The Impact of Posting Selfies and Gaining Feedback (‘Likes’) on the
Self-esteem of Woman Instagram Users
Syalsa Maulina Sitompul and Nurmina
Department of Psychology, State University of Padang, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Self-Esteem, Feedback “Like”, Selfies, Woman Instagram Users.
Abstract: This study aims to see the effect of selfie upload feedback on the self-esteem value of female Instagram users.
The research design used is experimental research within and between subject. The population in this study
were active students of the Department of Psychology, Padang State University. The sampling technique used
random sampling technique with a sample size of 45 people. The data analysis technique used was repeated
measure anova. The results showed that there was an effect of feedback on self-esteem. This is evidenced by
a significant change in the value of self-esteem in the group that uploaded selfies, whether they did not or get
additional “likes” (p < 0.05), there was no significant change in self-esteem values in the group that did not
upload selfies (p > 0.05) and there was an interaction between time and groups during the study (p < 0.05).
Self-esteem is an assessment made by an individual
of himself either positively or negatively, such as
accepting and appreciating himself (Desjarlais, 2019;
Rosenberg, 1965; Santrock, 2019). Rosenberg (1965)
divides self-esteem into two, namely positive/high
and negative/low. Individuals with high self-esteem
are characterized by individuals considering
themselves valuable, valuing themselves for who they
are, not admiring themselves or asking others to
admire themselves and also individuals with high
self-esteem values do not consider themselves more
than others, whereas individuals with low self-esteem
are characterized by individuals who cannot accept
themselves for who they are and consider themselves
despised. A healthy form of self-esteem is described
in the way the individual considers himself valuable
or worthy, does not consider himself better than
others nor does he consider himself worse, and knows
the boundaries within himself.
Self-esteem owned by individuals is influenced
by several factors, one of which is the use of social
media. Research conducted by Jan et al. (2017)
resulted in that higher the use of social media can
lower an individual's self-esteem. Another study
conducted by Valkenburg et al. (2006) seen from the
use of friendship networking sites revealed that the
use of social media seen from feedback (positive or
negative) obtained on their profile photos can affect
the self-esteem and well-being of users. Users who
get positive feedback can improve self-esteem and
well-being, while if they get negative feedback can
reduce self-esteem and user well-being.
Social media is often used to take, share and
search digital photos to reflect themselves and self-
presentation is called selfies (Kozinets et al., 2017;
McLean et al., 2019; Shin et al., 2017). One of the
social media used to upload selfies is Instagram.
Instagram is a social media device that gets a positive
value on expressing themselves and the identity of
users (Royal Society Public Health & Young Health
Movement, 2017). In 2016, there were about 282
million selfies on Instagram (Lister, 2019), and
women posted more selfies than men in their teens
and early adulthood (Dhir et al., 2016). However,
research related to selfie activities and getting
feedback with user self-esteem is still relatively small
and also at least using experimental research
(Coulthard & Ogden, 2018).
Svelander &Wiberg (2015) revealed that selfies
are influenced by several factors, one of which is
social feedback. Research shows that teens and early
adults want "like" feedback on uploaded selfie posts
and tend to like posts with a lot of likes compared to
posts that have few likes (Chua & Chang, 2016;
Mascheroni et al., 2015; Sherman et al., 2016). Likes
are also referred to as "online currencies" of
numerical representations of social acceptance and as
Maulina Sitompul, S. and Nurmina, .
The Impact of Posting Selfies and Gaining Feedback (‘Likes’) on the Self-esteem of Woman Instagram Users.
DOI: 10.5220/0011094800003368
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Mental Health (Icometh 2021), pages 39-45
ISBN: 978-989-758-586-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a supporting factor one compares oneself to others
(Rosenthal-von der Pütten et al., 2019) and can
produce happy emotions (Chua &Chang, 2016). The
number of likes is used to evaluate photos themselves
and most of the teens are continuously optimizing
profile photos or photo uploads for positive feedback
(Li et al., 2018).
Research conducted by Pounders et al. (2016)
shows that self-esteem is a major contributing factor
to uploading selfies to social media. But the number
of likes gained on the uploaded selfie is not in
accordance with expectations can reduce self-esteem.
