tends to exceed the labeled area, while the results of
cardiac cavity segmentation on the RESNET-18
architecture have a segmentation area pattern that
tends to reduce the area that has been labeled. The
VGG-16 has a higher average accuracy at each point
of view, which is about 83% -93% than the RESNET-
18 architecture with an average accuracy of around
76% -92%. The heart point of view on the VGG-16
architecture which has the highest average accuracy
is the long axis and the lowest in the short axis, while
on the ResNet architecture the highest is 4 chambers
and the lowest in the long axis.
We have presented a multidimensional
echocardiography image segmentation using deep
learning such as a convolutional neural network with
only information from echocardiography image
which is converted from the video are able to solve
the existing problem such as, helps doctors determine
the cardiac cavity when examining cardiac patients
from echocardiography used in Indonesia. Those
existing works that use features that are manually
designed as input to a system to perform
segmentation are seemed rather difficult to
implement in multidimensional echocardiography
image segmentation due to its difference and
uncertain quality video. The parameters were studied
from the training data but the video produced was
based on each echocardiography device in the
hospital and the video taking when the heart
examination was also carried out by people who
sometimes differed from different patients every day
made the video results from echocardiography also
differed in quality. So it seems a little difficult to
implement at this time.
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