Python and Java Script at the Apps Fingerprinting
stage to collect information that matches the filtered
list of App Ids. To assess the popularity of an app, we
use three indicators including the number of installs
(I), the number of reviews (R) and the score rating
(S). The number of installs is an indicator of how
many times the app has been downloaded and
installed on the user's device. While the review is the
number of reviews from users of apps. The Play Store
allows users to provide reviews and provide a rating
in the form of a star rating which is worth 1 to 5, after
installing apps on their device. The aggregation
results from this user review used by Play Store to
create a rating score for each app.
Based on our observations, these three indicators are
appropriate parameters to measure the level of
popularity of Android apps, which is in this research
are Android apps that affiliated with provincial
governments in Indonesia.
2.4 Metadata Analysis
The next stage is to analyse the metadata that has been
collected. At the early stage of analysis, we sorted the
value of selected indicator metadata for each apps. By
the number of installs, we found "SAMBARA"
(id.go.bapenda.sambara) to be the most downloaded
and installed app of 3,862,879 times, followed by
"PIKOBAR Jawa Barat" (id.go.jabarprov.pikobar)
that installed in 957,898 devices. Both apps are
regulated by the West Java province government.
While the least installed app was recorded by
"Boyang Aspirasi Prov. Sulbar"
(com.thp.boyangaspirasi) that was installed by 32
users and owned by West Sulawesi province. By this
indicator, we found 198 (69.9%) province
government mobile apps in Indonesia were installed
less than 1000 times.
While by Review indicator, "SAMBARA" and
"PIKOBAR Jawa Barat" again showed their
domination by 10.539 and 4.130 number of reviews,
respectively. In opposite, we found 252 (89%)
province government apps that recorded only have
less than 100 reviews and 136 (48%) of the apps
recorded 0 reviews.
In addition to both indicators, we found 110
(38.8%) apps recorded Score ratings more than or
equal to 4, 31 (10.9%) apps recorded Score in the
range of 3 to less than 4, and 142 (50.2%) province
government apps recorded the Score rating less than
3. The range of those scores indicates that the apps
obtained positive, neutral and negative sentiment
respectively, as explained in the user-review analysis
conducted by (Tangari, Ikram et al. 2021).
The distribution of data on the ECDF score rating
looks more encouraging than the other two indicators.
The proportion of the number of ratings above 3
having a greater proportion than those below 3. There
are about 53% of mobile apps owned by the
provincial government get a positive score and the
rest are neutral or negative. A score rating of 3 is
considered to be neutral value, while values above are
considered to be positive and below are considered to
be negative (Tangari, Ikram et al. 2021).
To have an insight into the data distribution per
province, we then aggregate the value in each
indicator and group them by province. As a result, we
found West Java dominated the number of installs by
an average of 374,967.4 installs per app, followed by
Banten by 160,349.7 of average installed per app.
West Java recorded the highest value in the average
number of reviews by 1,304.3 and West Papua
recorded the highest average score ratings of 4.3,
even though West Papua only has 1 mobile app.
While the aggregation process also reveals the
fact that 15 (44%) of provinces recorded average
install rates less than 1000, 28 (82.3%) provinces
recorded average reviews less than 100, and 26
(76.4%) provinces recorded average score rating less
than 3. More detail about the aggregation result per
province can be seen in Table 1.
2.5 Popularity Measurement
As we use three indicators to measure the app's
popularity per province, then the next stage of this
research is to combine the value contained in all
indicators to form an index of average value per
province. Since the Install rate shows having a high
value among other indicators, then we normalized the
value of each indicator to avoid dominance by a
certain indicator.
For that purpose, we then introduce Popularity
index (Pi) by ranked the province apps popularity
based on the indicators explained previously. The Pi
then denoted as followed:
𝑃𝑖 = (𝐼 ̃ +𝑅 ̃ +𝑆 ̃)/𝑑 ∗ 100 (1)
represent the normalize form of average Install
rate for each province that resulted from min-max
normalization denoted as followed:
𝐼 ̃ = (𝐼_(𝑛 ) − 𝐼_𝑚𝑖𝑛)/(𝐼_𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝐼_𝑚𝑖𝑛 ) (2)
represent the value of install number for
corresponding apps, while I
and I
represent the maximum and minimum value in install
vector which is the highest and the lowest install rate
among all Apps. The similar operation is also