Transformation of the Role of Innovations in the State Educational
Policy of the Post-pandemic Period
T. P. Cherkasova
, D. A. Ayrapetyan
and E. A. Grinchenko
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Rostov-na-Donu, Russia
Keywords: Innovations, Generation, State Educational Policy, World Experience, Universities, Russia,
Post-Pandemic, Development Trend.
Abstract: During the forced global lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, all spheres of public activity
underwent global crisis changes. The education sector has also undergone dramatic mutations, moving to
digital formats and taking a course on the virtualization trend. Under these conditions, automatically,
according to the fundamental theories of cyclical development, the process of generating innovative
technologies took place, which in one way or another modified and adapted educational policy to the
challenges of the time and the new historical format. But the scientific literature, in practice, does not consider
the transformative role of innovation in the context of educational policy in the post-pandemic period.
Therefore, the significance of this study lies in an attempt to rethink the role of innovations embodied,
including in new technologies, in educational policy. The authors of the study used a wide methodological
spectrum, including a comparative analysis of the best practices of world powers and a point sociological
study in the format of an expert survey. On the basis of the data obtained, practical recommendations were
proposed for determining the priorities of Russia's educational policy in the post-pandemic world from the
point of view of the generation and dissemination of innovations.
The development of human civilization has always
been closely dependent on a number of factors,
phenomena and processes that arise both naturally,
according to the cycles of socio-economic and
political-cultural progress, and spontaneously. Social
cataclysms, man-made and natural disasters, and
pandemics of various kind of viral infections that
claimed millions of lives were unexpected.
The era of modernity is also a part of the next
stage of socio-economic development. The beginning
of the XXI century. - this is the gradual completion of
the long 5 K-wave (based on the theory of N.D.
Kondratyev) and the fifth innovation cycle (if we take
the theory of J. Schumpeter as a basis). In this context,
the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic
in 2019-2020. turned out to be a spontaneous
phenomenon that accompanies us today at the crisis
point of the depression of both cycles, representing
the main, albeit not natural, result of the cyclical
Despite quarantine measures and large-scale
vaccinations, the new infection has not yet been
defeated. Over the period of its existence, COVID-19
provoked a systemic crisis in all branches of human
activity, critically affecting both the economy and the
political environment. No exception, in this case, was
the educational policy of states, which, under the
onslaught of a highly contagious infection, was
forced to undergo almost complete virtualization and
a sharp transition to digital spaces, which, in turn,
served as an impetus for a fairly rapid generation of
all kinds of innovations in this area.
However, the trend towards digital education
existed even before the onset of lockdowns, to which
full-fledged scientific studies were devoted to
interpret and substantiate the observed mutations in
educational technologies. During the pandemic, they
received renewed attention from the academic
Cherkasova, T., Ayrapetyan, D. and Grinchenko, E.
Transformation of the Role of Innovations in the State Educational Policy of the Post-pandemic Period.
DOI: 10.5220/0011117700003439
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals" (RTCOV 2021), pages 208-214
ISBN: 978-989-758-617-0
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
community, the commercial sector and government
agencies. Therefore, the relevance of this study lies in
the development of a scientific justification for the
transformation of the role of innovation in
educational policy. Consequently, the purpose of our
study is to identify and analyze innovations and their
significance in the state educational policy of the
Russian Federation, which is already being
implemented in the post-pandemic period.
