Networked Learning in a Pandemic: New Horizons for Use
I. A. Nagaeva
, E. A Frolova
A. G. Erohin
Natural Sciences Chair, Moscow International University, Moscow, Russia
Department of Business Informatics, Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Online Learning, Heutagogy, Connectivism, Peer To Peer Learning, Paragogy, Rhizomatic Learning, Virtual
Learning Space.
Abstract: The peculiarities of training at the present time are: the possibility of accumulating and systematizing initial
information, as well as the possibility of organizing and participating in large-scale discussions. Networked
learning is a relatively new paradigm of educational activity based on the idea of mass cooperation, the
ideology of open educational resources, in combination with a networked organization of interaction between
participants. In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, we can observe an increased interest in networked
learning technology. The article examines the formation and development of learning through network
technologies, provides various points of view on modern paradigms of education, assesses the effectiveness
of using such technologies in a pandemic.
For quite a long period of time, we can observe in the
modern educational process such trends as the
development of innovative technologies, the
introduction of the educational model of Life-Long
Learning. Their implementation is directly related to
the development of information and communication
technologies, the increased volume of educational
and scientific content, and the active interaction of
users in the network. The coronavirus pandemic was
the impetus for intensifying these trends. The
coronavirus literally turned everything and everyone
upside down, making its own adjustments in many
Changes and innovations in education have
resulted in the emergence of new learning theories.
Such theories include autogy (the science of self-
education), connectivism (the science of modeling
behavioral phenomena by the processes of becoming
in networks of interconnected simple elements), peer-
to-peer models, paragogy, rhizomatic learning model,
network learning. The latest model has acquired
particular relevance, such processes have acquired
during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the transition
to distance learning has become almost inevitable.
It should be noted that within the framework of
the national project in the field of education, changes
were also assumed earlier, discussions of the remote
learning system were held. But discussing is one
thing, and it is another thing to suddenly switch to
distance learning for everyone.
For almost a year now, distance and digital have
been mastered everywhere. Each university chooses
technologies and formats that are suitable for it. The
main task is to keep the content as much as possible
so as not to worsen the quality of education.
In this article, the authors attempted to analyze the
existing experience of using networked educational
technologies in a pandemic. The research is based, in
particular, on the personal experience of authors
teachers of various disciplines at the Moscow
Technical University of Communications and
Informatics and the Moscow International University.
Nagaeva, I., Frolova, E. and Erohin, A.
Networked Learning in a Pandemic: New Horizons for Use.
DOI: 10.5220/0011112700003439
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals" (RTCOV 2021), pages 184-188
ISBN: 978-989-758-617-0
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The provisions of connectivism are based on the
theory of networks, complex and self-organizing
systems. Siemens (2012, 2006) proposes to consider
learning as a process in an uncertain, constantly
changing and dynamically developing environment.
The learning process is built from related information
source nodes (organizations, websites, libraries,
databases, people or any other source of information).
Learning networks can be both internal structures
(creating a model of understanding in our minds) and
external (connecting external knowledge to gain
Downes (2010) describes the theory as follows:
learning is to include yourself in the network.
Students advance in their education by interacting
with practitioners, starting by copying models. This
process of copying activities is supported by
reflection and corrected by other members of the
The network is based on the community,
resources are of secondary importance. Only personal
knowledge constitutes a network that supports the
development of the community, which in turn
supports the development of the network and, through
its development, the training of other participants.
Within the network, concepts differ: data (raw
information), information (intelligently processed
data), knowledge (information used), meaning
(awareness of information). Learning is presented as
a process of transforming knowledge into meaning
and action through interaction with other people, with
a teacher. In the process of transformation, the nodes
of the network are reorganized and form
connections - a training shell.
The practical implementation of the connectivism
ideas is the introduction of network learning
technology, which is based on the idea of mass
cooperation, the ideology of open educational
resources, in combination with the network
organization of the interaction of participants.
