The Impact of Empathy towards Cyberbullying Behavior among
Adolescents Who Accessed TikTok in Indonesia
Zulian Fikry, Gumi Langerya Rizal
and Willy Sintia
Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Empathy, Cyberbullying, Adolescents.
Abstract: The study was based on numerous phenomenon of cyberbullying among Indonesian adolescents who use
social media, especially the adolescents who access TikTok videos. The aim of this study was to determine
the effect of empathy on cyberbullying behavior among adolescents who access TikTok videos.The
respondents were Adolescents who accessed TikTok using TikTok Application and also those who used
various video viewing platform like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and other to see TikTok videos. There
were 708 adolescents across Indonesia had participated as respondent with age range of 12-21 years old. The
data was collected using Empathy Questionaires (19 items) and Cyberbullying Questionaires (31 items). Both
scale items was selected by using Corrected Item Total Correlation (0,30). The two scales coefficient of
reliability by using Chronbach’s Alpha was α=0,86 for Empathy Questionaires, and α=0,924 for
Cyberbullying Questionaires. The collected data were analyzed using linear regression analysis. The study
found significant impact of empathy towards s cyberbullying behavior among adolescents who accessed the
TikTok videos (sig<0,05). The direction of the correlation of empathy towards cyberbullying is negative (F=
Before getting to know the internet and its various
features, face-to-face communication was one of the
requirements for healthy and acceptable
communication in societal norms. But because of the
advancement of internet technology, which includes
social media, it has changed the form of
communication and social life in an increasingly
modern society (Ünal, 2018).Around 3.80 billion
internet users are active users of social media (Kemp,
2020). Meanwhile, according to reports on the
collaboration between APJII (Association of
Indonesian Internet Service Providers) and
Indonesian Polling (2019), the number of social
media users in Indonesia are 170 million (59%).
Because of this, communication through instant
message sharing applications, video calls, and other
social media applications is commonplace and widely
used. The use of these communication lines certainly
makes it more convenient for its users (Shipps &
Phillips, 2013).
Social media is a collection of applications based
on the internet on which ideological pillars are built
along with web 2.0, which allows users to create and
exchange content (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2017). In all
age ranges who use social media, the majority are
teenagers. As stated by a survey from APJII (2019),
in the age range of 10 to 24 years the average
percentage of internet and social media users is
81.9%, where in each category the age range of the
percentage of users is more than 60%. The greater the
number of teenagers who use social media, the greater
the openness of information and media for them. That
statement confirm Chan-Olmsted, Cho, & Lee’s
findings in 2020 that openness is considered the most
obvious quality representing all types of social media.
In addition, the main driver for individuals to access
social media is for entertainment (Reinecke,
Vorderer, & Knop, 2014). Removing the dimensions
of space and time, social media is a very interactive
media that makes it easy for youth to be able to share
information and stay connected with others (O’Dea &
Campbell, 2012). One of the social media
applications that is currently being discussed is the
short video-based social media called tiktok. Tiktok
was created by a technology company from China
called Byte Dance (Leskin, 2020),where videos can
be made and given various special effects with a
Fikry, Z., Rizal, G. and Sintia, W.
The Impact of Empathy towards Cyberbullying Behavior among Adolescents Who Accessed TikTok in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0011095900003368
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Mental Health (Icometh 2021), pages 83-89
ISBN: 978-989-758-586-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
duration of thirty seconds to one minute (Susilowati,
Although there are many advantages that can be
obtained by having social media, there are still
negative impacts that cannot be avoided on social
media itself. Social media makes it easier for teens to
be exposed to various risks (George, 2019). One of
the risks is cyberbullying or bullying in cyberspace.
Willard (2007) explained cyberbullying as behavior
that sends or spreads something harmful or aggressive
through the internet or other digital
media.Parks(2013), stated that one in five adolescents
aged 10 to 18 years had encountered cyberbullying,
both as the perpetrator and the victim. Meanwhile,
from several studies in Indonesia, it can be seen that
many adolescents aged 12 to 18 years (junior high and
high school students) have encountered
cyberbullying (Ruangnapakul, Salam, & Shawkat,
2019).There are several factors that cause teenagers
to engage in cyberbullying. Several possible factors
are internet usage frequency and empathy (Erdur-
Baker, 2010). Many literature states that teenagers
access their social media for more than one hour per
day. The next cause is the lack of empathy in
individuals who do cyberbullying.