Sociometer theory holds that acceptance and rejection
from others can affect self-esteem (Leary et al.,
1995). Likes are likened to acceptance from others
that can increase self-esteem, while there is no
likened to a classification from others that negatively
impact self-esteem (Coulthard & Ogden, 2018). The
number of likes can also affect self-esteem in users,
the higher the number of likes the higher the user's
self-esteem (Burrow &Rainone, 2017; Shamsu et al.,
2020; Wohn et al., 2016).
In 2019, instagram hid the number of likes due to
mental health and well-being problems caused by the
number of likes gained (Leung, 2019; Macmilan,
2017; Motherland, 2019; Spangler, 2019). The
number of likes gained by individuals can also affect
several aspects such as anxiety, depression, self-
esteem, and body image (Chua & Chang, 2016;
Coulthard & Ogden, 2018; Mayasari et al., 2018;
Tiggemann et al., 2018). Posts that have likes that are
widely used as a standard of beauty and cause low
self-esteem of users if they do not display the perfect
photo (Chua & Chang, 2016). Research conducted by
Chua & Chang (2016) showed that all participants
edited photos taken before being uploaded to social
media and this activity has become a necessity. This
is done to get photos that are "beautiful" and meet
beauty standards on social media.
Experimental research conducted by Burrow &
Rainone (2017) on Facebook users asked users to take
selfies and upload them on mock Facebook sites and
manipulate the number of likes gained. After that,
researchers measured the user's level of self-esteem.
The results of this study showed that users with a high
number of likes reported having positive self-esteem
than users who had low self-esteem. This is
characterized by the likes obtained likened to the
acceptance received from others. However, the study
was conducted in a laboratory so it did not reflect how
"real world" social media is.
Many studies related to selfies and social media
feedback use qualitative methods or correlation
design and experimental research conducted in the
laboratory so as not to reflect how "real world" social
media is. Based on the description, the study will
propose a hypothesis as follows:
H1: There is an increase in self-esteem in groups
that upload selfies and get additional "likes"
H2: There is a decrease in self-esteem value in
groups that upload selfies and do not get additional
H3: There is no change in the self-esteem value of
groups that do not upload selfies.
H4: Intraction between measurement time and
group during research.
Experimental research is research that examines the
causation of variables to be studied (Seniati et al.,
2005). The experimental research design used was the
design of the study between and within subject,
because researchers wanted to see the difference in
scores from each group and also see the difference in
scores in each time of measurement in each group.
The experimental research procedure used by
researchers is adapted from research conducted by
Coulthard & Ogden (2018). Variables between
subjects are conditions (not uploading selfies,
uploading selfies and not receiving feedback, as well
as uploading selfies and getting feedback), variables
in the subject are time (T1 at the beginning of the
activity, T2 at the end of the activity, and T3 a week
after the activity) and the result variable is self-
esteem. In this study researchers used "like" feedback
as a treatment to be done.
The population in this study is an active student of
the Department of Psychology, Padang State
University. The sampling technique that will be used
in this study is random sampling. The number of
samples needed in this study as many as 45 people will
be divided into three groups, namely the group does
not upload selfies (KK), groups upload selfies and do
not get additional "likes" (KE1), and groups upload
selfies and get additional "likes" (KE2). Group
division is done randomly so that all groups become
equal. In the group uploading selfies and getting
additional "likes" (KE2) researchers asked permission
first to the participants to give additional "likes" to the
photo to be uploaded. "Likes" will be added after the
subject uploads the first selfie to instagram.
The study was conducted for 2 weeks. In the first
week, subjects in the group uploaded one selfie must
upload one selfie per day for seven days. Groups that
did not upload selfies were asked not to upload selfies
during the study. Before the KE1 and KE2 groups, all
subjects were required to fill out questionnaires. The
questionnaire was shared at three points of study time,
Icometh 2021 - International Conference of Mental Health
namely the 1st day before group 1 and KE2 uploaded
the selfie to instagram, the 2nd day after all subjects
of group KE1 and KE2 uploaded the last selfie to
instagram and the 3rd day one week after the last
selfie was uploaded. All subjects are required to
submit evidence after filling out a questionnaire and
upload a selfie as confirmation of having conducted
research activities.