The theoretical and methodological basis of the study
was the institutional paradigm, which made it
possible to clarify the role of innovation in
educational policy. To study the theoretical basis of
the problem under consideration, the analysis and
structuring of scientific literature on the innovation of
educational policy was used. In order to study the
world experience of changing the priorities of the
state educational policy of foreign countries, as well
as the practical implementation of innovative
technologies in educational systems, we actively use
comparative studies and synthesis together with the
historical method to identify qualitative and
quantitative changes in retrospect. In addition, in this
work, statistical and content analysis was used to
study parametric economic indicators and certain
regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. In
addition, an expert survey was conducted aimed at
elucidating the role of innovations in state educational
policy within the framework of a point sociological
The main body of scientific literature devoted to
technological changes occurring in the mainstream of
education as a social phenomenon under the influence
of COVID-19 defines them as objects of attention of
scientists in the field of educational sciences: Isaeva
T.E., Petruneva R.M. and Vasilyeva V.D., Makeeva
T.V. and Guryanchik V.N., Radina N.K. and
Balakina Yu.V., Sergeeva E.V., Cherkezova S.E., and
others. Researchers in the field of pedagogy and
psychology write about the new competencies of
teachers, electronic pedagogical culture, about the
innovative activities and potential of the teacher in the
difficult conditions of the pandemic, about the
interaction patterns of university staff, about the
psychology of students and their reactions to
lockdowns and distance learning.
However, in practice, there is no developed
theoretical and methodological base that determines
the trends that are observed in innovation processes
in the context of educational policy, along with
conceptual approaches to assessing the effectiveness
of this activity.
Interdisciplinary analysis allows us to consider
innovative transformations in educational policy
from the point of view of the synthesis of social
sciences. Scientists of various directions are puzzled
by a number of issues that can be conditionally
divided as follows: 1) transformation of the role and
model of the university in the post-pandemic world;
2) the functioning of digital educational
environments; 3) general issues of theory and practice
of the implementation of state educational policy; 4)
educational policy as an integral part of the paradigm
of innovative development.
Researchers dealing with the first block of
questions, for example, Tronina I.A., Tatenko G.I.,
Bakhtina S.S. , turn their attention to how the
university and the academic environment are
positioned in the processes of civilizational transition
to new forms of cooperation and partnership. In
particular, the authors propose a toolkit for
diagnosing a university as a regional driver of
innovative development. In turn, Bolgov V.V.,
Garanin M.A., Krasnova E.A. and Khristoforova L.V.
conduct in-depth research aimed at clarifying the
essence of education after the COVID-19 pandemic,
namely, reflecting on where it leads: to a fall or to a
jump. They developed two scenarios for the further
development of educational systems and the role of
universities in them: first, the preservation of the
trend of massization and internationalization; the
second is the comprehensive development and
support of mixed forms of education with the
prevalence of online programs.
S.I. Chernykh wrote about the functioning of
educational environments. and Borisenko I.G.
Researchers identify such important components of
the development of digital environments in education
as the implementation of STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and STEAM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Аrts,
Mathematics), as well as a number of other concepts
that form a system of thinking at a qualitatively
different level. and students' perception of the world.
Within the framework of issues related to the
implementation of state educational policy,
Zhuravleva I.A. gives an expert assessment of its
development in a pandemic. In her opinion, the
Transformation of the Role of Innovations in the State Educational Policy of the Post-pandemic Period
priority direction of the state educational policy in the
context of a large-scale reorientation of the world
society to innovative tracks of social progress is to
provide universities of different levels with
information and resource technologies, without
which it is impossible to imagine the development of
science and the implementation of their own and
custom R&D. In particular, this problem can be
traced in the regions, where, often, there is a critical
lack of funding.
Finally, Lizunov V.V. writes about the
inextricable link between educational and innovation
policy, noting that the modern academic environment
represented by higher educational institutions has
three fundamental missions: educational, research
and socially significant. All these missions are aimed
at transformative changes and creative
transformations in social evolution and at a specific
contribution to the socio-economic development of
territories, the potential of human capital.
Researchers from Kazakhstan Ibatov M.K., Pak
Yu.N., Zhetesova G.S. and Pak D.Yu. believe that it
is necessary to form entrepreneurial universities that
would become catalysts for the knowledge economy.
