special type of management activity, which is based
on a pre-developed model of actions to achieve a
specific goal. The digitalization of higher education
and its implementation in a mobilization mode was
supposed to become a federal project that would
make Russian education competitive at the global
Determining the degree of project efficiency at
any level of initiation is impossible without
designating planned quantitative values of the
expected results of projects, without indicators of
economic and social efficiency. Focusing on specific
quantitative target indicators and target standards for
the desired state of the object provides a certainty of
the project goal. In quantitative terms, both the direct
results of the project and the indirect socially
significant results of the project, remote from it in
time, are planned. The effectiveness of the higher
education digitalization project shall be assessed
according to the following indicators:
financial efficiency – the financial results of the
project, the amount of real money received as a
result of the project, taking into account the
contribution of each project participant,
budget efficiency – the difference between
budget revenues and expenditures associated
with the implementation of the project,
national economic efficiency – efficiency that
goes beyond the direct interests of the project
participants [2].
Social and national economic efficiency is of key
importance in the digitalization project of higher
education. Social efficiency is a positive consequence
of the implementation of the project for society (labor
market, employer, specialist graduate), which is
expressed in improving the quality of life while
increasing the volume or supply of new services,
increasing the availability, timeliness and regularity
of their provision. Both social results and social
effects are important, which are usually distant in
time and represent not only direct, but also indirect
socially significant results of the project. The social
effects show the positive results that can occur as a
result of the digitalization of higher education not
only among the immediate beneficiaries, but also in
society as a whole.
The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has raised
the issue of education as a public good, a stabilizing
factor of society in a situation of social crisis.
Declared as a public good in the Bologna Declaration
and the Federal Law "On Education", higher
education has undergone significant transformations
that have affected its content base. As a result of the
changes that have taken place, instrumental, practical
knowledge, which underlies the formation of
narrowly professional special competencies, have
acquired primary importance in the content of higher
education. Higher education began to focus on a
specific, instrumentally measurable result, which has
a pragmatic, utilitarian value, on the solution of
applied problems that are urgent today. Higher
education has practically turned into corporate
training according to the needs of a specific customer
in a number of cases – industrial groups, a city-
forming enterprise or another key in the region or in
the industry. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic
has become a situation in which there has been an
instant obsolescence of practical skills and abilities; it
showed that this approach to higher education is
flawed and that education itself is primitive.
The basis of this split was the conflict of interests
of the subjects of the educational process in
understanding education as a “public good” and
understanding education as a “service”, i.e. business
activities aimed at making a profit by meeting the
needs of the customer. In essence, a situation arises of
the domination of the administrative structure of
education management over function (in the entire
vertical hierarchy – from federal to university), when
the organizational system created to perform a certain
function, in this case, the function of formation,
development and management of education as a
public good, seeks to self-sufficient behavior,
becomes a state corporation, turning the end into a
means, and a means into an end. The tragedy of
modern education is that the transformation of “the
end into a means, and means into an end” has already
passed the stage of institutionalization with a whole
set of formal and informal rules, prescriptions,
patterns of behavior, sanctions, and etc. As a result,
there is a disregard for the vertical of power aimed at
maintaining and developing education as a public
The classical canon of higher education was the
study of the mechanisms of adaptation of social and
cultural experience to new conditions, including in a
situation of uncertainty, the formation of the value-
semantic foundations of the personality, the skills of
intensive acquisition of new knowledge and their
inclusion in the system of existing ones, the ability to
analyze and generalize, to work with information,
organize high-quality communications. It is this
canon that is the basis of classical education as a
socially significant good, carried out in the interests
of a person, society and the state. Modernizing the
national system of higher education in the 2000s
within the Bologna process with the aim of