to the organization and the environment in the form
of physical records of data, processing -
transformation according to the "special" needs of the
organization, transmissions - flows that occur in
information systems, storage - presupposing some
expected future use, recovery - searching for recorded
data, presentations - reporting, communication, and
decision-making - inclusions that are controversial,
except to the extent that the information system is
involved in making decisions concerning itself.
2.1 OLAP (Online Analytical
According to Turban, Sharda, Delen, and King (2011:
77) the main operational structure in OLAP is based
on a concept called a cube (cube). The cubes (cubes)
in OLAP are multidimensional (actual or virtual) data
structures that allow fast data analysis. It can also be
defined as the ability to efficiently manipulate and
analyze data from multiple perspectives. Arranging
the data into cubes aims to overcome the limitations
of laser-relevant data. Relational databases are not
suitable for fast and close analysis of large amounts
of data. Instead, they are better suited for
manipulating records (adding, deleting, and updating
data) that represent a series of transactions. Online
Analytical Processing (OLAP), which is a database
concept where data processing is used to analyze data.
yet clear and complex so that no immediate solution
can be used).
Such as sales and age trends. OLAP features:
1. Is read-only
2. Oriented in business subjects
3. Integrated data
4. Data is historical
5. Erratic data activity
2.2 The Several Differences between
From the above understanding, there are several
differences between OLTP and OLAP:
• OLTP (Online Transaction Processing):
1. The query used is quite simple.
2. The processing speed is basically very fast.
3. The required data space is relatively small.
4. The processed data includes the latest data.
5. The main function of OLTP is to support the
operational activities of a company using daily
databases. An example is an application for entering
consumer data, viewing transaction data, adding
employee data and so on.
• OLAP (Online Analytical Processing):
1.The query used is quite difficult.
2.The speed of the process depends on the data
being processed.
3.The required data space is relatively large.
4.Processed data includes past data (history data).
5.The main function of OLAP is to be able to
produce information from existing data analysis so
that it can assist in making a decision in a company
2.3 ETL Concept (Extract Transform
Data extraction is the process by which data is
retrieved or extracted from various operational
systems, either using queries, or ETL applications.
There are several data extraction functions, namely:
1. Automatic data extraction from the source
2. Filtering or selection of extracted data.
3. Sending data from various application platforms
to data sources.
4. Change the data layout format from the original
5. Storage in temporary files for incorporation with
extracted results from other sources.
2.4 Electric Field Generating
Transformation is a process in which raw data (raw
data) extracted is filtered and modified according to
applicable business principles. The steps in data
transformation are as follows:
1. Map the input data from the original data scheme
to the data warehouse schema.
2. Convert data types or data formats.
3. Cleaning and eliminating duplication and data
4. Calculation of derivative or preliminary values.
5. Calculation of aggregate or summary values.
6. Data reference integrity check.
7. Filling in empty values with default values.
8. Merging data.
The last process that needs to be done is the
process of loading the data obtained from the
transformation into the data warehouse. The way to
load data is to run SQL scripts periodically.
2.5 Website
Website or site can be interpreted as a collection of
pages that are used to display text information, still or
motion pictures, animations, sounds, and or a