amount of charcoal obtained while the more liquid
and gas results, due to the large amount of
decomposed and evaporated substances. The
maximum yield was obtained at an average
temperature of 182.68 °C at 29.8% and the minimum
yield was obtained at a temperature of 448.98 °C at
19%, this is in accordance with the statement of Haji
et al., 2010 that due to the high temperature some
charcoal turns into ash and volatile gases, so the yield
tends to be low. It can be concluded that the oxygen
and nitrogen that are flowed into the reactor help the
pyrolysis process occur perfectly, the incoming
oxygen reacts with the activated charcoal to become
which causes the amount of solids to decrease.
The function of oxygen here is to oxidize the material
while nitrogen is a physical activating agent. The
absorption of iodine (iod adsorption) indicates the
ability of activated carbon to adsorb components with
low molecular weight. Activated carbon with high
Iodine absorption microstructure and pores.
Figure 2: The relationship between the air flow rate
and the
average temperature of pyrolysis on the
absorption of
iodine in activated charcoal.
The absorption of iodine (iod adsorption)
indicates the ability of activated carbon to adsorb
components with low molecular weight. Activated
carbon with high
Iodine absorption means it has a
larger surface area
and also has a larger
microstructure and pores.
Figure 2. It can be seen that the higher the air flow
rate used in the pyrolysis process, the higher the
temperature rise and the higher the iodine absorption.
This is because the higher the air flow rate used will
reduce volatile substances and increase the amount of
fixed carbon in activated charcoal, the more iodine
will be adsorbed so that the greater the reduction in
the concentration of iodine solution which causes the
higher the absorption of iodine. From Figure 2. the air
flow rates are 20 L/min, 25 L/min, and 30 L/min with
an average temperature of 182.68 °C, 199.12 °C,
437.50 °C, the results of absorption analysis are
obtained. Iodine of 517,0282 mg/g, 620,1861 mg/g,
and 671,1982 mg/g that have not yet entered the
standard, this is due to the oxygen and nitrogen
entering the pyrolysis process has not been
maximized which causes the pyrolysis process to not
run properly. The best results for the absorption of
iodine by activated charcoal in this study were shown
at the air flow rate of 35 L/min of 750.1403 mg/g,
these results met the quality standard of activated
charcoal according to the SNI 06-3703-1955
standard, which was 750 mg /g.
1. The air flow rate reaches the optimum
condition at a speed of 35 L/min. At the above
optimum conditions, the activated charcoal
has already experienced a saturation point.
2. The best results are shown at the air flow rate
an iodine absorption capacity of 750.1403
mg/g. This result has met the standard of SNI
The author would like to acknowledge the Center for
Research and Community Service at Polytechnic
State of Samarinda which has provided funding for
this research as well as to the Chemical Engineering
Laboratory of Polytechnic State of Samarinda as a
place for the research to be carried out.
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