Some of these studies, among others, were carried
out by:
1. R. Witanto and H. H. Solihin (Witanto,
2016) that created a web-based information
system for new student registration at SMP
Plus Babussalam Bandung.
2. S. Lesmono, Ibnu Dwi, and Fahlepi Roma
Doni (Lesmono, 2017), built a new student
registration website for the Al-Fatah Islamic
Boarding School in Cilacap.
3. Rachman, Fergian Pratama, and Dimas Aryo
Anggoro (Rachman, 2020), who created a
new student registration information system
at the Al- Musawwa Student Islamic
Boarding School Solo.
Although not much, research on online exams has
also been carried out, but most of them are applied to
universities that have different exam schemes from
Islamic boarding schools. One of them is the research
conducted by Novri Hadinata and Devi Udariansyah
(Hadinata, 2015) who
web engineering
methods in the development of new student
admission information systems and online exams for
Bina Darma University Palembang.
This research uses Waterfall software development
model. In this model, software development process
is divided into four steps (Sommerville, 2016), which
1. Analysis of Software Needs
Analysis of software needs is activity of
needs collection which is conducted
intensively to specify software needed by
2. Design
The design of software is activity of
designing system to be made, including the
interface design, architecture of software,
and coding procedure according to device
needs that have been analysed before. This
activity is needed to ease the next processes
3. Making of Program Code
In this stage, the design that has been made
previously is translated into software
program so that it results computer program
which is in accordance with the needs.
4. Testing
To see whether the program has compatible
with the need from logic and functional
then testing is required. Testing stage also
conducted to minimize error.
The first two steps will be discussed in this
section. While the other two steps will be discussed
in the next section.
3.1 Analysis of Software Needs
There are three types of users who can access this
system, namely applicants, administrative officers
(admins), and teachers. The processes that will be
implemented to the system are:
1. Applicants can register via the website.
2. After registering, applicants will get a
username and password to login to the web
page. After logging in, students enter the
personal data of applicants.
3. Applicants can upload documents that are
used as registration requirements.
4. Applicants make payments then upload proof
of payment
5. Admin will check the registration status of
applicants and validate payment receipt that
uploaded by the applicants.
6. Admin will determine the exam schedule for
7. Exam questions are managed by the teacher.
8. Applicants take online written exams
(assessed automatically) and upload videos of
the Quran recital on the specified schedule.
9. The teacher assesses the applicant’s reciting
video manually through the system.
10. Exam result announcements will be managed
by admin, while students can see grades and
3.2 Design
The design of this information system is carried out
concepts. System design is done
by making use case diagrams, activity diagrams, and
class diagrams (Bruegge, 2003). In addition,
interface design is also carried out.
3.2.1 Use Case Diagram
Use case diagram illustrates the order of interaction
between actors with system to be built. In Figure 1,
the use cases diagram shows that the information
system has three actors which are applicants, admins,
and teachers. The descriptions of the three actors can
be seen in Table 1 below.