Analysis of the Structure, Behavior and Performance of Indonesia
Halal Food Industry with Digital Marketing Post Covid-19 Pandemic
Christianus Manihuruk
, Bachtiar Simamora
and Lily Leonita
Management Department, Binus Business School Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia
Management Department, Binus Online Learning Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: SCP, Growth, PCM, MES.
Abstract: Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world has a comparative advantage of
tremendous opportunities to produce and export food and beverages with good and halal export quality. The
condition of the corona virus pandemic or Covid-19 has forced industry players to revise the targets they have
set for 2020. The aim of this study is to analyze the Structure, Behavior and Performance of Indonesia Halal
Food Industry with Digital Marketing Post Covid 19 Pandemic. Data analysis is carried out descriptively by
explaining the description of the analysis of halal food behavior in Indonesia and quantitatively by analyzing
the market structure of the halal food industry. The result shows the structure of the Halal Food Market in
Indonesia is a monopsony market, the largest company in Indonesia has an average market share of 2.72%,
and CR4 averages 3.85%, the growth of the domestic Indonesian Halal Food Industry is relatively stable with
an average of 15.68%, the trend tends to decline in 2018 to 3.74%, and the performance of the Indonesian
Halal Food Industry has a normal profit rate of 2.74% on average. It is expected that halal food and beverages
performance will improve significantly with digital marketing post Covid 19 pandemic with the right
government policy in place.
The condition of the corona virus pandemic or Covid-
19 has forced industry players to revise the targets
they have set for 2020. The Association of Indonesian
Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs (Gummi) had
projected growth in the range of 8% -9% in 2020
KONTAN.CO.ID JAKARTA. "If GDP is projected
to be minus 0.4% to 2.3%, then food and beverage
growth is predicted to only be at the level of 4% -
Statistics 2018, the population of Indonesia is 252
million people, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) IDR
15,833,943 billion, Medium and Large Industry and
Manufacturing GDP 3,119,617 billion (19.70%), the
number of companies 29,554 with a total workforce
of 6,005,669 people, for medium and large companies
for Halal food, the number of businesses is 6,749 with
a workforce of 937,599 people. Small Halal Food
Industry Number of Businesses 1,741,779 with a
workforce of 3,612,058 people. Increasing sales and
business continuity of halal food products in addition
to traditional marketing and modern digital marketing
so that marketing distribution is spread to foreign
Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim
population in the world has a comparative advantage
of tremendous opportunities to produce and export
food and beverages with good and halal export
quality (Ruangkanjanases, 2019). Imported products
are now starting to flood our homeland with various
types of attractive packaging. People need to be
careful in choosing these products, there could be
something hidden behind these food products that are
not suitable for consumption by Muslims. Interviews
were used in identifying the halal/halalan and
toyyib/toyyiban issues, and control points along in
storage, which are frequently interrelated (Omar,
2013). Halalan Toyyiban Issues along the Supply
Chain (Riaz and Chaudry, 2015) the Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Point (HACCP) is an application of
halalan toyyiban principles along the supply chain
from the source of supply to the customers, which
adhere to the halal toyyiban concept stipulated under
Islamic law. The halal products should not be mixed
with other nonhalal products during the supply chain
process as to sustain the products' halal status.
Manihuruk, C., Simamora, B. and Leonita, L.
Analysis of the Structure, Behavior and Performance of Indonesia Halal Food Industry with Digital Marketing Post Covid-19 Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0011241900003376
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2021), pages 61-69
ISBN: 978-989-758-602-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Throughout these activities, various circumstances
could expose the food product into risks that would
affect the status of the halalan toyyiban of a product.
Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)
Number 26 of 2013 concerning Halal Standards for
Products and Their Use. All articles in the document
apply not only to consumers, but also business actors.
Article 8 in Law Number 9 of 1999 concerning
Consumer Protection. The first paragraph in this
article states that business actors are not allowed to
produce goods and / or services that violate halal
provisions. From the two regulations, it is concluded
that all food and beverage products that are sold freely
in a mandatory manner must be good and halal. Food
and drinks that are halal Thyonian or halal and good
and nutritious are certainly very useful for us, both for
our physical and spiritual needs. MUI has been
granted a Halal certificate to ensure the nation's
access to food, beverages and halal materials (Nafis,
2019). MUI has also established the standards of halal
according to Islamic law. The examination and study
are then conducted to issue a fatwa and then a Halal
certificate is issued. Halal certification process was
not maximized in Indonesia because politics was not
integrated and facilities and infrastructure were
In SCP, the relationship between the three
components affects each other, including the
existence of other factors such as technology,
progressivity, strategies and efforts to encourage sales
(Martin, 1994). Specifically, the industrial economy
examines the structure, behavior and performance of
markets, companies and industries (Jaya, 2019).
