In the experiment scenario, each robot will travel to
the goal position on the other side of the room from
their initial position. Both robot will encounter
obstacle and trying to maintain the path that were
defined in the beginning of the algorithm, a straight
line between the initial position and the goal position.
On Rviz, each robot will leave a 2d map along the
way to their goal as shown in Fig. 10.
Figure 10: 2D Map generated from the encounter of the
robot with obstacle.
As shown on the Fig. 11 that the original path (the
straight line) as the reference of the path for the robot.
Thus the robot will try to avoid the obstacle (the block
on the middle of the room) while trying to return the
original path.
Figure 11: Visualization of the algorithm.
The robots are able to travel safely to the goal position
while leaving a trace on the Rviz to visualize the
obstacles that have been encountered. However, the
Gazebo simulation has successfully spawn both
robots on the same environment with each namespace
attached to their topics. Bug Algorithm has its own
limitation, for instance while the robot trapped on U
shape obstacle. However, this can be overcome by
changing the obstacle avoidance behaviour to
circumnavigate the obstacle, therefore the robots will
select the traversable side point of the obstacle to
reach the goal position.
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