Figure 4: Sensitivity analysis of the jerk during a tip-in test
with the initial vehicle speed 19 km/h and the selected
gear 1/2.
Figure 3 shows varying responses of the vehicle
longitudinal accelerations. It shows an increase of
the acceleration oscillation for an increase of the
engine driven axle torque and torque demand. The
electric motor driven axle gives a small rise in
oscillation and low amplitude oscillation during this
test whilst the engine driven axle generates
significant high amplitude oscillation. It is shown in
Figure 3 that when the torque distribution of the EM
is dominant, the maximum torque demand is needed
only up to 28%. Figure 4 shows the jerk
characteristics with different torque distributions.
The results are similar to those for the acceleration.
The increased jerk oscillation values are obtained
when the engine torques are dominant compared to
the electric motor torque demand and vice versa.
The maximum jerk which can be reached when the
torque distribution 80% ICE: 20% EM is 20 m/s
whereas for the torque distribution 20% ICE: 80%
EM is approximately 12 m/s
. Figure 5 shows the
speed profiles for two manoeuvres where the torque
distribution on the front and rear is 80:20% ICE:EM,
and. The speed of different components at the wheel,
such as the engine and electric motor, are referred to
the vehicle speed (i.e. the engine speed is divided by
selected gear ratio and differential ratio and
multiplied by the wheel radius). As a consequence,
the figure shows the concurrent evaluation of the
torsion dynamics of both powertrain during the test.
Due to the initial torsion of the engine clutch
damper and the inside of the component, the speed
of the engine driven axle at the wheel tends to
oscillate before the first set of clutch springs starts to
transmit the torque. The simulation results show that
each couple of speeds (engine with front wheel speed
and motor with rear wheel speed) tends to converge
at the end of the transient condition when the half-
Figure 5: Speed comparison for each component speed
referred to the vehicle speed during a tip-in test with the
selected gear 1/2.
shaft reaches the steady-state torsion angle for that
value of transmitted torque. In both figures, the tyre
slip ratio dynamics are evident from the difference
between the vehicle speed and the respective wheel
speed. As a result of the transient condition, the
wheel speed profile is higher on the axle
transmitting the majority of the torque, the front axle
in Figure 4.
After the development of a model and following the
simulation, it is shown that the combination of the
torque characteristics of the ICE and the EM
propulsion and their transmission has the largest
impact on driveline responses, which affect
drivability. In addition, the vehicle dynamic
response behavior has high oscillations and a more
complex time history during hybrid mode due to the
combination of rapidly variable torque demand and
the first natural frequencies from two different
propulsions in transient condition.
I wish to thank to all my colloquies in the
Mechanical Department for involving during the
study. Thank to Director of the State Polytechnic
Ujung Pandang for providing facilities, and The
Higher Education Ministry of Indonesia (Direktorat
Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, DRPM) for
supporting the research funding.