Previous research StructureConduct-Performance
(SCP) Food and beverage products from 2009 to
2013, the market structure was monopolistic (Yuliati,
2017). Unlike the SCP of the beverage industry in
Indonesia during the period 2010 - 2014 (Kholik,
2015), the market structure is oligopoly. The
difference occurs that the first researchers are food
and beverages, the second is only drinks. In order for
the research to be different, the authors will examine
only halal eating in Indonesia (Pujadi et al., 2020).
PT CDMI Consulting 2018 research shows that
the rating of 4 big food companies that are well
known to the public in Indonesia, namely: PT
Indofood Sukses Makmur, PT Mayora Indah, PT
Ultrajaya Milk Industry, and PT. Nippon Indosari (all
of them have gone public) as well as being a
secondary data source in this study and a data source
for the Central Bureau of Statistics for 2020.
Companies can work with all Business to
Business, Business to Country companies across
industries and build brands, grow market share, and
increase loyalty and customers with the right digital
For more than half century, the researchers have been
analyzing human need sand the way their satisfaction
can contribute to increase the quality of life (QOL) or
the happiness of individual switch in a society.
Starting with the pyramid of need of Maslow (1954),
many studies have focused on how to rank needs
within a given hierarchy [14], [16], [20] (Max-Neef,
1992; Nussbaum and Glover, 1995; Sirgy et al.,
1995). The criteria to order needs is hard to establish;
any hierarchy of needs will always be subjective and
incomplete for a large number of reasons. Industrial
economists study various company policies (the
policy of the firm) in dealing with competitors and
consumers (including how to set prices for inputs and
products, advertising strategies and research and
development including how to set prices for inputs
and products, advertising strategies (Martin, 1994).
The Economics of Industry organization written by
Shepherd (1990). Denis W and the book Modern
Industrial Organization which states that the modern
approaches have three major advantages over the
Structure Conduct and Performance (SCP), First, they
estimate the market performance rather than use an
accounting proxy (Carlton and Perloff, 2005).
Second, they use changes in exogenous variables
(wage, taxes, demand growth) to explain variations in
performance rather than endogenous variables such
as concentration ratio and advertising. Third, they are
based on maximizing models for individual industries
so that hypotheses about behavior can be rested.
Porter proposes a five forces model as a tool for
analyzing the industrial competitive environment
(Porter, 1985). Among them are: (a). Competition
between competitors in the same industry. (b).
Threats to enter the market for new entrants. (c).
Threat of substituted goods (d). Bargaining power of
buyers, bargaining power of sellers (Kuncoro, 2007).
The SCP relationship as above is also explained in
Perloff, Karp, and Golan (2007: 13) that, "In the SCP
paradigm, an industry's performance - the success of
an industry in producing benefits for consumers -
depends on the conduct - behavior - of sellers and
buyers, which depends on the structure of the market.
The structure, in turn, depends on basic conditions
such as technology and demand for a product.
Typically, researchers summarize the structure by the
number of firms or some other measures of the
distribution of firms, such as the relative market
ICRI 2021 - International Conference on Recent Innovations
shares of the largest firms." The essence of the SCP
approach to industrial organization analysis is the
existence of a hypothesis which states that the
performance or existence of the market (or industry)
is influenced by the behavior of companies in the
market, while the company is also influenced by
various variables that make up the market structure.
The following will describe each section.
2.1 Structure
A market structure consists of all firms and
individuals willing and able to buy or sell a particular
product at a given time and place (Hirschey and
Bentzen, 2016). Market Structure the number of firms
in a market and the ease of entry and exit by new
firms’ determinant the type of structure (Carlton and
Perloff, 2005). Strategic behavior a set of action a
firm takes to influence the market environment so as
to increase its profit (2205, p. 350). Structure are Size
Distribution of Firm, Market share, Concentration,
Entry Barriers and Lesser elements (W.G. Shepperd
(1990, p. 6). Some firms are horizontally integrated
dan vertical integrated (Pindyck and Rubinfeld,
Edward S. Manson (1939,1949) and Sutton
(1998) in Carlton and Perloff (2005) market structure
influences the behavior of companies that operate in
it. In general, it can be seen from the aspects of
efficiency, technological progress, market growth,
and balance in distribution.
