In this study, we have considered one of the ways
to increase the competitiveness of educational
institutions using the example of agricultural
universities by assessing the effectiveness of their use
of scientific and educational information resources
(SEIRs) in the Internet space, which makes it possible
to adequately assess the position of an agricultural
university in the world ranking of educational
services (Medennikov, 2017), followed by making
decisions on the areas to invest in. For this purpose,
we need to develop an appropriate method and
questionnaire. In the digital economy (DE), their
websites are one of the most effective ways of such
an assessment.
Based on the main, general principle of digital
transformation of all sectors of economy, including
education and science, in the form of creating an
information management system; that is, collection,
processing, storage, and dissemination of the
necessary data in a form adapted to the daily activities
of institutions, based on the widespread integration of
disparate data into a single system, the social order
driven by the pandemic should also generate a
demand for integration methods to present SEIRs not
only to students and teachers of a particular
university, but also to future applicants, employers,
researchers, public authorities, manufacturers,
businesses, managers and other population segments.
There are appropriate opportunities to do this (Kulba,
2020; Zatsarinnyy, 2019; Ereshko, 2018).
In (Ereshko, 2020; Medennikov, 2017), the authors
have considered the concept and a mathematical
model for creating a single cloud-based digital
platform of scientific and educational information
resources (DPSEIR), based on its triune role.
First, it should be informatization of the science
itself. There, the DPSEIR should be created because
of the exponential growth in the amount of
information in science, the emerging opportunity to
create new information technology that ensures an
efficient mining of the necessary knowledge.
Information technology, primarily based on the
Internet, has provided the scientific community with
qualitatively new opportunities for a wide exchange
of ideas between researchers and information
scientific resources and for their digital interaction
(Raikov, 2019).
Second, information technology can perform the
functions of stimulating scientific and technological
progress only with a certain level of intellectual
potential of society, and the key role in its creation is
played by the education system. Once again, in the
process of transforming scientific knowledge into
educational one, information computer technology
(ICT) plays a great role. For instance, it is shown in
(Milgrom, 1990) that investment in ICT are more
effective with a high level of two other
complementary assets, organizational and human
capital. That is, investments in ICT are associated
with significant costs of changing organizational and
human capital, depending to a large extent on
Third, the DPSEIR in the Internet space provides
an effective system for the transfer of scientific
knowledge to the economy; it promotes the
development of scientific concepts of the digital
economy (DE), its digital platforms, scientific
support and monitoring of the digitalization process
of the country, industries, businesses, territorial
entities and society. Thus, the business community
implicitly expresses its requirements for the need to
create such a space. When surveying agricultural
companies to assess the effectiveness of their
information and consulting services (ICS), farmers
expressed a desire to get such a system where they
could quickly find, e.g., a development in the form of
a means for combating any plant or animal disease;
then get immediately all publications, all consultants,
regulatory information, and online learning on this
topic. Next, they could find the required supplier of
the formulation in the relevant database with
minimum procurement and logistics costs.
A large-scale survey of the needs of farmers in 22
regions by visiting them with a survey of public
authorities and businesses has showed that the
following types of knowledge representations are
most in demand in the Russian economy:
developments, publications, consulting activities,
regulatory information (RI), online learning (OL),
application software packages (ASP) and databases
(DB). It turned out that these types of knowledge are
available in one form or another on the websites of
scientific and educational institutions and the ICS
(Medennikov, 2017).
It has been shown that improvement of the
Internet technology allows for integrating, based on
them, the ontological modeling into a single DPSEIR
from a unified scientific and methodological
standpoint with a simple and user-friendly navigation
system, followed by hosting these resources at one
provider based on common classifiers, such as the
state heading list of scientific and technical
information and industry-wide product classifier.
However, to present heterogeneous website structures