That is, the concept of University 3.0, which goes
back to the works of J. Wissem, is to make its
functions: training of personnel with higher
education, generation of new knowledge and
technologies that would ensure socio-economic
progress and commercialization of the results of
scientific activity. A similar interpretation of the
academic sector can already be traced in the structure
of the innovation systems of some developed and
scientifically successful countries, for example, the
USA or Great Britain.
Thus, the analysis of scientific literature makes it
possible to identify the main problem segments in
educational policy, technological research in which
leads to the generation of innovations and their
further practical application.
It is impossible to consider the transformation of the
role of innovative technologies in educational policy
objectively without analyzing world experience. Let
us dwell on the analysis of the achievements of the
United States and China. The selection of these two
states from the general list is due to the fact that they
are not only geopolitical and economic giants, but
also the world's leading leaders in the field of
scientific and technological development. Therefore,
the experience of these states is the most remarkable,
defining and useful for the implementation of certain
The United States is rightfully one of the most
advanced countries in the modern world. According
to some estimates, the US GDP in 2021 will be about
$ 22.68 trillion. $ - almost 1.75 trillion. $ more than
2020. In addition, the state is ranked 3rd in the Global
Innovation Index (GII) 2021, which means that the
United States is almost the most innovative country
on the planet. The achievement of impressive
volumes of GDP and the first positions in the leaders
of the Index allow us to assert the effectiveness of the
course of the state educational policy and the practical
use of innovative technologies in the process of its
During and after the pandemic, educational policy
in the United States undergoes some adjustment and
rethinking. Thus, one of its priorities in 2021 is an
intensified reorientation of the academic environment
towards the implementation of the third mission in the
concept of the national innovation system "triple
helix". Here, priority is given to commercialization
and the use of innovation as a result of educational
policy in order to ensure national security. At the
same time, the bias is made in favor of STEAM
education, which is gaining great popularity among
students of all levels. At the same time, the entire
educational system can count on significant federal
and, to a greater extent, regional assistance in the
development of digital infrastructure.
Specific innovations in the mainstream of US
education policy are as follows:
creation and use of cloud data storage with free
access for students, students and teachers to
educational content, digital profiles, online
libraries, including libraries with reference
functions based on "rabbit holes";
application in the field of educational
technologies of games and digital
metauniverses experimenting with augmented
reality, such as Minecraft Earth or the planned
multiplayer VR universe of Facebook Horizon,
which allows you to fully immerse yourself in
educational and working virtuality using
spatial sound and Oculus avatars;
startup Lambda School, selling online
programming courses, and charging for them
only after the fact of employment for 2 years
and in the amount of 17% if the salary exceeds
$ 50 thousand per year. No work - no pay;
practical implementation of 5G networks and
VR / AR technologies in educational processes
at all levels of education.
RTCOV 2021 - II International Scientific and Practical Conference " COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
In fact, China is not a country that formally leads
in innovative technologies (the country's ranking in
the GII 2021 is 12th place), however, the importance
of analyzing the experience of the PRC in the problem
area is that China is at the forefront of the world not
because of innovation as such. , but in view of the
successful copying of technologies, their functional
mimicry and adaptation. According to forecast data,
the country's GDP in 2021 will be about 16.64 trillion.
$, which makes China, in fact, the second largest
economy in the world and, at the same time, one of
the most diversified. Achieving similar results in a
country where most of the economic sector is under
state regulation would not be easy if it were not for
the optimal ways to modernize educational policy and
train personnel for the digital economy.
Since 2018, the Chinese government has been
actively pursuing a policy aimed at Education
Information 2.0, which has received an incredible
impetus for accelerated development in the context of
the pandemic.
