Integrated Information System Model Development in
Manado State Polytechnic
Maryke Alelo, Marike Kondoj
, Shane Pangemanan, Muhammad Bakary and Maksy Sendiang
Manado State Polytechnic, Jl.Raya Politeknik Ds. Buha, Kairagi, Manado, Indonesia
Keywords: Academic, Integration, RUP, Lecturers, Students.
Abstract: An integrated academic document information system is a system to process data and academic information
for academic community purposes. These research objectives are to build an integrated educational documents
software for all divisions in the Manado State Polytechnic to obtain documentation and data synchronization.
This software uses the Rational Unified Process (RUP) method with analysis using data flow diagrams and
ERD. The results of this research are documentation and synchronization of data on academic documents that
will present information in real-time. This software has been tested on 144 users that contain 109 lecturers
and 35 students. The results of user trials show that the developed integration system can help users file
academic documents, so it is beneficial for lecturers to make performance reports and manage ranks and
accreditation activities. This is an essential requirement in improving the quality of academic services.
The role of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in the era of globalization has a
strategic. Part because it is very influential for the
advancement of technology in education. By
mastering technology, we have the capital to develop
all forms of existing resources. The application of
technology and information in carrying out
organizational management is significant in
achieving the vision and mission that has been set,
including in the higher education environment
(Anggrainingsih, R., et al., 2012). Building and
developing a quality application that can answer
needs is not accessible because it must answer all the
problems an organization faces. This research is one
part of the research developed for BAN-PT
accreditation and to complement BKD. What will
build the information system to document all data
related to academic activities in this current semester
(even 2019/2020) as part of the related unit evaluation
component. Educational documents have high use
value and are very useful. However, the current
system is not well documented and fragmented (not
yet processed in one data repository). Even though
Polimdo has facilities that allow data integration to be
carried out, it has not been utilized properly. This
causes it to be inefficient in obtaining the information
needed due to the long time it takes to search for the
data/information required.
Polimdo already has an academic information
system. However, the system is built separately with
different accounts in each application, and there are
still several features that must adjust in line with the
new policy. For this reason, it is necessary to make
adjustments to academic conditions so that the system
owned by Polimdo can inform data in real-time and is
up to date and integrated to make it easier for users to
use the service.
The increasing public interest in entrusting their
children to be educated at Polimdo must be
accompanied by an increase in the quality of services,
both infrastructure, facilities, infrastructure, and
human resources.
2.1 Information System
According to (Laudon., K.C. and Laudon, J. P., 2004)
technically information is, as a collection interrelated
Alelo, M., Kondoj, M., Pangemanan, S., Bakary, M. and Sendiang, M.
Integrated Information System Model Development in Manado State Polytechnic.
DOI: 10.5220/0010963000003260
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science (iCAST-ES 2021), pages 1244-1249
ISBN: 978-989-758-615-6; ISSN: 2975-8246
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
component, which collect, process, store and
distribute information to support decision making,
coordination, and control. Information means data
that has been arranged in such a way which is
meaningful and useful. On the contrary, data is a
factwhich is still "raw" which represents events that
are occurs in the organization or physical
environment before it is organized into an
information. Three activities in system information
produce the information the organization needs to
make decisions, control operations, analyze
problems, and create new applications or services.
Three activities are inputs, processes, and outputs.
Input capture or converting raw input into a more
form means. Output transfers processed information
to people who will use it or on that activity where that
activity will use the information in question.
Information systems also require feedback, where
output is returned to members of specific
organizations to help evaluate or correct input.
2.2 Integrated Information System
According to Sinambela (2011) the definition of an
integrated information system is: a technology
platform that allows organizations to integrate and
coordinate their business processes, the characteristic
of an Integrated Information System is a high level of
integration to accommodate the needs for integrated
data/information (Idris, I., Napitupulu, H., &
Matondang, N., 2018).
According to Sugiyono (2016: 2) the research method
is basically scientific way to obtain data for specific
purposes and uses. Data obtained from research can
be used to understand, solve and anticipate a problem.
3.1 Research Approaches and
Use multiple reference articles, e-books, and other
sources as appropriate with research concepts that can
be accessed on the internet, to get solutions to
integrated system problems. The integrated system
model can be explained in fig 1.
3.2 Rational Unified Proc
ess (RUP)
According to Jogiyanto, 2005 has four phases in
sequential and iterative process where each iteration
can be used to improve the next iteration (Jogiyanto,
2005; Kondoj, M. A., & Langi, H. S., n.d.).
1. Inception (preliminary) is the stage to model
the system to be developed and to determine
the requirements of the system to be proposed.
2. Elaboration (extension/planning is the stage of
planning the desired system architecture as
3. Construction is the stage which is more
focused on the component development of
system or system features.
4. Transition is the stage is to how elaborate the
system design by the deployment or system
installation in order to be users friendly.
Figure 1: Integrated System Model Design.
4.1 Participants
To get maximum results from the development of an
integrated information system, it is necessary to do
some sample data on the needs of potential users.
There are 109 lecturers and 35 students in all majors
who are made respondents to the system test. System
tests were carried out for seven days, either face-to-
face or online using the zoom application, then
lecturers and students provided an assessment of the
Data collection is one of the important stages in
the development of an integrated system. Data
collection is needed to obtain complete information
about the model to be developed (Kahar, N., 2013).
In the research the methods developed are:
observation, interviews and questionnaires.
Integrated Information System Model Development in Manado State Polytechnic
Polimdo has 29 has websites and application
links. Unfortunately, this condition causes many
academicians not to know the services available.
That is because there are several applications
developed which are the result of research by
lecturers and students. For example, the web for
each department is separate; to access it, each
lecturer and student only knows the web link from
their department.
