Based on the data above, it is known that the
coefficient of r is 0.952 and sig (2-tailed) is 0.000.
After calculating the data, it can be interpreted that
there is a very strong relationship between students’
learning motivation and students’ speaking skills.
This means that students who have high motivation
will also get high achievement in speaking skills.
While r product moment with a significant value of
5% is 0.396.
Moreover, it is clearly implied that rxy>rtable or
0.952>0.396. This means that Ha is accepted and Ho
is rejected or there is a significant relationship
between students' learning motivation and students'
speaking skills. In other words, students with high
motivation score high in their speaking skills.
Meanwhile, students with low learning motivation
got low scores in their speaking skills.
Finally, the current research found that students'
learning motivation is very important for students'
learning outcomes in speaking English because it has
a strong correlation between students' motivation in
learning and their English speaking skills. Therefore,
it is important to build students' motivation so that
they can achieve maximum achievement in their
speaking skills.
The main objective of this research was to find out
whether or not there was a correlation between
students’ learning motivation and their speaking skill
in English. This research implied that students need
speaking skill for their academic and social life
(Nefri, 2013). It is due to speaking is become one of
the goal of learning English for senior high school
students in Indonesia as it is regulated on 2013
curriculum. However, most of the students still faced
some challenges in practicing English speaking skill
(Legault, 2016). EFL teachers and students still faced
difficulty in speaking an English language.
The challenges faced by the students are also
found at MAN 13 Jakarta, most of the students seem
have no idea what to talk in English. It is due to they
have limited vocabulary stock, self-confidence, and
self-motivation. The same point is also emphasized
by Deni, who stated that most common obstacles
faced by students are lack of vocabulary, and less of
learning intention, and motivation to speak in English
(Abrar et al., 2018). In other words, students have less
motivation to speak in English so that they rarely use
English to speak. Liu, Hau, & Zheng is also asserted
that motivation could help students to pass the
learning process in maximum way since students
enjoy all of the process of learning (Legault, 2016).
Motivation becomes one of the essential factors in
teaching and learning process including learning how
to speak an English language. Motivation is a
conscious effort to move, direct and maintain
someone's behavior so that he is compelled to act to
do something to achieve results or a specific purpose
(Locke and Schattke, 2018). In other words,
motivation is a kind of stimulus that could make
someone do everything in maximum way.
There are two kinds of motivation such as intrinsic
motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic
motivation refers to motivation concerned in
activities from its own sake (Liu, 2020). It means that
a motivation which comes from student itself refers
to their own desire. Meanwhile extrinsic motivation
is an aspect that comes from our surrounding which
able to motivate us to do our best in every single
activity we do in this case learning speaking. It is
supported by Locke, & Schattke who asserted that
motivation appears due to external incentive such as
reward, gift, and punishment. In other words,
motivation could be appeared through other support
and stimulus (Lin and Chen, 2017).
Asides from those all explanations, the result of
this study provided the information that 64% of the
students have higher level of motivation in which
they got 70 score of motivation. Meanwhile 36% of
the students still have low motivation level since they
got below of 70 as their score of motivation. In line
with motivation score, students speaking skill in
which most of students got 80 as their speaking score.
However, student with low motivation score got low
score in speaking it is proved by students speaking
score that is below than 70.
The result above strongly indicates that there were
a strong correlation between students’ learning
motivation and their speaking skill at MAN 13
Jakarta. It seems to indicate that students with higher
level of motivation will get higher score on their
English speaking score. On contrary, students who
get lower level of motivation will get lower score on
their speaking score. It is pointed by Isianti who have
also done a research about students’ motivation and
speaking ability and the result of the study revealed
that there were a positive correlation between
students’ learning motivation and their speaking skill
(Putra, 2017).
In light with this current research, a research
dealing with learning motivation and speaking was
conducted by Rahman & Deviyanti to 34 students of
SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung (Rahman and Deviyanti,
2018). The findings of the study revealed that
students’ learning motivation have a great correlation
with students’ speaking skill. Another important
research related to the correlational study of
motivation and speaking skill was conducted by Putra
(Rheinberg and Engeser, 2018). This study was