In this study the scale used in data retrieval is the
self-esteem scale developed by Rosenberg (1965), the
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale which is a scale that is
widely used to measure self-esteem in the last 10
years (Donnellan et al., 2015). This self-esteem scale
has been translated into Indonesian by Azwar (2012),
which consists of 10 question items using the Likert
scale. Alternative answers use the Likert scale with 4
alternative answers, namely strongly agree, agree,
disagree and disagree strongly. The self-esteem scale
adapted from Azwar (2012) gets a total aitem-
correlation value between 0.415 to 0.703 with n = 71
on 10 items. While the reliability value of the self-
esteem scale is rxx = 0.8587 on 10 items.
Data obtained from the subject through
questionnaires that have been shared is then changed
in the form of quantitative numbers, so that the data
obtained can be analyzed using statistics. The
normality test is done before the hypothesis test. In
this study, data analysis used repeated measures
ANOVA. Repeted Measures ANOVA is a data
analysis used to see the difference in scores obtained
by subjects with two or more measurement times
(Frey, 2018). Test the significance of Fhitung and
Phteoritic. If from Fhitung Fteoritic is interpreted as
the difference between the variables tested, while
Fhitung Fteoritic is interpreted as the absence of
differences between the variables tested (Winarsunu,
2002). The ANOVA Repeated Measures test was
conducted using the SPSS program.
Before looking for differences between the three
research groups, normality tests were conducted on
the data obtained. The normality test is a test used to
find out whether the data obtained is normal or not
(Nuryadi et al., 2017). In this study, researchers used
the Shapiro-Wilk normality test using SPSS. In
decision making, the data obtained is said to be
normal distribution when p>0.05, while the data
obtained is said to be not normal distribution when
Table 1 : Normality Test.
No selfies
Selfies without
any additional
Selfies and get
extra likes
K1 K2 K3 K1 K2 K3 K1 K2 K3
.47 .22 .08 .15 .59 .64 .79 .11 .31
.05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05
In table 1, there is a normality test in each group
at three points in the study. Judging from the table
above, it can be concluded that the data obtained in
each group at three points of the study's time is
normal distribution. This is due to the significance
value obtained >0.05.
To find out the results of this study, the results of the
data analysis test were conducted. In this study,
researchers used a data analysis technique called
Repeated Measures ANOVA.
Table 2 : Repeated Measures ANOVA.
0.316 0.730 0.533
0.157 0.026 0.007
Judging from table 2, the significance of
Sphericity obtained by the three subject groups >
0.05, meaning that decision making can be seen from
the level of significance of Sphericity Assumed. The
level of significance obtained by KK amounted to
0.157 > 0.05, meaning there was no significant
change to the value of self-esteem in the three
research time groups. While in KE1 and KE2 the
level of significance obtained < 0.05, meaning that
the interaction showed that changes in self-esteem
value in the three study time groups differed
From the table above it can be found that KE1 and
KE2 show that there is an interaction of changes in
self-esteem value in the three measurement time
groups significantly. Furthermore, there was no
significant influence seen from time and condition on
the subject's self-esteem but the effect of significant
selfie upload feedback on the subject's self-esteem as
seen from the condition by the time interaction on the
subject's self-esteem. Groups that have a significance
value of < 0.05, will then be tested pairwise
comparisons to see the difference in average and
significance value obtained.
The Impact of Posting Selfies and Gaining Feedback (‘Likes’) on the Self-esteem of Woman Instagram Users
Table 3 : Pairwise Comparisons
95% Confidence
Interval for
Lower U
Table 3 is the result of Pairwise Comparisons
using SPSS. On KE1 the average at times 1-2 is down
by 3.07 with a significance level of 0.05, meaning
there is a difference in average KE1 self-esteem at
times 1-2, with the average below 0.04 and the upper
average of 6.1 at a confidence level of 95%.
Furthermore, at the time of 1-3 there was an average
decrease in self-esteem of 1.00 with a significance
level of 0.95. That is, there was no significant change
in average self-esteem at times 1-3, with an average
below -1.61 and an upper average of 3.61 at a 95%
confidence level. At a time of 2-3 the average value
rose by 2.07 with a significance level of 0.29. That
means there was a significant change in average self-
esteem at 2-3, with an average below -5.22 and an
upper average of 1.09 at a 95% confidence level.