Based on the above conditions, a system is
needed that can integrate all running applications
and web services in order to improve the quality of
integrated services so that all users can access each
several service / application with one account /
Single-sign-on (SSO) (Cohen, R. J., et al., 2001).
SSO allows users to access several protected
applications without having to be authenticated
(Akula, N. S., & Chatoth, V. P., 2016).
In answer to the need for integrated services, an
application is needed as a gateway to access
protected services. Because applications are
developed with different resources, the
authentication mechanism is also other. From the
data collection and interviews, the expected solution
leads to the availability of an application to allow
users to only have one ID to access all running
4.2 Result
To integrate several services / applications, two
methods are carried out based on the data
requirements to be used. To be integrated with an
academic information system containing absent
data, grades and khs, a web service is developed
with parameters as reference are nim and semester.
Web services (Roman, D., et al., 2005) have
enhanced new functionality on today's web, by
integrating distributed software components using
web standards by using PHP, the web service is
developed by creating a class that contains methods
that will be used as a web service. Some of the
files provided are akses_web_service.php,
connections.php, khs.php, and web_service.php.
The web service is needed to make data requests so
that all services currently running do not need to be
moved and combined on the same server
considering the current infrastructure is inadequate.
The resulting interface display can be seen in fig
Figure 2: Login Menu.
Every user has a dashboard to carry out academic
activities. The user division consists of lecturers,
students, operators, administrators, and managers.
The managerial function is to monitor and validate
the educational documents of lecturers and students.
Operators are tasked with inputting data related to the
study program, including schedules, curriculum,
guardianship, and other academic data.
Figure 3: Navbar Application.
Menus on the navigation bar, there are some data
that must be retrieved in different systems including
KHS Approval. All students' KHS data is stored on
the academic portal. For the need for KHS approval
from guardian lecturers, in this new normal
condition, consultations will be carried out online.
The consultation form with the guardian lecturer is
placed on a different application. And to be able to
do KHS approval, a web service is developed so that
when the student has finished consulting, the
guardian lecturer will click the KHS approval menu
so that the lecturer signature in the form of a QR
code will automatically enter the student's KHS.
while the results obtained on the student dashboard
for printing are like the fig 3
iCAST-ES 2021 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
Figure 4: KHS Display.
The second method for developing integrated
services is to provide an auto login menu. The ID of
the user is stored in the application to access services/
applications that are made separately and do not
require data exchange. This aims to make it easier for
users who often forget the IDs of several services/
applications that are already running. The auto login
menu can be seen in fig 4
Figure 5: Auto Login.
System has been connected to the P3M and e-learning
system using one account without logging in. The
system will continue to be developed so that all
applications running on different hosts can be
integrated without making changes. Based on the test
results of 109 lecturers and 35 students by
questionnaires, the integrated information system
developed is feasible to be implemented in Polimdo.
The assessment variables used as a reference include
completeness of features, convenience and flexibility
Table 1: Respondent.
Department Lecturers Students
Civil Engineering 22 5
Electrical Engineering 25 10
15 5
Accounting 20 5
20 5
Tourism 7 5
15 out of 109 lecturers stated that the system
developed was very feasible, and 94 were feasible.
And 35 students said that the system is possible to
implement. The test is carried out by giving scores on
variables ranging from 1 to 4, namely very unfit, less
viable, feasible, and very feasible. Respondent test
results can be seen in the image below:
Figure 6: Test Lecture.
In addition to testing potential users to obtain validity
through questionnaires, this study has conducted
testing using the black box testing method by testing
forms related to monitoring academic activities.
Functional testing is performed by rendering the
observed application a "black box" based on a design
requirement or specification the application entity
under test. The expected result is called a test forecast.
Functional testing mainly focuses on the external
behavior of software entities (Nidhra, S., & Dondeti,
J., 2012; Mitra, P., Chatterjee, S., & Ali, N., 2011).
Integrated Information System Model Development in Manado State Polytechnic
Black box testing is done to complete the test results
directly from potential users. Tests are carried out to
answer questions about how the functions being
tested can be declared valid and sensitive to certain
input data (Khan, M. E., 2011; Khan, M. A., & Sadiq,
M., 2011).
Table 2: Blak Boxing Testing Result.
Scenario Test Case Expected
Fill in the
and pass
User (Nip) ,
Pass (blank)
Login failed Valid
Input the
correct login
data, press
enter to enter
the system
User (Nip) ,
Pass (123)
The system
accepts access
and displays
the user
tokens and
students fill
in tokens for
Chat on the
There is
students and
The lecturer
clicks the
KHS is
digitally signed
using QRcode
Based on table 2, the results obtained are that the
system can run as expected / valid. The error that
occurs from the test results is when the user enters the
wrong user and pass, the size and file format are not
Data input difficulties occur when operators input
schedule data because they have to adjust to the
existing format. Schedule data input will activate the
attendance list menu and lecture monitoring. Error
inputting schedule data will have an impact on the
attendance data which will not appear when creating
an attendance token. The need for academic
documents as substance for monitoring and
evaluation carried out by the quality control group
(GKM) every semester can be seen in the account of
the head of the study program who monitors and
validates according to the standard format.
From the research we have done and based on the
results of testing 144 users by following
predetermined procedures, it can be concluded that
based on the test results of prospective users, the
system developed is feasible to use to anticipate
learning in the new normal. Moreover, SSO is very
well used to support integrated information systems
with adequate infrastructure support for security.
Furthermore, the system developed makes it easier
for lecturers and students to communicate related to
mentoring consultations.
For all the assistance provided by Polimdo, the
research team would like to thank all those who have
helped carry out this research activity.
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Integrated Information System Model Development in Manado State Polytechnic