It can be said that situational centers have become
a digital platform for the formation of operational and
up-to-date information in order to make adequate
management decisions at the state level during the
pandemic, since a large amount of work is carried out
remotely using digital products.
Individual enterprises were granted installments
and deferrals provided for by Chapter 9 of the Tax
Code of the Russian Federation, as well as tax
authorities changed the rates and terms of payment of
taxes, fees, insurance premiums. For example,
insurance premiums were reduced for small and
medium-sized businesses, and the corporate income
tax rate was reduced from 20% to 3% for the IT-
sector. Individual enterprises have received the right
to lower corporate income tax on the amount spent on
the purchase and modernization of equipment.
At the same time, not all organizations and
enterprises retained their financial viability despite
the fact that assistance was provided. Thus, additional
tax restrictions were imposed, nevertheless,
organizations were ruined, jobs were cut, etc.
Consequently, this directly affected the revenue
figures for taxes and fees, as well as special tax
The tax restrictions introduced during the pandemic
reduced the planned tax indicators. In 2020, all
revenues administered by the tax authorities
amounted to 28,213 billion rubles, which is 5.3% less
than the same indicator in 2019. It is important to note
that due to the reduction of insurance premiums,
deferrals, installments and tax write-offs, the country
lost up to 1 trillion rubles. Tax revenue indicators
were affected by income from the payment of mineral
extraction tax. The level of collection of this tax
directly depends on the price of oil.
Meanwhile, actions are envisaged according to
which the tax revenues of the budgets will increase.
Since 2021, the mineral extraction tax benefit for
developed fields has been canceled, which, according
to experts, will increase budget revenues by 260
billion rubles. The taxation system of the oil industry
includes irrelevant, economically unjustified tax
benefits. All over the world, companies that extract
minerals pay royalties to the state from the prices of
resources. In Russia, rent is paid from the cost of
production costs, which is several times less than the
market price for resources. The mineral extraction tax
Automated control system.
rate for oil is 40-50% of revenue, gas - 15%, precious
stones - 8%, precious metals - 6%, solid minerals -
0.5-0.6%. If compared with other countries, in a
number of states the latter indicator is 2-6%.
Tax revenues of the budget will increase, among
other things, due to excise receipts, since excise taxes
on tobacco products have been increased by about
20%. In absolute terms, the increase amounted to
about 70 billion rubles.
The personal income tax received by the budgets
of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
showed high dynamics in 2020. Since 01.01.2021, the
basic rate of 13% has been increased to 15% for
citizens with an annual income of more than 5 million
rubles. This approach is considered more fair
worldwide. Thanks to this, according to experts, in
2021-2023, the budget will receive an additional 190
billion rubles. This income is planned to be used for
the treatment of children with severe (orphan)
diseases. It should be noted that now the
administration of personal income tax on incomes
over 500 million rubles is carried out in a specialized
interregional inspection. The new inspection is tasked
with high-quality, professional administration of
taxpayers, so that information on specific categories
of taxpayers flows into one inspection for better
administration and control. It is important to take into
account that the changes will not affect the revenues
of the budgets of the subjects, since the taxes
transferred to the new inspection will go to the budget
at the place of registration of an individual. A
specialized interregional inspection will only monitor
the correctness and timeliness of tax payments.
Positive dynamics has been demonstrated for
property taxes, despite the fact that in some cases tax
rates have been reduced and payment deadlines have
been postponed to the current year.
Despite the decline in gross domestic product
(GDP), value added tax receipts (VAT) receipts
increased relative to a prosperous 2019. This result
was obtained through the operation of an automated
control system - ASK
VAT- 2.
Thus, it is planned to restore the budget losses
incurred on the basis of taxes such as the mineral
extraction tax, excise taxes, personal income tax,
value added tax.
The Federal Tax Service (FTS of Russia) is an
executive authority that exercises control and