Measurement of market concentration is
generally carried out by using the Hirschman-
Herfindahl Index (HHI) calculation using the
reference ratio of the 4 largest companies (CR4) in
the industry (Shepherd, 1990). The amount of HHI is
very sensitive to the largest share of the company,
because the smaller the share given by a company, the
less the square value of its market share. The
following is common model for testing the effects of
structure on firm’s profitability Rate of Profit = f
(Market share, Concentration, Entry barriers, Growth
rate) (Shepherd, 1990).
Based on these experts, it can be concluded that
what is meant by market structure shows the
characteristics of the market, such as the elements of
the number of buyers and sellers, the state of the
product, the state of knowledge of the seller and the
buyer, and the conditions of market entry barriers.
The market structure can also be defined as the
special environment of a company, with
characteristics that affect the determination of prices
and firm output. The elements of market structure
include: concentration, product differentiation, firm
size, growth and entry barriers, vertical integration
and diversification and government regulation.
2.2 Behaviour
According to Ferguson (1994), the term conduct
refers to the company's behavior towards the market
in determining prices (whether prices are determined
independently or by agreement), product and
advertising strategies, as well as research and
innovation. Strategic behavior is a set of action a firm
takes to influence the market environment to increase
its profit (Carlton and Perloff, 2005). Rational
behavior refers to a decision-making process that is
based on making choices that result in the optimal
level of benefit or utility for an individual. The
assumption of rational behavior implies that people
would rather take actions that benefit them versus
actions that are neutral or harm them. Most classical
economic theories are based on the assumption that
all individuals taking part in an activity are behaving
rationally (Church and Ware, 2000). The
relationships between technical organizations,
resource inputs, nature of the labor market and
product market, and variables such us as the wage
payment schema and supervisory system, all in
relation to their effect on the members of the
department and behavior with resulted (Warmington
et al., 1997). Conducts refer to the behavior (actions)
of the firms in a market; to the decisions these firms
make and also to the way in which these decisions are
taken. It thus focuses on how firms set prices, whether
independently or in collusion with others in the
market. How firms decide on their advertising and
research budgets, and how much expenditure is
devoted to these activities, (Paul R. Ferguson, 1988).
Conduct are collusion with rivals, strategies against
Rivals and Advertising activity (Shepherd. 1990).
From various opinions of experts, it can be concluded
that in industrial economics, behavior is defined as
the means by which companies gain market access.
Behavior is a pattern of responses and adjustments to
various companies in an industry to achieve its goals
and face competition, through product, price,
innovation and promotion strategies so that
companies can survive and continue to grow from
small to large.
2.3 Performance
Market performance is the success of the market in
producing benefits for consumer (Carlton and Perloff,
2005). Performance in an industry can be observed
through added value, productivity and efficiency. The
Analysis of the Structure, Behavior and Performance of Indonesia Halal Food Industry with Digital Marketing Post Covid-19 Pandemic
added value is the difference between the input value
and the output value. Productivity is the result
achieved per worker or unit of production factors in a
certain period of time. Shepheard (1990) One of the
calculations that can be used to measure performance
is the Price Cost Margin (PCM) for all industries,
namely the difference in price and marginal costs
calculated from the additional value minus labor costs
in the output section. The formula = Prize Cost
Margin = Value added - Payroll: Value of product =
Prize - Cost / Prize.
Shepheard (1990) The structure and behavior then
effect the market's performance, as reflected in the
firm's prices, cost cutting efficiency rates of
innovation, and so fa. Good performance is usually
promoted by a competitive structure and behavior.
That is, are they being productively efficient,
avoiding wasteful use of available factors of
production? Also, are they being allocative efficient
in producing the 'right' goods and in the 'right'
quantities? Light may be shed on these issues by
considering aspects of performance such as the
relationship between prices and costs, and the level of
profits earned (Carlton and Perloff, 2005). Innovation
in new technologies will support profit gains and
allow large companies to maintain maximum profit
(highly profitable positions) (Church and Ware,
2000). Performance is the final result of the overall
form of market structure and the impact of industry
behavior based on the Structural approach,Behavior
and Performance.
From the various opinions of these experts, it can
be concluded that industrial performance is the
result of work that is influenced by the structure and
behavior of the industry where the usual results are
identified with the size of market control or the
amount of profit of a company in an industry. In
more detail, performance can also be reflected in
efficiency, growth (including market expansion),
job opportunities, personnel welfare, and group
2.4 Digital Marketing
The internet brought changes in the way of marketing
products through the system of various new digital
marketing tactics, the marketing process (Olsona et
al., 2021): (1) prioritizes what company want to
produce (2) determines which marketing tactics will
be used. Variables considered strategy: prospects,
analysis and adoption of other companies that are
efficient and effective. The effect of supply chain on
new system or product innovation has been widely
studied and discussed very well in various literatures.
