plants, including during seeding to obtain seeds with
uniform growth and fast growth after planting in the
field. Apart from the above requirements, good seeds
cannot be separated from the success of obtaining
maximum production (Singh, 2018). The fact that the
authors found at the location of this research,
generally the farmers follow the correct procedures in
farming, especially in the selection of good seeds.
Determining and searching for criteria for
good/excellent seeds, the farmers do not have the
tools or methods to get them. The selection of
good/superior seeds is done based on personal
experience and views, even some of the Sinabung
refugees who cultivate carrots do not know the source
of the seeds they use (Putra, 2018); (Singh, 2018).
This of course affects the production of carrots at
harvest. Harvest production is not proportional to the
area of land used. Based on the above problems, the
search for superior seeds uses decision support
algorithms and recommendations. This algorithm will
provide recommendations for the quality of superior
carrot seeds based on the criteria or characteristics
that must be prepared in the selection of plants. The
algorithm developed uses the Weighted Product (WP)
The WP method is a recommendation method
with weighting against predetermined criteria
(Linden, 2017). Previous research conducted by for
the selection of instant cameras, in this study
concluded that the final result of the application
evaluation was the overall value of system user
satisfaction which obtained a percentage score of
87.98% with a very good predicate (Feng, 2019). The
second research is a study for the selection of
ornamental plants, in this study it was concluded that
with a system success percentage of 84,409% the
system was considered successful in implementing
the WP method and the criteria used in the
recommendation system were appropriate. The WP
method is used in the design of this recommendation
system because it is considered to have fast
computing and is suitable for making ornamental
plant recommendations. The advantages of this WP
method provide clarity on the weights of costs and
benefits on each criterion (Linden, 2017). This study
determines the variables or criteria to determine the
characteristics of superior carrot seeds, then the
process of determining superior seeds is carried out
using the WP method. From the results of trials
conducted after the harvest period, the production of
superior carrot seeds will be compared with seeds
without the WP process. From the results of this trial,
it can be seen whether superior seeds can produce
greater production or not (Singh, 2018).
In general, carrot farmers displaced by Mount
Sinabung do not have standards in procuring superior
seeds in their agricultural business. Most of them get
carrot seeds from unknown sources. Usually buy
seeds from traders. Some of them also produce their
own seeds but do not meet proper standards in
producing superior seeds. As a result, crop yields are
not optimal, the area of land planted is not
proportional to harvest production. The crop yields
are not optimal, the impact of Covid-19 has made the
price of carrots low, due toa lack of demand both
locally and from Jakarta and Java. As a result, it
greatly affects the economic resilience of the Mount
Sinabung refugees. One of the appropriate solutions
to overcome the above problems is to produce
superior seeds from carrots themselves using the WP
method, for that it can be stated that the problem
formulation of this research is How to Design a
System Implementation to Get Superior Carrot Seeds
with a Weighted Product Algorithm?
2.1 Carrot Seeds
Basically, the carrot varieties commonly consumed
by the world's population are of many types, both in
shape and color, not just one type as we usually find
in Indonesia (Simon, 2019). To get maximum
production in planting carrots, it is necessary to know
the stages that must be done in planting carrots. First,
efforts should be made to use superior seeds. From a
land that has been planted with carrots and before the
post-harvest, a search for carrots can be carried out
which will be used as superior seeds. The steps that
can be taken in finding sources of superior seeds are
as follows (Marpaung, 2017):
Age after planting day at least 100 days
The tuber texture is straight, dense
The thickness of the tuber diameter>=3 cm
Glowing bright reddish
The shape of the carrot leaves is straight and
While the method of seeding carrots, as follows:
Carrot leaves cut to about 10 cm
Roots that have been selected, cut in thirds
The land is loosened, sown with compost
Made a bed for planting seeds
Plant tubers with about 50 cm
Roots that will be used as seeds must be selected
properly; the planting period is at least 100 days.
Roots that are not old enough will easily rot and get