Furthermore, on KE2, the average at times 1-2
increased by 3.87 with a significance level of 0.03.
This means that at measurement times 1-2 there was
a significant change in the subject's average self-
esteem with a lower average of -7.54 and an upper
average of -0.19 at a 95% confidence level. At
measurement time 1-3, the subject's average self-
esteem increased by 3.07 with a significance level of
0.04. This means that at measurement time 1-3 there
was a significant change in the average self-esteem of
the subject with a lower average of -6.04 and an upper
average of -0.1 at a 95% confidence level. The
average self-esteem at the time of measurement 2-3
decreased by 0.80 with a significance level of 1.00.
This meant there was no significant change in the
subject's average self-esteem with a lower average of
-2.16 and an upper average of 3.76 at a 95%
confidence level.
From table 3 it can be concluded that the average
self-esteem of KE1 at the time of measurement 1-2
decreased significantly, while at the time of
measurement 2-3 experienced a significant increase.
Furthermore, the average self-esteem of KE2 at the
time of measurement 1-2 experienced a significant
increase, but at the time of measurement 2-3
decreased but not significant.
Table 4. Within-Subjects Effects.
Type III
Sum of
F Sig.
43.304 2 21.652 2.052 .135 .047
43.304 1.847 23.444 2.052 .139 .047
Huynh-Feldt 43.304 2.000 21.652 2.052 .135 .047
Lower-bound 43.304 1.000 43.304 2.052 .159 .047
203.896 4 50.974 4.832 .001 .187
203.896 3.694 55.192 4.832 .002 .187
Huynh-Feldt 203.896 4.000 50.974 4.832 .001 .187
Lower-bound 203.896 2.000 101.948 4.832 .013 .187
886.133 84 10.549
886.133 77.58 11.422
Huynh-Feldt 886.133 84.00 10.549
Lower-bound 886.133 42.00 21.098
In table 4 on the time line, it can be seen that there
is no significant change due to the value of
significance gained > 0.0.5. But there was a
significant interaction between the condition and the
study time because it got a significance value of
0.001. This interaction shows that there is a
significant change in the price value of T1, T2 and T3
in all three groups (Widhiarso, 2011).
Table 5. Tests of Between-Subjects Effects.
Type III
Sum of
F Sig.
Intercept 145172.
.000 .997
Condition 16.993 2 8.496 .714 .496 .033
Error 499.867 42 11.902
In the significant column in table 5 as seen from
the condition row there is a significant value of 0.496.
This means that there is no significant change
between the feedback of selfie uploads on the value
of self-esteem seen from the condition, because the
significant value obtained > 0.05.
Based on the results of the analysis test that has
been conducted seen from table 3 it can be concluded
Icometh 2021 - International Conference of Mental Health
that the group that uploaded selfies and gained
additional "likes" experienced a significant increase
in self-esteem during the study. This is evidenced by
the increase in the average self-esteem value obtained
in the experimental group 2 as seen from table 3 of
3.87 with significance of 0.04. So H1 which states
that there is an increase in self-esteem value in groups
that upload selfies and get additional "likes", is
accepted. The group that uploaded the selfie and did
not get any additional "likes", experienced a
significant decrease in average self-esteem value at 1-
2 by 3.07 and experienced an insignificant increase at
a time of 2-3 of 2.07. So H2 which states that there is
a decrease in the value of self-esteem in groups that
upload selfies and do not get additional "likes", is
accepted. The acceptance of H1 and H2 shows that
the influence of like feedback on the self-esteem of
women instagram users.
Furthermore, based on the results of the analysis
test also obtained the results that the group that did
not upload selfies did not experience a significant
change in average self-esteem value during the study
seen from table 2. This means that H3, which states
that there is no change in the self-esteem value of
groups that do not upload selfies, is accepted. Based
on the results of the data analysis test seen in table 4
of the cond x time row, the significance value of 0.001
is interpreted as a significant interaction between the
research time and the research group. So that H4,
which states the interaction between research time
and research groups, is accepted.