Networked learning is based on the ideas of
“horizontal” learning activities and peer learning (i.e.
peer-to-peer learning and learning) as opposed to
traditional pedagogy and andragogy.
Analysis of domestic and foreign sources written
by Corneli & Danoff, C. J. (2011)., Smith, B. L. &
MacGregor (1992), Patarakin (2006), Polyakova
(2008) shows that the concept of the “equal to equal”
model is considered a promising direction in higher
professional education. In network learning, this
model is implemented through information and
communication technologies: students interact in the
learning community mode, making an equal
contribution to solving common problems. In this
case, we are talking about "controlled"
communication with the aim of mastering educational
programs. The peer-to-peer model can be
implemented here in training formats that require
active interaction of its participants. Participants of
the educational process, mediated by information and
communication technologies, carry out joint design
and creation of a common educational space, develop
the necessary educational content.
Networked learning implements two approaches to
learning: individual and personal.
Individual training is a model of the organization
of the educational process, in which the teacher
interacts with only one student, taking into account
his personal characteristics, creating psychological
and pedagogical conditions for his development. This
model implies the presence of a mentor or leader who
builds a learning trajectory for the student (listener,
learner). Individual training implies the presence of a
mentor or leader who builds a learning trajectory for
the student (listener, learner). Because not everyone
has critical thinking and is able to filter out the
amount of information that is on the Internet. The
advantage of this training is that it allows you to adapt
the content, methods and pace of the student's
learning activity to his characteristics. The trainee has
the ability to control the expenditure of his forces, to
work at the optimal time for himself, which allows
him to achieve high results of his training.
Personal learning is the attitude of the student to
his education, i.e. awareness of the need to learn a
particular subject, to obtain preferred information for
oneself. The advantages of this training:
self-management of one's own learning;
independent setting of educational goals;
the student works at his own pace;
drawing up a personal training plan (learn only
what you do not know);
individual communication with the teacher;
the possibility of training in one group with
trainees of different levels of training during
the period of studying a certain topic;
constant checking of the acquired knowledge.
Currently, personal learning is implemented by
PLE (Personal Learning Environment), which refers
to the tools, communities, services and a set of
resources on which individual educational platforms
Networked Learning in a Pandemic: New Horizons for Use
are based, intended for use by learners. A typical PLE
is educational blogs (eg Twitter), YouTube and
similar sites, RSS feeds. Thus, PLE is an environment
in which the opportunity for self-management of
one's own learning and self-setting of educational
goals is provided, as well as a special approach to
learning is implemented.
Austrian philosopher Ivan Illich (2006) proposed
to embody the ideal educational system in the form of
a "learning web", which provides everyone with
access to the available resources at any time and
regardless of their age, supports the efforts of
everyone who wants to share their knowledge and
skills in finding those who wants to learn from them
and, finally, provides everyone with the opportunity
to publish and present the results of their learning for
public discussion. French teacher Célestin Freinet
(1990) proposed the idea of expanding the interaction
of students, based on the following principles of
organizing the educational process:
no training, there is problem solving, analysis,
there are no study assignments, there are
constantly asked questions;
no ratings, but personal proposals differ;
there are no mistakes - there are
there are no curricula, there is individual and
group planning;
there is no teacher, but there is a teacher for
organizing a common cause;
the teacher does not educate, but solves common
there is no class, there is a community;
the community is governed by the norms of the
community adopted by the students themselves.
The embodiment of Freinet 's idea was the creation of
a school correspondent network, where students from
different schools corresponded with each other,
correspondent schools exchanged educational and
social information. The experiment was viewed as an
image of the context of "live communication". Peer
education is reflected in the theory of horizontal
learning, paragogy (or peer learning and learning
theory). The principles of paragogy are adapted
principles of andragogy by Knowles (1970),
developed in the context of “horizontal” learning”.