Davis (1996) defined empathy as a series of
constructs that relate a person's response or response
to another individual's experience. Where the
construction specifically includes the process of
taking from within the observer and the affective and
non-affective results they get from the process.
Regarding the cyberbullying behavior of adolescents,
those with a low level of empathy are more likely to
intimidate people who are considered weak, and vice
versa (Erdur-Baker, 2010). It can be said that the
image of the victim who is considered weak or does
not have the resources to fight back makes it easier
for the perpetrator to do cyberbullying.
Brewer & Kerslake (2015) stated that a lack of
empathy can be a predictor of cyberbullying
behavior. This shows that cyberbullying behavior is
the same as traditional bullying behavior when
viewed from the empathy of the perpetrator (Jolliffe
& Farrington, 2004). This shows that adolescents who
have low empathy can bully in the real world as well
as cyberspace and vice versa.Adolescents who have
low empathy sensitivity make them less competent to
understand the condition of their victims, don't care,
and will continue to commit violence against others
(Rachmah, 2014).Studied that compared the level of
empathy between cyberbullying perpetrators,
victims, and adolescents who are not perpetrators also
stated that the level of empathy of offenders is lower
than the other two groups (Steffgen, König, Pfetsch,
& Melzer, 2011). So there are indeed differences in
the level of empathy of the three groups or groups of
adolescents. Based on some of the dynamics of past
studies, it can be concluded that the level of empathy
can be the cause of cyberbullying. Although it is quite
clear that there is a relationship between the two in
the world of social media, researchers still want to
know more specifically the influence of both on
adolescents who access Tiktok videos. Unlike other
social media where the perpetrator may not be active
enough to use the social media, in the TikTok
application the perpetrator and victim can mix
together to create video content. Where the Tiktok
application provides a duet feature, which is used as
the perpetrator to ridicule or commit cyberbullying to
the victim(Krishna, 2018). Not only fellow users can
do cyberbullying, social media users who do not have
a Tiktok account can also enjoy the content in the
application because of the sharing feature. There are
several examples of cyberbullying cases that have
occurred in various countries and in Indonesia, such
as cyberbullying received by Natalia from America
(Krishna, 2018), Bowo Alpenlibe (Fanani, 2018) and
Cimoy Montok (Yuniarta, 2020) from Indonesia, and
others.Based on previous descriptions of empathy and
cyberbullying, to the ease with which Tiktok videos
are accessed on various social media, researchers are
interested and want to know what kind of impact
empathy has toward cyberbullying in adolescents
who access Tiktok videos.In contrast to previous
studies which only discussed empathy and
cyberbullying on the internet in general, this study
emphasizes cyberbullying behavior towards tiktok
video content that can be accessed on various social
media platforms. This approach helps a more
comprehensive understanding of cyberbullying that
occurs on other social media, not only on the TikTok
application platform but also among other TikTok
video viewers through other platforms that display
videos. This provides an important novelty for
research in the field of cyberbullying, in part because
it can reveal the possibility of repeated bullying by
perpetrators to victims through several platforms
containing videos of victims. In addition, multi-
platform based research also provides an advantage
for this study to measure various levels of
cyberbullying due to variations in the characteristics
and user profiles of each platform which differ by
age. For example, on the Instagram platform,
currently active users in Indonesia are dominated by
teenagers and early adults, while on the Facebook
platform there are also middle-aged to middle-aged
users who have user profiles and are still quite active
in accessing Facebook. The findings of this study can
Icometh 2021 - International Conference of Mental Health
be an update of the findings on the level of cyber
violence in Indonesia and reveal the level of empathy
of multi-platform internet users more clearly than
The research method is quantitative correlational
design. Correlational quantitative research seeks to
ascertain or measure the relationship between two or
more variables (Thompson, 2014). Where in this
discussion the researcher tries to see the impact of
empathy (X) towards cyberbullying behavior (Y) on
adolescents who accessed TikTok in Indonesia.
