Drivers Pressures States Recognition based on Heart Rate Variability
Kongjian Qin
, Hongwei Liu
, Mingjun Zhang
and Jinchong Zhang
CATARC Automotive Test Center (Tianjin) Co.,Ltd, Tianjin, China
China Intelligent and Connected Vehicles (Beijing) Research Institute Co.,Ltd., Beijing, China
Keywords: Drowsy Driving Detection, Driving Performance and Activity, Heart Rate Variability Analysis.
Abstract: Drivers pressures are major causes of road accidents, and thus drivers’ pressures states recognition become
an important topic in Advanced Driver Assistant System (ADAS). Physiological signals provide information
about the internal functioning of human body and thereby provide accurate, reliable and robust information
on the driver’s state. In this work, the several features, which are 8 heart rate variability features and 10
mathematical features, are trained using three classifiers: Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-nearest-
neighbor (KNN) and Ensemble. The algorithms based pNN5 and LF/HF achieved best performance in HRV
linear features evaluation, and the accuracy (AC), sensitivity (SE), specificity (SP) for Stress Recognition in
Automobile Drivers data are 89.0%, 91.8% and 77.3% respectively. The mathematical features result in
98.6%,99.1% and 91.5% for accuracy (AC), sensitivity (SE), specificity, respectively.
It is easy for drivers to have mental stress during the
driving process, due to monotonous driving behavior.
For example, long-time traffic jams or driving on
heavily congested roads will increase the risk of
driver accidents. It is found potential hazards caused
by various driver pressures (Gibson 2000). However,
the recognition and classification of driver pressure
levels can be used as a monitoring and early warning
technology for ADAS, which has developed rapidly
in recent years.
In the selection of driver's physiological
parameters, the mental state recognition method
based on EEG has been proposed (Su 2008, C 2010,
F 2012, Hashemi 2014), but it is difficult to put into
actual use, due to the poor noise immunity and
difficulty of deployment of EEG acquisition in the
vehicle scene. It is proved that drivers’ skin
conductance and heart rate parameters are more
clearly related to their stress levels, according to
experiments (Singh 2014). In addition, driving
fatigue state detection has also been proposed, based
on analysis method of facial image and vehicle
driving data (Mbouna 2013, Jo 2014, Cyganek 2104).
However, these methods require special equipment to
be installed in the vehicle, such as a camera for facial
image collection or a data recording device for
accessing vehicle driving data.
Based on the driver's heart, the pressure detection
method has also attracted much attention. According
to the principle that sleep affects the driver's
autonomic nervous system (ANS) and heart activity,
fatigue detection is carried out, based on the
physiological parameters of the heart. In 2005, It is
proposed the most practical method to detect the
driver’s condition during actual driving based on
heart rate detection (Healey 2005). In 2016, it is (Chui
2016) et al. proposed a fatigue detection method
based on driver's electrocardiogram. The
psychological impact of the road traffic environment
on drivers and the resulting physiological burden and
changes in driving behavior were studied (Domestic
2001). In addition, some researchers detect fatigue
driving behavior based on Photo Plethysmo Graphy
(PPG) signals (Lee 2011). Although experiments
show that this method can obtain good performance,
it is difficult to stably obtain good ECG or PPG
signals, due to the influence of car motion.
Nevertheless, the heart rate variability (HRV)
extracted from ECG and PPG signals has a strong
anti-noise ability, which is an effective sign to
identify the internal state of the human body.
Based on the MIT-BIH autopilot pressure
recognition data set, this paper carried out research on
the pressure state recognition algorithm by using the
driver's HRV. After the ECG signal is preprocessed,
8 kinds of HRV parameters are extracted, and then 10
Qin, K., Liu, H., Zhang, M. and Zhang, J.
Drivers Pressures States Recognition based on Heart Rate Variability.
DOI: 10.5220/0011158800003444
In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare (CAIH 2021), pages 29-33
ISBN: 978-989-758-594-4
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mathematical features with statistical significance are
obtained. After sorting all the features, support vector
machine (SVM) and K nearest neighbor (KNN) are
trained in two classifiers.
The structure of this article is as follows: in the
second section, we will introduce the new system
structure. The third section introduces the analysis
methods of the studied variables. The experimental
results are shown in the fourth section. Finally, this
article reviews the main conclusions and discusses
future work in the fifth section.
2.1 Heart Rate Variability
The R wave is the highest peak in the ECG, and the
RR interval (RRI) is defined as the interval between
the R wave and the next R wave. HRV is the
fluctuation of RRI, a physiological phenomenon that
reflects the activity of the cardiac autonomic nervous
system. Therefore, HRV analysis is used to monitor
stress and cardiovascular disease. Although there are
two features of HRV: linear finite element features
and nonlinear features, this study mainly uses linear
finite element features, as the extraction of non-linear
features requires long-term RRI measurement to keep
the output features stable, which can’t be used in real
time, for example, fatigue driving early warning.
Linear HRV features are divided into time domain
features and frequency domain features.