The value of self-esteem in each individual tends to
be different from each other. This is because self-
esteem is a subjective assessment made by
individuals on themselves that are positive or
negative (Desjarlais, 2019; Neff, 2011; Rosenberg,
1965). The value of self-esteem possessed by
individuals can be changed by several factors, one of
which is the "likes" feedback obtained on social
media. According to sociometer theory, acceptance or
rejection given by others is one of the factors that can
affect self-esteem (Leary et al., 1995). Getting likes is
like accepting from others, while not getting likes is
likened to rejection from others (Coulthard &ogden,
2018). Research conducted by Pounders et al. (2016)
shows that self-esteem is a major contributing factor
to uploading selfies to social media. But the number
of likes gained on the uploaded selfie is not in
accordance with expectations can reduce self-esteem.
This theory is in line with the results of research
obtained which showed that there was a significant
change in the self-esteem value of the experimental
group, no significant change in the self-esteem value
of the control group and the interaction between time
and group during the study.
The results also showed that the experimental
group that gained additional "likes" significantly
increased in self-esteem value, while the
experimental group that did not get additional "likes"
significantly decreased in the study. The results of
this study are in line with the results of a study
conducted by Burrow &Rainone (2017) which
showed that individuals who had a high number of
"likes" significantly had high self-esteem compared
to individuals with low or average "likes". Research
shows that teens and early adults want "like" feedback
on uploaded selfie posts and tend to like posts with a
lot of likes compared to posts that have few likes
(Chua & Chang, 2016; Mascheroni et al., 2015;
Sherman et al., 2016).
No significant change in self-esteem in the group
that did not post a selfie showed that using social
media or getting likes could affect self-esteem. This
is supported by research results that show that the
higher the intensity of social media use can reduce
self-esteem (Jan et al., 2017), the use of social media
seen from the feedback obtained can affect self-
esteem and well-being (Valkenburg et al., 2006) and
the statement of Adam Mosseri, instagram boss, who
said that likes obtained can affect mental health
(Leung, 2019; Spangler, 2019).
Research conducted by Coulthard and Ogden
(2018) obtained results that contradicted the results of
research obtained by researchers, namely there was
no influence of uploading selfies and getting feedback
on self-esteem. This is because during the study,
participants experienced dropouts and were afraid of
feeling exposed on social media because they
uploaded too many selfies than usual. And also the
likes that participants get raise the question of
whether there is an additional influence of "likes"
(unknown people) that are obtained the same as the
likes that participants get before getting additional
"likes" (known people).
From the results of data analysis tests and
hypothesis tests, it can be concluded that the influence
of selfie feedback on the self-esteem of women
instagram users. This is evidenced by the acceptance
of H1, H2 and H4, which showed the self-esteem
value of the group that posted selfies and earned
additional "likes" was higher than the group that did
not get additional "likes" and the interaction of time
and research groups during the study. And the effect
of the use of social media on the value of self-esteem
as evidenced by the acceptance of H3 shows no
significant change in self-esteem value in groups that
do not upload selfies.
The Impact of Posting Selfies and Gaining Feedback (‘Likes’) on the Self-esteem of Woman Instagram Users
Based on the results of research from hypothesis tests
obtained by researchers regarding the influence of
selfie upload feedback on the self-esteem of women
instagram users, it can be concluded that:
1. There was a change in self-esteem value in
groups that uploaded selfies and got additional
"likes" and groups that posted selfies and did not
get additional "likes".
2. There was a significant increase in self-esteem in
the group that uploaded the selfie and got an
additional "like"
3. There was a significant decrease in self-esteem
in the group that posted selfies and did not get
additional "likes".
4. There was no significant change in self-esteem in
the group that did not upload the selfie.
5. There is an interaction of time and research
groups during research.
Based on the results of research obtained by
researchers, there are several suggestions that can be
considered for related parties, namely:
1. For Women Instagram Users, the advice that
researchers give women instagram users is to see
the impact, either positive or negative, in using
social media and wise in using social media.
Thus allowing the value of self-esteem to be
stable over time..
2. Share the Next Research, research activities in
this study are less conducive because it takes
place during pandemic conditions, so the
activities are carried out online. For further
research is expected when conducting research
activities, researchers conduct assistance to
ensure the subject performs activities in
accordance with the instructions of activities that
have been established.
For further researchers who use the same topic to
increase the sample size in each group in order to
expand the results of the study.
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The Impact of Posting Selfies and Gaining Feedback (‘Likes’) on the Self-esteem of Woman Instagram Users