Only the eutrophication sludge deposited over the
mineral sludge is extracted from the bottom of the
lake. The aspirated sludge is introduced into a
compaction system (noted 7) to remove excess water
(Step 3). Compaction is done by a screw system that
rotates in a conical portion of the suction pipe. The
sludge is then deposited in a fiberglass tank (noted 3)
with a capacity of approximately 0.6 m
(Step 5),
placed on the pontoon under PV-s.
The fiberglass tank has small holes in its upper
part to allow the release of a quantity of the extracted
and decanted water. It also ensures proper storage of
the extracted sludge. Mud is collected until the level
and weight sensors stop the pontoon from moving and
supplying it with sludge (Step 6).
From this point on, the sludge is partially dried
through a system of thin pipes through which hot
water flows, placed on the bottom of the fiberglass
tank (note 7). When the weight of the sludge is about
60-70% of its initial value, it is considered partially
dry, (Step 7) and it is discharged (Step 8). This sludge
partially s dried sludge is stored in special places until
final drying is ensured. After emptying the fiberglass
tank, a new cycle can begin. The control system of the
pontoon motion, automation that stops the pontoon
when the fiberglass tank is sufficiently filled with
mud, automation system that coordinates the entire
cycle and finally the system of power supply from
photovoltaic panels or storage of energy in batteries
when the model do not function are designed
The prototype can be moved on request in different
areas of the lake, the rest remaining completely
unaffected. Being a quiet system, it does not disturb
the life of the birds. Functioning without using classic
fuel and therefore without producing an unpleasant
odor, the installation can be used in nature reserves.
Being mobile, it can move in areas where there are no
bird nests, thus maintaining the biological ecosystem.
The extracted sludge is a natural fertilizer, full of
nutrients. It can be used on agricultural lands to
restore their optimal properties and characteristics, in
order to improve the obtained quantities of
agricultural crops.
By additional drying of the sludge, the time until
its utilization is shortened.
Thus, this solution has a double benefit. First of
all, the sludge produced by eutrophication is
extracted, restoring the chemical balance of the
therapeutic sludge in the places where the prototype
is implemented. Secondly, an efficient consumption
of the extracted sludge is ensured, as a fertilizer in the
salty soils of Dobrogea.
In the last years of implementation, by collecting
the eutrophication sludge, the surface from which the
therapeutic sludge could be collected increased by
about 8%.
The solution implemented in 2018 does not affect
the life, reproduction and nesting of birds. Many birds
were spotted near the pontoon, eating and resting in
the sun.
Thanks to the National Company "Romanian Waters"
which highlighted the problems from these Nature
Reserves. They also supported the team during the
measurements regarding the quality of the water and
the sedimentary material, during 4 years. They
partially financed the realization of the prototype and
allowed its implementation in the Techirghiol Lake,
which is under their management.
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