and file address so that it can be uploaded easily and
is not difficult to find, and what applications are used
to find out the processing of these files.
2.1 Approaches and Concepts
Using books, articles and other appropriate sources,
such as texts available on the Internet, to support this
research problem. The research design is described as
shown in Fig. 1 From the picture above is a research
concept which can be explained by the following
steps as like as, prepare files that are related to each
other, for example Microsoft Word files, Microsoft
Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint files and or others,
the resulting original file has a name and address that
refers to the year and file number, with the maximum
size of MB capacity, using the PHP programming
language as file processing to produce digital
documents that are easy to find, files in the form of
digital documents produce file names and addresses
that are easy to find (Arista, 2012).
2.2 Flowchart
This research begins by preparing supporting data
such as windows system, word application, excel,
powerpoint, photoshop, corel draw, anti virus
application as resident memory application and
several other applications. File processing uses the
PHP programming language that runs on the
Windows Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browse as
shown in Figure 2.
2.3 Research Procedure
Installation of systems on computers with various
versions such as Windows XP SP3 System, Windows
Vista System and Windows 7 System and several
other applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft
Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, graphic applications
such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Macromedia
Flash, Macromedia Dreamweaver; Implementation
of the PHP programming language is used on
localhost first with various browsers such as
Windows Explorer and Mozilla Firefox (Sutaji,
2017); Perform processing on localhost, after running
well then publish it to the hosting and server domain;
Measurement of file names and document addresses
on uploaded condition; Compare the results of file
processing with the sample in the institutional
repository, both from the file name and the address.
Figure 1: Existing Conditions and Research Design.
In this study we used the same files to obtain stability
in measurements. This treatment is carried out on the
same application by differentiating the use of
localhost and cpanel in the hosting. Creating
index.php file using Macromedia Dreamweaver and
sent using Filezilla. Header design using Corel Draw
(Chandra, 2003).
3.1 Result Measurement
The files uploaded in this study use the pdf format
generated from the CutePDF Writer printer using the
standard procedure of the printer.
3.2 Discussions
Uploaded files generated from this study do have few
characters and are simple and easy for the user to
remember by using the NIDN as the prepared folder
and file name. If in the future it is used for the file link,
it will still be seen in the file link filling form. To enter
this system, the user can communicate first with the
admin via Whatsapp API. Communication via
whatsapp is more effective and gets. Whatsapp media
is currently more familiar with other media and the
average person use fluently. Likewise to get it is very
easy and is facilities from the mobile.