universities` platforms or university online learning
systems) and asynchronous training (explanation,
tasks, exercises, lectures and control, monitoring,
examination, tests in the asynchronous training
system on the educational portal of the university).
Students and University teachers are at home, but at
the same time they are in the digital educational
environment of the university: in online learning
system or on various Internet platforms.
With regard to the University faculty (instructors,
Professors, tutors), such a competence as a digital
pedagogical competence or “electronic” pedagogical
culture (Isaeva, 2021), in on-line educational mode
has become dominant and advanced. It means that the
higher school teacher`s digital skills are advanced. It
is the real and unusual situation when the teacher`s
professional competence is vs the teacher`s digital
competence. The faculty`s ability to work in the
digital educational university environment and with
variety of various Internet platforms tools (virtual
whiteboards, instant messengers, chats),
understanding and adequate response to students`
reactions, management of students` reactions and the
very speed of reaction to students` reactions on
The formation of such a cognitive model of
behavior is accompanied by various risks and pain
points (Dunaeva and Egorova, 2021), with the
simultaneous actualization of both positive and
negative qualities of online learning (Baeva et al.,
Research questions:
RQ 1: Is the attitude of the University students to
the new format of learning unambiguous?
RQ 2: How is the ambivalent nature of the
educational process in the COVID - 19 pandemic
The “ambivalence” category, which was extrapolated
from the field of psychiatry, was used as a supporting
theoretical basis for the study. Ambivalence was
considered from the point of view of psychoanalysis
by the Swiss clinician Eugen Bleuler as a duality of
attitudes towards external factors. According to E.
Bleuler ambivalence is a very contradictory state of
the personality taking similar to the character of
internal conflict (Bleuler, 1911). The scientist divided
ambivalence into three types: emotional, intellectual
and volitional (Bleuler, 1911).
The matter of such a conflict is manifested in the
fact that the same object or objects, phenomenon,
image simultaneously causes opposite reactions:
– dissatisfaction, agreement –
disagreement, solidarity – antagonism, sympathy –
antipathy, egalitarianism – hierarchism. The main
characteristics of the “ambivalence” phenomenon are
duality, contradiction, bipolarity or positive-negative,
pleasant - unpleasant, loved
– unloved. Thus, it
means a potential conflict, a conflict of
interpretations, actions, reactions within the same
phenomenon. We fully agree with the scientists
(Jaspers, 2020) from Belgium. They emphasize the
effectiveness of the educational activities
interpretation, largely consisting of contradictions,
through a bifocal lens (Jaspers, 2020), with 2 opposite
foci. At the same time, the scientists underline the
importance of empirical focus.
The category of ambivalence is an object of study
for different sciences: not only psychology and
psychiatry (Canas-Simião et al., 2021). It is studied
by social science (Olsen, 2021), linguistics (Strokal,
2020), literary criticism (Chen, 2021), social
philosophy (Amaya, 2021), pedagogy (Jaspers, 2020;
Lièvre F., 2021; Novikova, 2001; Bim-Bad, 2008;
Sheraizin, 2003).
Russian scientists L.I. Novikova and B.M. Bim-
Bad consider ambivalence as an integral part of
human essence and a mechanism for integrating and
harmonizing mutually exclusive components. This
point of view is presented in the paper, devoted to the
problems of education in secondary school. The
authors emphasize the importance of implementing
such an approach in the educational school
environment, starting from goal setting, content,
management, regulation, control and
organization. The indicated approach is also valid in
relation to the educational process at the higher
school where educational programs of higher
education are implemented in various directions. The
same point of view is presented in the study of the
Russian scientist R. M. Sheraizin.
He highlights on the one hand, academic freedom,
openness, duality, polyvalent training, partnership
within the university complex, and on the other hand,
the integrity and consistency of the educational
process, integration into the territorial scientific and
educational environment, self-organization
(Sheraizin, 2003). We fully agree with R. M.
Sheraizin that such an approach to the modernization
of university education is aimed at the successful
implementation and comprehension of the
educational process through a dual position. This
activity presupposes mutual change,
complementarity and interpenetration (Sheraizin,