complexity of the industrial processes, some
additional actors might also be relevant for the ISG.
2.3 The Need for an ISG in Production
From a general standpoint, the need to develop ISGs
is comparable to that for the Smart Grid as a whole.
The ISG allows the energy consumption of the
different industrial systems in a production site to be
coordinated dynamically based on the changing
conditions within the site and in the electrical grid.
The ISG, therefore, transforms previously energy
consuming-only loads into reactive, intelligent, loads.
Furthermore, as mentioned, there is a
decarbonisation effort in the electrical grid that hinges
considerably on the electrification of the demand
sectors. The effort is particularly strong on industrial
systems that were previously supplied on energy
vectors with high carbon footprints. The shift towards
electricity, adds additional stress on the power grid,
and increments the need for grid resilience but also
presents an opportunity (Smart Grid Coordination
Group 2012).
The implementation of Smart Grids in general and
of ISGs in particular, enables better autonomous
control actions, operator assistance, integration of
renewable sources, better market efficiency through
innovative solutions for different types of products,
better service quality, situational awareness,
efficiency enhancement, and overall resilience
(Dulău et al. 2016). And, in the particular case of IEF
allows companies to optimize their energy
consumption while collaborating with the energy
2.4 The Required Capabilities of an
Energy Flexible ISG
The functions of an ISG will not be limited to the
support of the energy flexible operation of industrial
systems. Nonetheless to support IEF the ISG must a-
) swiftly detect a change in behaviours in the internal
and external energy grids, e.g. considerable price
variations), b-) calculate the magnitude and expected
duration of these variations and, c-) deliver an optimal
response. These responses can be divided between
proactive and reactive. A proactive flexibility
response asks production sites to offer ahead of their
flexibility potential so that other external stakeholders
can retrieve it at short notice. In this case,
communication is bidirectional, i.e. the company and
TSO: Transmission System Operator
the respective stakeholders exchange information, in
real-time, regarding the specific characteristics of the
flexibility response. The ISG should then maintain a
considerable level of readiness to energy flexible
operation. In reactive flexibility, production sites,
adapt their consumption as a response to fluctuations
in the peripheral energy context. The communication
for reactive flexibility is, in principle, unidirectional,
as the site does not provide any information to
external stakeholders (VDI 5207). In this case, the
ISG should be capable of projecting the optimal
magnitude and duration of the response. The optimal
energy flexible ISG should be capable to provide both
proactive and reactive flexibility responses.
Moreover, the nature of flexibility responses
should prioritize the organization’s motivation to
deliver IEF and balance them with potential risks that
the retrieval of EFMs might entail. The overarching
motivation for IEF from a macro-perspective should
be to serve the demand-side balance of the volatility
of renewable energy supply sources. While at a
micro-scale, IEF should create a direct or indirect
benefit, usually economic, for the industrial site as an
energy consumer. Potential risks from retrieving
EFMs can be summarized as the deterioration of the
optimal operation of the site’s material and energy
flows and/or, potential impacts on the industrial
systems lifetime (Simon et al. 2018).
The heterogeneous nature of these requirements
demands a more specific analysis than the one
performed during the architecture design of the entire
smart grid nonetheless, due to their similar end-goal
the smart grid design tools can be adapted for the ISG
2.5 Smart Grid Architecture Model
and the Use Case Methodology
The Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) and the
Use Case Methodology have been selected by the
Smart Grid coordination group behind the EU
Mandate M/490 as the basis to standardize the
development of the European Smart Grid. Currently,
both tools, in combination, are used by TSOs
to develop their respective electrical smart
grids (DIN Spec 42913-1).
The SGAM is based on interoperability and
allows the creation and formalization of solutions that
can then be implemented as Smart Grid
Functionalities. It is subdivided into five so-called
interoperability layers. The component layer is the
foundational layer. It serves to map and describe
DSO: Distribution System Operator