Time-domain features include:
MeanNN: the average value of RRI.
SDNN: standard deviation of RRI.
RMSSD: root mean square error of adjacent
TP: total power change of RRI.
pNN50: the number of sample pairs where
the difference between adjacent RRIs is
greater than 50ms in a given measurement
Frequency-domain features include as follows.
The first one is Low Frequency (LF), which is the
power in the low frequency band of the PSD (0.04
Hz-0.15 Hz). LF mainly reflects the regulation of
sympathetic nerves, with the main function of
sympathetic nerves to strengthen the heartbeat and
muscle work ability. The sympathetic nerve has an
inhibitory effect on the smooth muscle of the
bronchioles, making the bronchi dilate, which is
conducive to lung breathing. Sympathetic nerve
activity increases when the body is under tension and
requires intense ventilation.
The second one is High Frequency (HF), which is
the power in the high frequency band of the PSD
(0.15 Hz–0.4 Hz). HF mainly reflects the adjustment
of the parasympathetic nerve to the body. The
function of the parasympathetic nerve is opposite to
the sympathetic nerve. The two jointly regulate the
body's heart rate, respiration, glandular secretion, and
the blood flow distribution of important organs, such
as the liver and adrenal glands, which can slow the
body's heartbeat, lower blood pressure and shrink the
bronchi, so as to reduce unnecessary energy
consumption and reflect the activities of the
parasympathetic nervous system.
The third one is LF/HF, that is, LF to HF ratio,
which shows the balance between the activities of the
sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic
nervous system. When the body holds still, the
activity of the parasympathetic nerve increases.
However, it may cause the body to fatigue after a long
time. LF/HF must change continuously within a
certain range, so as to maintain human health.
2.2 Mathematical Characteristics of
Heart Rate Variability
After the ECG signal is filtered, the mathematical
features of each linear feature are obtained based on
linear HRV feature extraction. There are 12 time-
domain linear features, including mean, median,
standard deviation (SD), variance, maximum,
minimum, skewness, kurtosis, power, root mean
square (RMS), approximate entropy and Hurst
3.1 Date Set
This research uses MIT-BIH’s Stress Recognition in
Automobile Drivers data set. Each sample in the data
set uses electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyography
(EMG), skin conductance (EDA) and respiration rate.
The sampling frequency of ECG is 496 Hz, the
sampling frequency of skin conductance and
respiration is 31 Hz and the sampling frequency of
EMG is 15.5 Hz, with a total of 17 driving tests. The
labeled information comes from a questionnaire of all
drivers, including the perception of low, medium, and
CAIH 2021 - Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare
high stress during rest, highway and city driving, with
two scoring methods, free scoring and mandatory
ranking. Drivers score the driving event amid the free
scoring method, with the scoring standard from "1" to
"5", where "1" represents the feeling of "no pressure"
while "5" represents the feeling of "high pressure".
Mandatory ranking requires drivers to rank events on
a scale from 1 to 7, where "1" is assigned to the least
stressful driving event, while "7" is assigned to the
most stressful driving event. Drivers are asked to rate
events by using this scale, including encounters with
toll booths, mergers and exits and other city, and
highway driving tasks. The values of the two stress
levels in each questionnaire are standardized, and
then the average and standard deviation are calculated
and inversely transformed. The test analysis of all
categories shows that the overall score and the
comparison score are significantly different
(p>0.001), which supports the rationality of the data
3.2 Data Preprocessing
The original ECG data collected from the driver
includes noise caused by various reasons. First, it is
needed to use a filter with a cutoff frequency of 3-100
Hz to eliminate noise. Then the heartbeat is detected
by QRS complex scanner using Pan and Tompkins
algorithm (Karegar 2017). The HRV signal is
obtained by accurately measuring the R peak value
from the ECG signal based on the wavelet transform
technique (Zhao 2012).
3.3 Feature Extraction
The preprocessed ECG signal is first subjected to
HRV linear feature extraction to generate 8 HRV
features, including MeanNN, SDNN, RMSSD, TP,
NN50, LF, HF and LF/HF. The time-domain features
are extracted by algorithms to generate mathematical
features, with a total of 5*10+3=53 types of features.
The significant difference values of the mathematical
characteristics of the sample categories are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1: Significant differences of varies characteristics.
Mean Skewness
Median Kurtosis
Standard variance power
variance Root Mean Square (RMS)
Hurst index Approximate entropy
3.4 Classifier
SVM, KNN and ensemble classifiers are used to
classify features in the experiment. 75% of the data is
used for training the classifier, while 25% of the data
is used for testing. Support vector machine is a classic
binary classification algorithm, which seeks the
optimal linear decision surface between classes by
minimizing structural risks (Zhang 2015). KNN is a
super machine learning algorithm that uses
autoregressive features and each form to classify
various low alert states, which is better than quadratic
discriminant analysis (QDA) and linear discriminant
analysis (LDA) (Bhuvaneswari 2015).