Respondent population of this research is adolescents
across Indonesia who had social media accounts and
can access social media to watch TikTok videos.
Sampling technique in order get match samples of
population is by using non-probability purposive
sampling. Samples were taken based on criteria in
accordance with the objectives of the study.
Participant in this researh are: 708 adolscents spread
across 33 provinces in Indonesia with an age range of
12-21 years old, have an access TikTok videos, have
watched TikTok videos, and have responded to the
videos watched.
The research instrument used a Likert itemresponse
modelin questionnaires form. For empathy, we used
an instrument that has been made based on previous
research, namely the empathy scale by Sari (2019).
The scale refers to aspects of empathy proposed by
Davis (1983), including perspective taking, fantasy,
empathy concern, and personal distress. The
reliability of this scale is 0.86.The cyberbullying scale
is taken from Willard's (2007) seven cyberbullying
aspects: flaming, harrasment, denigration,
impersonation, outing and trickery, exclusion, and
cyberstalking compiled by the researchers
Data Collecting
The statement items of cyberbullying totaling 43
items were distributed via Google Form to 180
respondents and processed using the SPSS for
Windows version 20 to test the validity of each item.
The validity of these items is known through the
product moment validity test. Based on the analysis,
there were 12 items that failed so only that 31 items
could be used in the study. Meanwhile, the
cyberbulllying coefficient value is 0.924.Thus, there
are 19 items on the empathy scale and 31 items on the
cyberbullying scala used in data collection. Several
stages of research carried out include:
1. The preparation stage
In the form of preparation of measuring instruments
for research. Aspects based on Willard's theory for
measuring the cyberbullying scale are developed into
statement items. The items compiled were also
determined into directitems and reverse items.
2. The trial phase
Measuring instruments that have been compiled are
transferred to google form format and distributed to
social media. The collected sample data was 180, then
tested for validity and reliability using the SPSS for
Windows. After finding the missing items, the
researcher rearranged the measuring instrument with
a valid scale and asked for professional judgment and
obtained approval so that this measuring instrument
could be distributed in research.
3. Implementation Stage
Valid measuring tools are disseminated through
various social media platforms. Researchers also
include the criteria for respondents when distributing
the link so that those who fill in are the desired
respondents. The data collection process was carried
out on December 27, 2020 to January 4, 2021. All
data from 708 respondents were then analyzed for
normality test, linearity test, and analysis of
regressionusing the SPSS.
Data Analysis
The data analysis used simple linear regression
analysis to determine the impact of empathy toward
cyberbullying. data were processed using SPSS for
The number of research subjects was 708 adolescents
spread across 33 provinces in Indonesia with an age
range of 12-21 years. Female subjects totaled 561
persons (79.2%), while male respondents are 147
persons (20.8%). The majority of respondents in this
study were students, as many as 331 non-students
participants (46.8%) and followed by 292 students
participants (41.2%). Meanwhile, 64 respondents
(9.0%) were employed. Finally, there are as many as
20 respondents wereuncategorized (2.8%). It is
known that the majority of respondents have had at
The Impact of Empathy towards Cyberbullying Behavior among Adolescents Who Accessed TikTok in Indonesia
least oneTiktok account as many as 415 people
(58.6%) and 293 people (41.4%) who does not have
Tiktok account.
The empirical avarage score for the empathy
variable was greater than the hypothetical average
score (Hypothetic Avg = 47.5 <Empirical Avg =
58.42). This shows that the empathy of adolescents
who access Tiktok videos on social media is greater
than the general population. Whereas on the empirical
average, the cyberbullying variable was lower than
the hypothetical average (Hypothetical Avg = 77.5>
Empirical Avg = 51.13), which means that the
cyberbullying behavior of adolescents who accessed
the Tiktok was lower than the general population.
Table 1: Empathy and cyberbullying score categories.
