successfully move to a new level of communication
relations (Anciferova, О. Yu., Myagkova, E. A.,
Tolstoshein, K. V., 2018). It is important to
understand that after a long crisis in Russian
agriculture and with a low level of social
infrastructure in the countryside, the process of
introducing digital information and communication
technologies will take place systematically, for a long
time. Due to the existing peculiarities of the
agricultural sector, its special role in the economy and
politics of Russia, for a successful transition to
digitalization of the agricultural sector, it is necessary
to strengthen state support for agriculture and all its
branches, the participation of investors and patrons.
“The economic community, which consists of a set of
interconnected organizations and individuals. The
economic community produces goods and services of
value to the consumer, which are also part of the
ecosystem. Any enterprise ecosystem also includes
suppliers, leading manufacturers, competitors, and
other stakeholders. Over time, they co-evolve their
capabilities and roles and strive to align with the
directions set by one or more of the leading
companies. Those companies that hold leadership
roles can change over time, but the ecosystem leader
function is valued by the community because it
allows members to move towards shared visions in
order to align their investments and find mutually
supportive roles” (Moore, J. F.,1993). Therefore, it is
advisable to use such digitalization techniques such
as Bitrix 24 for large agro-industrial firms, holdings,
and etc.
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