Thus, the analysis of foreign sources (Benkler,
(2005), Verhagen, (2006), Siemens (2012, 2006))
allows us to formulate the following principles of
paragogy related to learning with the use of distance
learning technologies.
Collective context in motion: identifying ways of
supplementing and changing content by learners.
Search for contextual features of the learning
environment that affect the possibility of self-
education. The development of the learner is
determined in relation to the context of the
activities of other participants in the environment.
Meta-learning as a source of knowledge: using
information to predict academic performance and
All are equal, but all are different: the learning
experience includes the reflection of opposing
points of view. Optimal integration into study
groups with a teacher recommended by the course
Learning activity is distributed and non-linear:
defining one's own learning path in the learning
Implementation of motivation and transition to
the next goal: measuring the contribution to joint
The practical application of paragogy is reflected
in the context of P2P University (P2PU), which
implements such a form of distance learning as P2P
learning (peer-to-peer, horizontal model of mutual
learning). P2PU is a fundamental open education
project that organizes the learning process outside the
walls of traditional institutions and gives students the
opportunity to assess their achievements.
The project is based on the use of open
educational resources. A kind of network community
has been created from open groups for the study of
small courses at the university level. Before the start
of classes, a preliminary training plan is drawn up.
Working in a group, participants jointly search for,
study educational resources, conduct discussions and
complete assignments on the declared topics of the
course. To assess the results of the participants'
activities, an expert is invited who proposes the final
tasks and evaluates their implementation. No formal
documentation system has yet been developed for
successfully completing courses, but online and
licensed expert assessments are proof of competence
in this area.
P2P course programs are designed to help non-
professionals create Internet projects, develop their
own content. In P2PU courses, mutual learning takes
place through learning problems that the learners
solve for themselves and help others solve. For
example, as a result of the implementation of the
Mozilla Drumbeat project, a beta version of the
Drumbeat site appears, which will host a database of
logos and their components, as well as a special
training course that allows novice web designers to
RTCOV 2021 - II International Scientific and Practical Conference " COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
create their own graphics without violating the
copyrights of other designers.
There are three types of courses in P2PU: the
course itself, the study group and the challenge. The
test course involves the creation of an independent
project. As a result of the discussion of educational
tasks common to all participants and the exchange of
results, a joint product is developed. The innovative
educational technologies discussed above are
preferably used in individual learning. For the
implementation of personal training, such a new
direction as rhizomatic training, more precisely, a
view of educational activity, is suitable. The cognitive
trajectory is a growing branch that has no beginning,
center, end. From the student's point of view study
only what is interesting or important for him at a
given time. The main points were formulated by the
Canadian researcher Dave Cormier (2019).
1. The best training is the training that prepares us
for uncertainty.
2. The community itself can be a learning content
when there are no other options.
3. Rhizome is a model for learning how to deal
with uncertainty.
4. Rhizomatic education is designed to study
complex subject areas.
5. It is necessary to make students responsible for
their own learning activities (as well as the learning
activities of others).
From our point of view, the rhizomatic model is
applicable only at the junction of areas of knowledge,
where not the result of educational activity is
assessed, but the independent efforts of students in
obtaining additional information from related
disciplines using information and communication
Nowadays, new concepts have emerged in
networked learning, namely, "smart room" and
"mobile campus". So, for example, a mobile campus
is understood as a technological platform, i.e. a set of
tools, network services and pedagogical technologies
within the framework of mobile learning, which
allows the combination of non-formal and social
types (channels) of educational activities with formal
training in the framework of a traditional educational
institution (Travkin, 2013). One of the types of
training sessions for students studying with the use of
distance learning technologies is a webinar. A
webinar is an on-line lesson conducted by a teacher
based on active teaching methods. It is aimed at
mastering and consolidating the educational material
by students, mastering the methods of collective work
and exchange of experience, developing the skills and
abilities of educational and professional activities, as
well as adjusting the process of independent cognitive
activity (Nagaeva, 2016).