Categories Empathy Cyberbullying
Very low X ≤ 33,25 X ≤ 54,25
Low 33,25 ≤ X ≤ 42,75 54,25≤ X ≤ 69,75
Moderate 42,75< X ≤ 52,25 69,75< X ≤ 85,25
52,25< X ≤ 61,75
85,25< X ≤
Very high X >61,75 X >100,75
Then to find out the categorization of the subject
according to the score obtained, the researcher
divided the categorization into five levels as shown in
the table above. The results of calculations on the
research data obtained. Below is an overview of the
subject categories for each variable.
Table 2: Categorization of respondents' scores.
Cyberbullying Empathy
Very low 454 64,1% - -
Low 234 33,1% 2 0,3%
Moderate 19 2,7% 71 10%
High 1 0,1% 441 62,3%
Very high - - 194 27,4%
Total 708 100% 708 100%
Most respondents or subjects with cyberbullying
behavior are in the very low category, where a total
of 454 people (64.1%). This means that most of the
subjects who access Tiktok videos have a very low
level of cyberbullying. Then, subjects with low levels
of cyberbullying were 234 people (33.1%). In the
medium category, 19 people (2.7%) accessed video
tiktok with cyberbullying behavior. The high
cyberbullying category is only in one respondent,
with a percentage of 0.1%. From the description
above, it can be seen that the level of cyberbullying
in research subjects is very low.
From the empathy variable categorization table, it
can be seen that the most subjects are in the high
category. Where there are 441 people (62.3%) in this
category, which means that the subject has high
empathy. In the very high category, there were 194
people (27.4%) of respondents, with their level of
empathy being the highest compared to other
subjects. Then in the medium category, there are 71
people (10%) of respondents, and there are 2
respondents who are in the low category with a
percentage of 0.3%. Finally, in the very low category,
no subject occupies this position. It can be concluded
that the respondent's empathy is high.
Furthermore, hypothesis testing is carried out to
determine whetherthe research hypothesis could be
accepted or rejected. As stated, the data
scoreshasmetall the assumption test requirements,
and can be analyzed using a simple linear regression
test. The testing results described in this following
Table 3: Hypothesis results.
t Sig
B Std.
(Constant) 11,276 0,532 21,16
empathy -0,543 0,70 -0,282 -
The constant 11,276 means that the consistent
value of the cyberbullying variable is 11,267. While
the Empathy (X) coefficient of regression are -0.543
means that when 1% of the value of empathy is added,
the cyberbullying behavior is reduced by 0.543. Due
to the regression coefficient has a negative value, it
means that the direction of the influence of the
Empathy on Cyberbullying is changing in reverse
The hypotheses are cofirmed as a significant with
0.000 significance value(in table 3) which means the
significance value are less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05).
This means that the Emphaty (X) affects the
Cyberbullying (Y) significantly more than 95%. This
has concludedthe research hypothesishas been
confirmed by the data. This research found there is a
significant contributions of empathy on
cyberbullying behavior in adolescents who access
Tiktok videos. In other words, Empathy (X)
contributes to Cyberbullying behavior (Y) can be
seen through the model of this research (see table 3).
Icometh 2021 - International Conference of Mental Health
The coefficient value in the determination column or
R square (R2) is 0.079, so the effect ofEmpathy (X)
to Cyberbullying behavior (Y) is 7.9%. While the rest
is influenced by other variables not examined in this
Social media users are always increasingin Indonesia.
Due to the increasing number of needs or daily
activities that require the built-in features of social
media, especially, in the midst of the Covid-19
pandemic, students and workers need social media to
do their tasks or needs. Teenagers are the largest
number of social media users in Indonesia.
Indonesian teenagers has been accessing various
applications like social media, and one of the most
popular application to them is Tiktok, an application
for creating and sharing short videos.
Tiktok had experienced controversy in various
countries,so that the application and its users received
unpleasant treatment by fellow users, like cyber-
harrasment, mock videos, offensive comments, and
many kind of cyberbullying. Despite the growing
popularity and many teenagers have had registered
for accounts in TikTok, those cyberbullyingsare still
common among the users (Krishna, 2018).
