Development of Population Data Cluster Application based on
Real-time Expertise
Herry S. Lang, Dostenreyk Kantohe, Ottopianus Mellolo, Sonny Kasenda and Tracy Marcela
Manado State Polytechnic, Jl. Raya Politeknik Ds. Buha, Kairagi, Manado, Indonesia
Keywords: Data, Application, Real-time, Bitung City Academic.
Abstract: Population data is one of the information needed for sustainable development planning. Sustainable
development is a planned development in all fields to create an ideal comparison between population
development and the carrying capacity and capacity of the environment and to meet the needs of the current
generation, without having to reduce the capabilities and needs of future generations, to support the life of the
nation from generation to generation throughout time. Population data as essential regional data is relatively
static, such as data on changes in migration between regions. Changes in the general structure of the
population, socio-economic structure, vertical and horizontal population mobility are an essential part of
population data collection and planning at the regional and national levels. Invalid population data is one of
the weak points in implementing sustainable development in the regions. For example, in human resource
planning, data is needed on the number of school-age population and workers. By incorporating population
into the national economic and development strategy, sustainable development will accelerate by growing the
workforce. As a result, development goals will be achieved more quickly. Information on population data in
the city of Bitung is not efficient in its management. The data input process should be carried out at the unit
closest to the community, such as the village. This application will be developed using PHP and MySQL. By
using the mixing method, the application will be developed to the trial stage in real conditions. This
application was created to classify the population's expertise in real-time to support sustainable development
in the city of Bitung in particular.
A population is an object as well as a subject in
national development. The policy in the field of the
population is not only about the number and density
of the population, immigration flows, births, and
deaths, but also policies in terms of controlling high
population growth and directing mobility and a more
even distribution of the population, especially in
sparsely populated areas. Regulate the desired
population will cause social and economic problems.
The very large population growth will affect the
facilities and infrastructure in the fields of education,
health, and so on.
Referring to data from the BPS (Central Statistics
Agency) of Bitung City through a publication entitled
"Bitung City in Figures 2021", it was noted that the
number of the labor force in Bitung city in 2020 was
91,622 people with the percentage of the population
working towards the workforce in Bitung city was
89.77%, where the working-age population is the
population aged 15 years and over while the labor
force is the population working age (15 years and
over)who are working, have a job but temporarily not
working, and are unemployed. The number of skilled
and skilled workforce at BLKI Bitung City in 2020 is
859people. The problems caused by the large number
and growth of the labor force, on the one hand,
demand greater job opportunities. On the other hand,
demand the development of the workforce itself so
that it is able to produce higher outputs. This increase
must be anticipated by the government and the
business world as employers or job openings.
Employment comes from economic growth.
However, high growth does not always provide large
jobs. This relates to the economic development
strategy carried out by the government and the
business world. Another thing that must also be
considered in analyzing the relationship between the
labor force and employment opportunities is that if