In comparison with traditional practical classes
and seminars, the feature of the webinar is its content
and methodological richness, the specificity and
practical nature of the training questions being
worked out. They provide for the formation of
students' professional interest, the active participation
of each student in the discussion of educational
material and the implementation of certain actions
(activities). The main task of the teacher in this case
is the performance of an organizational function
associated mainly with the direction and adjustment
of the general course of the lesson.
As a rule, the webinar is organized after students
independently study the academic discipline, its
section, topic, or a set of topics.
To implement the paradigm of network learning,
appropriate hardware and software are required. In
connection with the spread of the pandemic, an
incentive was given for the development and
improvement of software products that implement
network learning technologies. Modern technical and
software tools and a high level of proficiency in them
have made it possible to level the complexity of the
transition to distance learning for teachers and
students. Both of them very quickly adapted and were
able to work productively through online platforms.
Our universities are actively developing
cooperation with 1C. One of the productive solutions
from the 1C company for creating a management
system for e-learning and blended learning is 1C: E-
learning, with the help of which it becomes possible
to conduct e-learning and testing in a local network
and via the Internet / Intranet, including from
smartphones and tablets when using the software
product "1C: E-learning. Teacher and student web
office ". It is also necessary to mention the product
“1C: E-learning. Corporate University ".
Learning using distance educational technologies
takes place in an open communicative space through
interactive classes, which creates additional
opportunities for analyzing the results of educational
activities. The created friendly environment promotes
free communication between all participants in the
educational process to carry out joint actions to
achieve the learning goals. At the same time, the
teacher helps the development of communication and
creative abilities, controls the educational activities of
the students. As our research has shown, the most
Networked Learning in a Pandemic: New Horizons for Use
appropriate term for defining a student's personal
space in the learning system with the use of distance
learning technologies is the term “virtual learning
space” as a system, the structural elements of which
are as follows:
participants in the educational process;
information educational resources available, as
well as created by participants in the learning
interaction of participants through a network
If we analyze the above terms PLE (Personal
Learning Environment) and LMS (Learning
Management Systems), then the former concentrate
on the learners, and the latter on the training courses.
Consequently, when the personal learning
environment intersects with learning management
systems, a virtual learning space is constructed in
which learners can use certain LMS components. The
rationale for the need to use a virtual learning space
is a real two-way educational process, the effective
use of electronic resources, and on this basis - the
intensification of learning, the organization of
personality-oriented learning, accustoming to
independent cognitive activity of the student.
The virtual learning space, through which the
interaction of participants in the educational process
is carried out, is multifunctional. The deeper the
students immerse themselves in this space, the more
fully the possibilities and its functions as a space of
communication, learning, self-education, information
are revealed. Learning in a virtual learning space is
the interaction of participants in the educational
process, which reflects all its characteristic
components (goals, content, methods, organizational
forms, learning tools) by information and
communication means.
The effectiveness of the "virtual learning space"
model is achieved due to a set of conditions:
learning in a learning environment;
training depending on work experience;
in groups of different subjects.
An example is open online courses in related
disciplines in the form of videoconferences, where
social ties between participants are strengthened
(forums, blogs, chats, tweets), leaders are nominated
for the development of any projects, and external
interdisciplinary ties are established. The result of
active interaction in the "virtual learning space" will
be the creation of a new collective information
Thus, the created virtual learning space is located
in the space of multilevel educational programs,
which makes it possible for lifelong education, for the
formation of prospects for one's own education, etc.
and is aimed at developing professional competence.
Each student, as a result of cooperation, creates his
own learning space that meets his personal needs, the
learning strategy chosen by him. In the context of the
coronavirus pandemic, this seems to be especially
relevant. As you know, 2021 has been declared the
year of science and technology in Russia. This will
undoubtedly bring with it the opportunity to
implement a large number of large-scale, interesting
projects in the field of science and education,
including network learning.
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RTCOV 2021 - II International Scientific and Practical Conference " COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals