ears and more 46 46
Total 61 63
Thus, analyzing the reasons for dismissal, we can
conclude that during a pandemic, an employee makes
a decision to dismiss if the reason for dismissal
significantly affects his working conditions (Tsareva,
N.A., Tyugaev, А.R., 2020). At the same time, the
employee is ready to wait for more favorable
conditions for changing jobs, if the reason is
insignificant at this stage. However, after the
stabilization of the situation and the removal of time
constraints in connection with the pandemic, we see
an increase in turnover, including for various
domestic reasons for dismissal.
The reason "Retirement" is chosen by almost the
same number of leaving employees, 61 and 63,
respectively. Analyzing the data shown in Table 3, we
can conclude that this category of employees in most
cases has been working in the organization for more
than 3 years, adjusting the length of service to the
retirement age. Pre-retirees are not inclined to make a
decision on dismissal for other objective or subjective
reasons, since, despite the state policy and pension
reform, it is difficult for employees of this age
category to get a qualified job (Brusencova, L.S.,
Sheina. A.YU., Mashkova. A.M., 2020). During the
period of coronavirus restrictions, difficulties in
finding and applying for a new job were also largely
associated with the use of online technologies by
organizations, in which workers of pre-retirement age
are poorly oriented (Bueno-Sánchez, L., Martínez-
Molina, S., Marqués de Almeida, S., Garcés-Ferrer,
J., Pérez, D., Quílez, M., 2019).
The increase in dismissals is alarming as the
length of service in the organization increases,
especially those who have worked for more than three
years, that is, people who have undergone adaptation,
who were taught to work, are quit, most likely,
training was carried out, that is, the organization
carries not only direct, but also indirect losses.
The structure of those leaving the company given
in Table 2 corresponds to the structure of the number
of employees of the organization by age. Comparing
the data on the structure of personnel by age as a
whole for the enterprise Russian Post JSC for 2017-
2019, in Table 4, it is possible to see almost complete
correspondence. The table shows the actual number
of employees in the specified period, breaks down the
number of employees by age categories, calculates
the ratio of the number of employees year to year as
a percentage, displays the average age of personnel
and the number of working pensioners.
Analyzing the organization's statistical data on
this indicator, one can draw attention to the fact that,
despite the fact that the number of employees in the
pre-retirement age category from 51 to 55 years old
decreases by an average of 4 % from year to year, the
average age of the organization's employees has
grown from 43.4 years in 2017 to 43.6 and 43.9 years
in 2018 and 2019, respectively. The share of working
pensioners at the enterprise is 16-17 %.
This indicator, in our opinion, was influenced by
the current pension reform in the country to increase
the age of pensioners retiring. This is confirmed by
the statistics of the organization. In the category of
employees over 55, there is an increase in 2019 from
64,028 people. up to 65,696 people, i.e. by 2.61 %.
Wherein, the number of working pensioners
decreased from 55,847 people up to 53,615 people,
which amounted to -4 %.
It shall also be noted that Russian Post JSC takes
part in implementation of the national project
Demography, within the framework of which, in
order to provide systematic support and improve the
quality of life of older citizens, this category of
employees of the organization is trained. Participation
in the programs made it possible to present¬ for
drivers of the target audience to get and develop a
computer¬ tendencies demanded by the Russian Post
and applied in modern production and business
processes. When implementing the project together
with the centers of population employment¬ and
WorldSkills Russia in 2019 about¬ 1,055 employees
were trained. Of these, 631 employees passed
advanced training, 332 employees professional¬
training – professional,¬ 72 employees – retraining,
20 employees – vocational training.