Decision Support System of Social Assistance in Bitung City
by using AHP Method
Alfrets Septy Wauran, Anthon Kimbal and Roby Lumbu
Department of Electrical Engineering, Manado State Polytechnic, Manado, Indonesia
Keywords: Bitung City, Decision Support System, AHP.
Abstract: Information and data from all SKPs under the Bitung City Government are integrated in a data center. So,
they can be accessed in real time by users, both government and community. There are several algorithms
that can process data and provide the desired information such as Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence and
Decision Support Systems. Decision Support System is a computer system application that can assist
decision makers in solving problems. In addition to population problems, a decision support system can
help government to solve social problems. In this study, we created a decision support system using the
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) algorithm which will calculate optimal decisions in solving population
and social problem. This system will be used to calculate the priority of social assistance in Bitung City.
Bitung City is a Maritime City which is the only
Special Economic Zone in Sulawesi. Bitung City is a
maritime city where most of the people depend on
the sea and beach products such as fishing industry,
coastal tourism, fish canning factories and ports. As
we know that Bitung City has the largest seaport in
Eastern Indonesia. Given its very strategic location
as a maritime city, most of the city's revenue comes
from the maritime sector. To improve the economy
and income of the people of Bitung City, the
government needs an integrated and reliable
information system. If it is not supported by a good
reliable information system, the management of
resources in Bitung City will not be optimal given
the limited human ability to manage information
manually. Therefore, this becomes a serious problem
because valuable data and information in Bitung
City cannot be accepted and utilized properly by the
community due to lack of knowledge and utilization
of information technology. To realize Bitung City as
a Digital City, an Integrated Big Data system is
needed to be able to quickly access data and
information stored in the Data Centre. The stored
data in the system can be a population data,
employment, correspondence and so on. These data
can be used to find solutions for all problems that
occur in the community. For example, population
data that must be assisted economically by the data
on fishermen that must be assisted in the
procurement of fishing equipment, fishery industry
data, scholarships for those who cannot afford but
excel, data on marine natural resources that can be
used for evaluation in inviting tourism investors, as
well as marine tourism data that can be developed or
new tourism potential areas according to the
appropriate parameters and criteria. In determining
the beneficiaries and analizing these investments,
they still use manual evaluation by decision-making
employees. This results are dishonest and subjective
results. Likewise, the results obtained by the
analizing of population data are very inaccurate due
to invalid data and limited human memory capacity
in determining the priority of beneficiaries.
Therefore, a computer application integrated with
Bitung City Big Data is needed in the form of a
Decision Support System. The Decision Support
System that will be made is using the AHP method
which is known to be very accurate in calculating
the statistical problem. Population data can be
retrieved and collected quickly. So, the data can be
used directly to be calculated and aggregated based
on criteria and as a final result is the order of
priorities and optimal decisions that must be taken.
This decision support system can solve many social
problem in Bitung City.