The second is made by Tri Afriliyanti and Sri
Matheus with the title “Design of Decision Support
System for the Determination of the healthy Home”.
K-Means Clustering is included in the partitioning
clustering of each data must be entered preformance
cluster specific and allows for any data included in
the cluster in a particular stage of the process, in the
next step move to other clusters. K-Means splitting
the data into k regions separate section where k is an
integer positive. K-Means algorithm is very famous
because of its ease and its ability to classify big data
and outliers with very quickly (Kusumadewi, 2009).
There are many methods that can be used in
clustering example K-means clustering method.
Grouping can be used as a grouping of non-hierarchy
that divides the data into two or more groups. K-
means clustering is a method of cluster analysis
which leads to the division of N objects of
observations into K groups (clusters) and any of the
object of observation is owned by a group with
average (mean) nearby (Prasetyo et al., 2012).
Calculate the distance between the middle point
with the point of each object Using the distance
formula Euclidean
.D (i,j) =
√(𝑋1𝑖 − 𝑋 𝑗)2 + (𝑋2𝑖 + 𝑋2𝑗)2+ ..+ (𝑋𝑖 − 𝑋𝑗)2 (2.1)
Where :
D (i, j) = The distance data to the i to the center of
cluster j
𝑋𝑘𝑖 = Data to the i on the attributes of data to k 𝑋𝑘𝑗
= Point a to j on attributes into k
Grouping object to determine the members of the
cluster is to take into account the minimum distance
of the object.
1. Back to phase-2, do looping up to the value of the
centroid of the resulting fixed and a member of the
cluster does not move to the other clusters. K-Means
Clustering method can only process data in the form
of numbers, then to data in the form of nominal
should be initialized first in the form of numbers. His
pace is:
1. Sort data based on the frequency of its
2. Initialize the data starting from the data of the
highest with a value of 1. Then the next data 2, 3
and so on.
2.1 Clustering
Clustering is a method of analyzing the data or objects
which enter as one of the methods that the goal is to
classify the data with the same characteristics in a
region of the same data and with different
characteristics in the territory of the other. There are
several approaches used in developing a clustering
method. Two main approaches are clustering
approach to partition and clustering with the approach
of the hierarchy. Clustering approach to partition or
often called the partition-based clustering groups the
data (objects) with the selected data are analyzed in
clusters that exist. Clustering with the approach of the
hierarchy or often referred to as hierarchical
clustering to classify the data by creating a hierarchy
of the form of a dendogram which the data are similar
will be placed in a hierarchy within easy reach and
not on the hierarchy are far apart. In addition to the
second approach, there is also a clustering approach
with automatic mapping (Self-Organising
This study uses a model of the process is the Waterfall
or often also referred to as the waterfall model, the
waterfall method includes two stages, namely :
3.1 Stage Definition and Requirements
The analysis is carried out to collect data centers and
health workers, and then specify criteria for the
determination of which is used in the process of
placement of health workers. The analysis includes
input, process and output.
3.2 Stage of System Design and
At the design stage is done the design process which
can then be used for the construction of the system.
The design process itself consists of the design of the
groove decisions, the design of the decision table, the
design of process modeling, design data modeling
and perencangan user interface.
4.1 System Design
This system helps in taking the decision to
determine the placement of health workers who are
already in the count based on the criteria that has been
set. This system will ensure that all required data has