning can be done without
having to wait for all these requirements to be available, such as time constraints, cost, weather and ground
measurement equipment. To quickly get a map for planning the development of tourism accommodation at
the Tukad Banyuraras estuary in Kalisada Village, Seririt District, Buleleng Regency, Bali, a map of land
boundaries and land contours was made from processing satellite image data using the Quantum Geographic
Information System (QGIS) software application and ground control point using the Global Positioning
System (GPS). Certain objects such as beaches, rivers, roads, houses, rice fields, gardens and others that were
previously in raster format in a satellite image are converted into digital format, the suitability of the name of
the element according to the object/element being plotted, drawing lines according to image appearance. The
land boundary before deducting the coastal and river borders obtained an area of 194,666.8496 m2 or
19.46668496 hectares. While the land boundary after deducting the coastal and river borders obtained an area
of 144,819.7910 m2 or 14.48197910 hectares.
Indonesia is an archipelagic country consisting of a
land area of 1,922,570 km2 and a water area of
3,257,483 km2, thus requiring the government to
continuously carry out development for the benefit
of the population in Indonesia. This development
activity cannot be separated from a form of spatial
at the district, city, sub-district and village
levels. Of course, the use of space in the vast
territory of Indonesia must be supported by good
planning. One of the planning steps is to
geospatial information in the form of maps
of land boundaries and land contours needed for an
activity in space utilization (Rumampuk, 2013).
In the current era of development, to direct
development by utilizing regional space in an
efficient, effective, harmonious, harmonious,
balanced and sustainable manner in order to improve
community welfare and security and defense in
accordance with the mandate of the law, it is
necessary to prepare a Regional Spatial Plan. One of
the components of the Regional Spatial Plan is the
development of residential areas. As a proper
development planning effort, especially the need for
spatial data to support settlement planning, it can be
obtained quickly, cheaply but accurately, using high-
resolution satellite imagery (Parmadi, 2016).
Utilization of remotely sensed satellite images
for mapping activities is a common activity
nowadays. Spatial information presented in satellite
image maps is raster data sourced from the
continuous recording of satellite images. The stages
in mapping using the results of this sense are by
making a pattern using the sensed data which begins
with satellite processing with reference to ground
control points to limit the area to be mapped. One
example of the use of sensing technology for
activities in the field of mapping is for mapping the
coastal area at the Tukad Banyuraras estuary which
supports tourism accommodation planning activities.
Some of the advantages of mapping using remote
sensing technology include: results can be used to
map very large areas quickly, whereas manual
mapping is usually only used to map very narrow
areas, remote sensing technology is cheaper and can