As such, innovation in China's educational policy
is more process and methodological than
technological. However, the PRC has experience in
introducing innovative technologies into the
education system. For example, the launch in the
spring of 2020 of the largest online educational
platform iCourse international, which allows you to
study online courses from leading universities in
China (Beijing, Fudan, Zhejiang). There are 193
courses available in different directions: from
medicine and design to economics and virtual
Russia is neither an innovative nor an economic
leader in comparison with the countries discussed
above. However, the pandemic did not pose a serious
threat to the educational system of the country as a
whole, and even contributed to its qualitative
modernization and the emergence of unique
innovative projects and technologies in the
educational policy track. By the Decree of the
President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2020
No. 474 "On the national development goals of the
Russian Federation for the period up to 2030", the
transition to digital management is designated as one
of the leading development trends. Particular
emphasis is placed on the management of the quality
of education. So, during the pandemic, the leading
domestic universities set a course for the active
development of digital educational trajectories. This
was reflected in the advanced training of university
teachers, the development of specialized online
courses, the active inclusion of distance technologies
in the educational process and the implementation of
remote learning for the contingent of students and
Thus, the Open Education platform was
popularized in the Russian Federation, which presents
massive online courses from leading Russian
universities. Another major platform, Coursera, has
intensified the virtual mobility of universities in the
formation of new forms of interaction with foreign
partners, which has included courses from the world's
leading universities in its functionality.
Particular attention in the state educational policy
is paid to the innovative experience of Russian
regions. In order to identify it, the authors conducted
a sociological study focused on determining the role
of innovation in the educational policy of the post-
pandemic period. The expert survey was attended by
representatives of the scientific and educational
community of higher educational institutions of the
Rostov region. The results of the survey show that the
majority of experts (25%) understand innovation in
the context of state educational policy as an
innovative and technological organization of
educational and scientific activities of a university.
The share of experts (11.5%) who reduce innovation
to the use of innovative techniques is smaller.
Another 7.7% believe that innovation in educational
policy is the use of ICT. Summing up, we can
conclude that 44% of experts tend to understand
innovation in educational policy as innovative ways,
tools and methods of organizing the scientific and
educational process, including its digitalization (Fig.
The importance of the integrated functioning of
all of the above indicators is noted - 40.4% of the
respondents. This states the fact that innovation is a
collective concept arising from the modifications of
all educational components.
Innovative teaching methods deserve separate
consideration (Table 1).
48.1% of respondents believe that innovative
teaching methods can be reduced to the creation and
implementation of interactive curricula, new ways of
presenting and presenting educational material, the
creation of massive open online courses - MOOCs.
Another 34.6% of experts identified them as the
possibility of using Internet sites and 32.7% of those
simplified as technologies for organizing students'
independent work using electronic educational
resources. In fact, digital methods are considered by
most experts as innovative mechanisms for
organizing the educational process.
Transformation of the Role of Innovations in the State Educational Policy of the Post-pandemic Period
Figure 1: What do respondents understand by innovation in public education policy?
Table 1: Results of experts' answers to the question about the interpretation of the category of innovative teaching methods.
Innovative teaching methods
Interpretation of the concept Result
Creation and implementation of interactive educational programs, new ways of presenting and presenting
educational material, creation of massive open online courses - MOOCs
48,1 %
Interactive technologies or group teaching methods 36,5 %
The ability to use Internet sites in the educational process 34,6 %
Methodology for using game methods in teaching 32,7 %
The technology of organizing independent work of students using electronic educational resources,
electronic educational publications in Course-Lab and Moodle
32,7 %
Case-study as a methodology for solving specific situations - simulation; as simulated learning 26,9 %
Methodology for multimedia project training 23,1 %
Therefore, today it is not enough to traditionally
teach students, a teacher needs to continuously
improve his skills and abilities, constantly improve
his qualifications. All this optimizes the development
of our own content and technologies, including
procedures, protocols, rules for the implementation of
the educational process and regular professional
development of teaching staff in the field of distance
educational technologies in a remote format. An
equally important role in the educational process is
played by subject innovations generated within the
framework of R&D by university teachers (65.4%
according to an expert survey) and formed as a result
of R&D of leading universities (55.8%) (Fig. 2.).
