Application of the Internship Process and Testing using the Blackbox
Harson Kapoh, Olga Melo and Roby Lumbu
Department of Information Technology, State Polytechnic of Manado, Manado, Indonesia
Keywords: Application, Internship, Testing, Black Box.
Abstract: Internships that are still done manually require a relatively long time so that it is not uncommon to get
complaints from anyone. So that the data processing process must adapt to the times, namely through internet
technology so that data processing can be done anywhere and anytime. Therefore, based on the existing
background, the problem is formulated, how do application developers for the Internship process and testing
using the black box method so that the application can help the process of implementing the Internship through
the media website to support the independent and independent campus program studying in the electrical
engineering department at the Manado State Polytechnic. The purpose of this study is to produce an
Apprenticeship process application that has been tested using the black box method so that the application is
expected to assist the Internship implementation process. The method used to develop the application system
is a waterfall with details of analyzing the system on an existing or ongoing apprenticeship system - Designing
new systems and software - Implementing and testing system units - System integration and testing -
Operation and maintenance. The Black box method is used to perform testing by dividing the research into 2
sections on the login function with 4 scenarios and the menu function with 10 scenarios. The result is that the
application for the internship process was successfully made according to the initial design and the testing
was successful according to a pre-determined scenario. The performance test results from 22 respondents on
average 62.3% agree and 26.6% answered strongly agree. This shows that the user can still use this
visualization model well.
In 2020, Permendikbut No. 3 of 2020 was issued, the
Minister of Education and Culture issued a policy of
Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka which is a
framework to prepare students to become strong
scholars, relevant to the needs of the times and ready
to become leaders with a high national spirit. Students
are given the opportunity to enrich and improve their
competencies in the real world according to their
passions and ideals. The purpose of this government
program, of course, requires close interaction
between universities and the world of work.
Universities must know the current needs of the
company so that they can prepare students to enter the
world of work.
Article 15 paragraph 1 describes the forms of
learning activities that can be carried out inside and
outside the study program. There are 8 forms of
learning activities, one of which is internships or field
work practices carried out outside the study program
outside the campus.
In supporting the government's program of
Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus, Manado State
Polytechnic seeks to prepare students to be able to
prepare themselves to enter the world of work with
the Internship program. Obstacles in the form of
administrative that must be carried out in internship
activities are not small and administrative activities
that have not been computerized result in a lot of time
for their services.
The administrative process which is still done
manually takes a relatively long time so it is not
uncommon to get complaints from students.
The data processing process must adapt to the
times, namely through internet technology so that
data processing can be done anywhere and anytime.
Moreover, it is related to the current era of the Covid
19 Pandemic which allows the public to reduce mass
gatherings that involve many people. So that the
manual administration process must be reduced.