3.5 Evaluation Method
We can calculate true positive (TP), false negative
(FN), true negative (TN) and false positive (FP), so
we can calculate performances of accuracy (AC),
sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP). For example:
(%) 100
(%) 100
(%) 100
In addition, because our test data is biased (the
pressure-free interval is more than the pressure
interval), it is important to have two parameters,
namely, the balance accuracy (BA) and the geometric
mean (GM), such as
(%) ( ) 100
(%) 100
This research carried out the following experiments.
the first one is to extract 5 kinds of heart rate
variability features, and then calculate 20 kinds of
time-frequency domain features, and then input the
heart rate variability features as training data into the
classifier for training and evaluation. The second one
is to extract 5 kinds of heart rate variability features,
and then calculate 20 kinds of time-frequency domain
features, and then input each time-frequency domain
feature as training data into the classifier for training
and evaluation. The difference between the two
experiments is to focus on the characteristics of heart
Drivers Pressures States Recognition based on Heart Rate Variability
rate variability and time-frequency domain
characteristics. And the contribution of various
features to the performance of the classifier is tested
through the experiments.
Experiment 1 uses various HRV features
extracted by the heart rate variability analysis
method, carries out training modeling and obtains
experimental results. It can be seen from Table 2 that
SDNN and RMSSD can get better recognition results,
while RRI and pNN50 are slightly less effective, and
features got by TP are the worst. This reflects that the
sensitivity of these features has a high degree of
discrimination for identifying the driver's stress state.
Table 2: Driver status recognition results based on the characteristics of heart rate variability.
HRV Classifier
AC (%)
SE (%)
SP (%)
SVM 69.0 77.2 32.6 54.9 104.8
KNN 75.0 81.9 41.2 61.6 111.0
SVM 78.0 84.1 47.6 65.9 114.8
KNN 77.0 83.1 49.5 66.3 115.1
SVM 72.0 78.7 47.2 62.9 112.2
KNN 79.5 84.8 57.3 71.0 119.2
SVM 69.0 75.4 49.2 62.3 111.6
KNN 69.0 75.1 51.2 63.1 112.4
SVM 88.0 91.1 74.5 82.8 128.7
KNN 89.0 91.8 77.3 84.6 130.1
SVM 74.3 79.1 60.9 70.0 118.3
72.7 77.3 60.9 69.1 117.5
71.5 75.8 61.2 68.5 117.0
75.6 79.4 66.1 72.8 120.6
SVM 89.0 91.3 82.0 86.6 131.6
KNN 92.0 93.7 86.8 90.2 134.3
Experiment 2 uses various HRV features extracted
by the time-frequency analysis method, carries out
training modeling and obtains experimental results. It
can be seen from Table 3 that the model recognition
accuracy of features such as mean, variance, mean
square deviation, and maximum value is higher,
which reflects that these features contain more
information about the driver's state.
However, the Hurst index, skewness, kurtosis, Q1
and other parameters have little effect on the
performance of the recognizer, with the recognition
rate at the range of 50%±5.
Table 2: Driver status recognition results based on time-frequency characteristics
AC (%)
SE (%)
SP (%)
BA (%)
GM (%)
SVM 98.6 99.1 91.5 95.3 138.0
KNN 98.2 98.8 90.7 94.8 137.7
SVM 96.0 97.4 78.9 88.2 132.8
KNN 92.0 94.7 68.6 81.6 127.8
SVM 92.0 94.6 71.4 83.0 128.8
KNN 95.0 96.6 81.8 89.2 133.6
deviation (SD)
SVM 94.0 95.9 80.6 88.3 132.9
KNN 95.0 96.6 84.6 90.6 134.6
SVM 91.0 93.6 76.9 85.3 130.6
KNN 92.0 94.3 80.2 87.3 132.1
Hurst index
SVM 85.0 88.8 70.0 79.4 126.0
KNN 86.5 89.8 73.5 81.7 127.8
CAIH 2021 - Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare
SVM 89.0 91.7 78.4 85.1 130.4
KNN 88.9 91.5 79.3 85.4 130.7
SVM 87.1 89.9 77.7 83.8 129.5
KNN 89.2 91.5 81.5 86.5 131.5
SVM 68.0 71.4 61.0 66.2 115.1
KNN 70.5 73.7 64.0 68.8 117.3
Root mean
SVM 93.5 94.8 89.4 92.1 135.7
KNN 94.4 95.5 91.1 93.3 136.6
SVM 84.3 86.5 79.3 82.9 128.7
KNN 85.4 87.3 81.1 84.2 129.8
This study uses the ECG physiological signal data set
to study the method of identifying the driver's stress.
The results show that the features perform better in
detecting the three categories of low pressure,
medium pressure and high pressure, according to the
results of the classifier, with classification accuracy
rates at 93.1%, 96.6%, and 96.6%, respectively. With
the improvement of ECG performance, other
physiological signals can also be combined to
improve the detection accuracy of low vigilance. In
the future, vehicle and behavior-based methods can
be combined with physiological methods to develop
reliable detection methods of driver state.
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Drivers Pressures States Recognition based on Heart Rate Variability