Cyberbullying not only occur within the scope of the
applicationorfellow users, but it also got extend in to
other social media(Pacer, 2019) and even the real life.
This happened due to the TikTok's share features
made it easly for th offender to share any videos they
want. Cyberbullying perpetrators are known to have
lower empathy than victims or other people who are
not perpetrators (Steffgen et al., 2011). Therefore, this
study aims to find out whether there is an effect of
empathy on cyberbllying in adolescents who access
Tiktok videos, and how much the empathy had
influence to cyberbullying behavior among teenagers
using or accessing TikTok videos.
Data was collected from708 teenagers aged 12
years to 21 yearsand live in 33 provinces in Indonesia,
who have accessed Tiktok videos. This aims to
determine to find out whether empathy do have
effects to cyberbullying. After being analyzed
usingsimple linear regression analysis, it was found
that there is an influence of empathy on cyberbullying
in adolescents who access Tiktok videos. In this study
it can be said that adolescents who have high empathy
tend to be aware of their behavior on social media and
cause their participation in cyberbullying against
Tiktok videos also low.
The regression coefficient value are -0.543 shows
that when the empathy of adolescents is increased by
1%, their cyberbullying behavior will decrease by
0.543. The negative sign on the coefficient value
indicates that the effect of Empathy (X) on
Cyberbullying (Y) is in reverse. These finding
supports the previous research finding by Wahyuni &
Adiyanti(2011) which stated that the ability to
empathy has a negative relationship with a tendency
to bullying behavior or in this case cyberbullying on
Tiktok videos. Based on the score, the most subjects
were in the low and very low categories of
cyberbullying behavior. Im the other hand, their
empathy were mostly in the high and very high
categories. This mean that tendency of cyberbullying
behavior of a person can be measured by the their
level of empathy.
This research was not foundany significant
difference between men and women counterparts
regarding cyberbullying behavior level. The majority
of both groups are in the low and very low categories.
This supports a study which states that there is no
significant difference in ones cyberbullying behavior
when viewed from gender (Ruangnapakul et al.,
2019). In this study, the majority of subjects also had
TikTok accounts totaling 415 people (58.6%) and the
rest were teenagers who did not have accounts. This
means that now the Tiktok application can be said to
have received acceptance from social media users. As
Michel (2018) stated that the short video platform, in
this case, Tiktok is increasingly popular among
teenagers. As Tiktok videos got more and more
acceptable among teenage usersit getting less and less
cyberbullying in this application.
To determine the contribution of empathy to
cyberbullying behavior, it can be seen from the value
of R square (R2). It can be seen that the coefficient
value is 0.079, indicating the effect of empathy on
cyberbullying is 7.9%. Meanwhile, other
contributions are influenced by variables not included
in this study. This supports the researches of Wahyuni
& Adiyanti(2011)and Setianingrum(2015)which
states that low empathy can be a predictor of
cyberbullying. So that in the future, when you find
someone committing cyberbullying, it can be said
that one of the causes of their behavior is low
Based on the findings of this study, most of the
adolescents who access Tiktok videos have
cyberbullying behavior which is in the very low and
The Impact of Empathy towards Cyberbullying Behavior among Adolescents Who Accessed TikTok in Indonesia
low categories.Meanwhile, the level of empathy
among adolescents who access Tiktok videos is
mostly in the high and very high categories and the
rest are in the medium and low categories. There is an
impact of empathy toward cyberbullying in
adolescents who access Tiktok videos. This study
shows that the direction of the influence of empathy
on cyberbullying is negative. The direction of the
negative influence shows if the higher the empathy
for someone, the lower the level of cyberbullying
behavior. Conversely, when the empathy for someone
gets lower, the level of cyberbullying behavior will be
higher.Lastly, empathy contributes 7.9% to
cyberbulllying behavior in adolescents who access
Tiktok videos.
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The Impact of Empathy towards Cyberbullying Behavior among Adolescents Who Accessed TikTok in Indonesia