The law restricts the technologies that can be used
in telemedicine. For example, legislators in some
states specify that telemedicine services cannot be
provided by telephone and fax. In 1999, a law was
passed in Minnesota, which refers interactive video to
the technical means of communication used for
remote consultations.
One of the projects aimed at creating and
developing a global medical infocommunication
system is "Satellite". This project will allow the
participating countries to create a unified system that
promotes the exchange and accumulation of medical
knowledge, and allows simplifying the process of
training and advanced training of medical workers.
Another project, "Planet Here" was developed by
the World Health Organization. The main goal of this
project is to create a global medical
telecommunications system, but aimed at scientific
activity and acting as a management tool. WHO
proposes to use this system as the main one through
which other systems and networks will be managed,
through which international scientific
telecommunications will be conducted, and which
will also be used for international examinations.
The worldwide interest in the introduction of
telemedicine technologies in the context of the
COVID-19 pandemic contributes to the fact that a
large number of international-scale projects have
been funded and developed in Europe for several
These projects cover a wide range of areas and
methods where telemedicine can be applied: from the
development of systems that simplify and speed up
the provision of medical care, especially ambulance
(an example of such a project is HECTOR), to the
ability to carry out treatment when a patient is at home
(for example, the HOMER-D project). The main goal
of telemedicine projects is the integration of
information technologies into the medical
infrastructure, for the development of methods of
processing and standardization of medical
information, whether it is its registration,
transmission or reception. There are processes of
development and testing of algorithms for effective
compression of information, standard forms that
simplify the exchange of various types of data, both
in the form of source data, that is, images, electrical
or electromagnetic signals, etc., and in the form of a
generated patient's medical record. Automated
workplaces are also being developed, taking into
account the specifics of various medical and
diagnostic specialties.
The regulatory framework of informatization in
the field of healthcare in Russia includes: state
legislative acts that affect the use of telemedicine
technologies; standards and protocols for medical
care; standards for building telecommunication
networks, including international ones; documents
developed by the World Health Organization
(Inshakova et al., 2021).
Since 2001, legal regulation of issues related to
the provision of medical services using telemedicine
technologies has been carried out in the legislation of
the Russian Federation. The Order of the Ministry of
Health of the Russian Federation No. 344 and RAMS
No. 76 dated August 27, 2001 "On approval of the
concept of development of telemedicine technologies
in the Russian Federation and its implementation
plan" was issued. The purpose of this document is to
optimize activities related to the use of telemedicine
technologies. The need for advanced telemedicine
technologies is caused by the problem of shortage of
qualified medical personnel in remote regions and the
territorial peculiarity of the Russian Federation.
Today in Russia, the use of telemedicine
technologies is regulated by the Federal Law "On the
Basics of protecting the Health of Citizens of the
Russian Federation", as well as by-laws, for example,
the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian
Federation No. 965n "On approval of the procedure
for organizing and providing medical care using
telemedicine technologies", Decree of the
Government of the Russian Federation No. 1006 "On
approval of the Rules for the provision of paid
medical services by medical organizations", etc.
Paragraph 22 of Article 2 of Law No. 323-FZ
defines telemedicine technologies as "information
technologies that provide remote interaction of
medical workers with each other, with patients and
(or) their legal representatives, identification and
authentication of these persons, documentation of
their actions during consultations, consultations,
remote medical monitoring of the patient's health."
Regulation of telemedicine in the legal field
begins only in 2017, when Federal Law No. 242-FZ
of April 29, 2017 "On Amendments to Certain
Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the use
of information technologies in the field of health
protection" was adopted.
A legislative act and by-laws regulating the use of
IT technologies in the field of medicine are needed
(Matytsin et al., 2021). We also need resources, both
organizational and technical, for the full
implementation of modern technologies throughout