A common approach used by most people to interact
with information systems is to treat it as a data store
(Create Read Update Delete). We have a model of
multiple record structures for creating new records,
reading records, updating existing records, and
deleting records when we are done with them. In the
simplest of systems, our interaction is about keeping
and retrieving these records. As technology develops
in information systems, our needs become more
sophisticated, we try to develop models that are
commonly used. We view information in different
ways, perhaps breaking it down into several records.
CQRS using a significant change structure, can be
a significant solution to create information systems.
There are several benefits to using CQRS. The first is
that some complex domains are easier to handle using
CQRS. There is usually a fair amount of overlap
between the command and query sides to make
sharing the model easier. Another benefit is that in
handling high-performance applications, CQRS
separates the load from reads and writes so we can
scale it independently. When it comes to
distinguishing between reading and writing, it is very
Based on the description that has been described
in the previous section, it can be concluded as
follows. The CQRS implementation basically
simplifies the design so that it has separate read
(query) model and write (update) models. Separation
of the read and write sides will make system
maintenance easier. Most of the complex business
logic will be in the write model. Compared to the
written model, the reading model can be relatively
simpler. By using a pattern like this, system
development will be more flexible when changes
need to be made. On the other hand, the application
can avoid complex joins when creating queries.
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