The expert survey made it possible to identify areas
of the educational and scientific process that should
be prioritized. So, it is necessary to pay special
attention to the innovative and technological base of
the university, which is designed to become the basis
for an educational breakthrough. It is proposed to
improve the following technological sites:
to increase the range of innovative material and
technical base: quantoriums, technoparks,
boiling points (71.2%);
RTCOV 2021 - II International Scientific and Practical Conference " COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
Figure 2: Ingredients of innovation and scientific breakthroughs.
ensure the availability of special equipment for
innovative research (46.2%);
to create a larger number of scientific
laboratories (including interuniversity ones)
and technology centers (44.2%);
to increase the range of jobs and practice bases
for undergraduate and graduate students
through the creation of firms and joint ventures,
including with universities in other countries
to standardize the system of collective use
centers - the Center for Collective Use (11.5%).
Changes in the higher education system in Russia
after the lifting of restrictive measures related to the
pandemic will continue.
First of all, the transformations will affect the
requirements for the quality of the digital
organization of education and digital competencies of
graduates. Of course, the requirements for the
teaching staff will also undergo reorganization.
Changes are also possible of an organizational nature,
for example, a widespread reduction in the number of
universities with a parallel possibility of expanding
training remotely.
Based on the transformations outlined by us, the
directions of improving the state educational policy in
the post-pandemic period should become priorities in
terms of stimulating innovation, inducing the
technological leadership of the Russian Federation.
According to the respondents, they should be the
following areas:
introduction of new pedagogical technologies
and methods (46.2%);
improvement of existing and creation of
alternative programs, textbooks, teaching aids
and developments, etc. (32.7%);
export of education (32.7);
the organization of experimental work in the
educational process (25%);
development of the continuous education
system (23.1%);
creation of integration educational structures -
TSC, technology-innovative zone, business
incubators, technology parks; technopolises
individualization of education through the
creation of new educational institutions
ensuring a dominant position in the integration
of educational and research spheres (11.5%).
Summarizing the above, it becomes clear that the
process of digital transformation is fundamentally
changing the social structure of the higher education
system, slowly but surely turning it into a part of the
global network space. In a post-pandemic world, the
leading position will remain with countries that have
achieved digital supremacy and have ensured the
integration of the virtual world on their platforms.
This circumstance transforms the role of innovation
in educational policy, which is becoming a priority
area in terms of building the potential for the
generation and dissemination of future innovations.
Therefore, innovation is the result of educational
activities, on the one hand, and it is an innovative and
30,8 30,8
The results of the
research of the
teaching staff
introduced into the
educational process
Research results of
leading universities
Publications in
Scopus, Web of
Laboratory tests on
Internet sites
Scientific discoveries
of Nobel laureates
Innovative achievements
Transformation of the Role of Innovations in the State Educational Policy of the Post-pandemic Period
technological infrastructure of universities, on the
other, capable of reproducing them.
Thus, in the post-pandemic period, the priorities
of educational policy from the point of view of the
generation and dissemination of innovations should
development of an efficient and effective
regulatory framework that provides a
qualitative assessment of the process and
results of digital education within the
framework of state educational policy;
large-scale digitalization and modernization,
both of the organization of the educational and
scientific process in universities, as well as
technological renewal in them like "smart"
creation of our own (national) online
educational platforms and bringing them to the
world level of competitiveness, as well as to the
global markets of IT technologies, software
software and the EdTech industry;
digital export of national higher education in
three directions: interstate interaction within
the framework of scientific diplomacy and
international scientific and technical
cooperation, the development of global
business networks for Russian companies and
the growth of the prestige of the Russian
education system;
designing conditions for the development and
continuous improvement of the country's
scientific and pedagogical potential;
popularization of the scientific sphere among
the younger generation in order to inflow
updated personnel capable of innovative
developments, search and implementation of
non-standard solutions to existing problems.
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RTCOV 2021 - II International Scientific and Practical Conference " COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals