11.87%, fat content of 1.13%,
carbohydrate content
of 8.59%, crude fiber content of
9.61%, ash content
of 1.53%,. The physical
characteristics of mackerel
fish balls with the addition
of carrageenan flour as
much as 2.5% are having a gel
strength of 3,090.61
Bloom, a pH of 7.17, a bite test
value of 5.79
(acceptable, slightly chewy), and a
folding test
value of 2. 78 (slightly cracked when
folded in
half). The organoleptic value with the
hedonic test
of mackerel fish balls with the addition
carrageenan flour of 2.5% and it has an appearance
parameter value of 3.76 (neutral to like), while the
color parameter value is 3.87 (neutral to like), and the
aroma parameter value is 3.87 ( neutral to like). Based
Table 1 result can be identified that the value of
taste parameter is 4.69 (like to very like) and the
of the texture parameter is 4.34 (like).
Based on the tes t which already done in previous, it
can be concluded that treatment A1 (meatballs with
the addition of carrageenan 2.5%), treatment A2
(meatballs with the addition of carrageenan 5%),
treatment A3 (meatballs with the addition of
carrageenan 7, 5%). The composition ideal of
carrageenan flour with a concentration of 2.5%
led the best effect on the elasticity quality of
fish balls. The organoleptic value with the
test of mackerel fish balls with the extra of
carrageenan flour of 2.5% has an appearance
parameter value IS 3.76 (neutral to like). The color
parameter value is3.87 (neutral to like), and aroma
parameter value is 3.87 (neutral to like). The taste
parameter is 4.69 (like to very like) and the value of
the texture parameter is 4.34 (like). Other material
such water content is 66.04%, and protein content is
11.87%, while fat content is 1.13%. The essential
material such as carbohydrate content is 8.59%,
fiber content is 9.61%, and ash content is
There were many barriers in doing this research
essential matters and non-essential matters. For
this research requirements, there are several
need to be appreciated as follows:
The Director of Politeknik Negeri Nunukan, who
already guided us for improving the essential
matters for this research.
Vice Director 1 of Politeknik Negeri Nunukan,
who already motivated us in achieving the
research performance.
The Head Branch Office of Nunukan BNI, who
allowed us to make this research and also allowed
their customers to be our respondents.
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