It is found that the integration of producers and buyers
of products has significant direct effect on marketing
performance, and the wider the marketing scope
through the mediation of manufacturing flexibility in
Entrepreneurs must maximize the development
and use of technology today to make it easier for
people to carry out their daily routines. For example,
people easily shop by using internet technology if
they are busy with other routines. Buying and selling
transaction using two types of buying and selling
transaction in E-Commerce, namely marketspace and
Marketspace is a place buying and selling activity
wholesale and retail goods via the internet or
commonly referred to as an online store. Trading
facilities in the market only come from two
directions, namely the seller and the buyer. The
working concept is that the goods produced by the
seller are provided in this marketspace which are
addressed to the buyer.
Marketplace is a gathering place for sellers and
buyers in the transaction of selling production goods
using internet facilities. In other words, a marketplace
is a site in which there are several sellers, so buyers
can choose the goods they want to buy from various
sellers or shops on the site. Examples of marketplaces
in Indonesia include Bukalapak, Lazada, Toko
Marketing expansion and increasing turnover and
number of customers, companies need to undergo a
digital marketing transformation to increase sales and
brands, product, or solutions.
Companies can work with all Business to
Business, Business to Country companies across
industries and build brands, grow market share, and
increase loyalty and customers with the right digital
capabilities. Example Tokopedia, and others.
Marketing expansion and increasing turnover and
number of customers, companies need to undergo a
digital marketing transformation to increase sales and
brands, product, or solutions.
The types and sources of data used in this study are
11 years of secondary data from 2008 to 2018
obtained from BPS, the Ministry of Industry and, the
Jakarta Stock Exchange. In principle, data analysis is
carried out descriptively by explaining the description
of the analysis of halal food behavior in Indonesia and
quantitatively by analysing the market structure of the
halal food industry in Indonesia with the following
ICRI 2021 - International Conference on Recent Innovations
3.1 Minimum Efficiency Scale (MES)
At the edge of the market there may be barriers to
entry, which impede potential competitor from
entering the market to become actual competitor.
Anything that decreases the likelihood, scope, or
speed of their entry is a barrier to entry (Shepherd,
1990). Barriers to entry as measured by the Minimum
Efficiency Scale (MES) and on a larger economic
scale will be it is increasingly difficult to enter the
3.2 Growth (G)
Bain, Penrose and others have suggested that industry
growth tends to reduce concentration and entry
barrier. Growth may also destabilize the market,
making it easier for new and smaller firms to rise
(Shepherd, 1990) industrial growth (Growth) the rate
of industrial growth from one year to the next.
3.3 Price Cost Margin (CPM)
In general, performance measurement with PCM. The
PCM value is used as the dependent variable because
PCM describes the profits of an industry and
represents the performance variable itself. There is
also internal efficiency (X-Eff) X-efficiency occurs in
two main forms (1) in buying more inputs than are
necessary, and (2) in low effort level by employees
(Shepherd, 1990) in this paper. PCM is selected.
4.1 MES
The market structure of the food and beverage
industry in Indonesia is seen from the barriers to entry
as measured by the Minimum Efficiency Scale (MES)
as shown in table 1.
Interpretation Related to Market Structure CR4 =
0Minimum Perfect competition 0 <CR4 <40 Low
Effective competition or monopolistic competition 40
CR4 <60Medium to lower Monopolistic
competition or loose oligopoly 60 CR4 <90
Medium upward Tight oligopoly or competitive
dominant firm fringe CR4 ≥ 90 High Dominant firm
with competitive fringe or effective monopoly (near
monopoly) CR4 = 100 Maximum m Perfect
Table 1: Portion of each CR4 Large Company in 2008-
Year Indofoo
Indosari MES
2008 0,83 0,65 0,32 0,07 1,90
2009 0,89 1,06 0,36 0,10 2,43
2010 4,66 1,62 0,76 0,13 7,19
2011 2,90 1,46 0,32 0,12 4,81
2012 4,02 1,46 0,39 0,16 6,04
2013 2,88 1,44 0,41 0,18 4,92
2014 3,24 0,12 0,03 0,17 3,57
2015 3,17 0,13 0,05 0,15 3,51
2016 2,12 0,14 0,05 0,15 2,47
2017 2,27 0,11 0,04 0,13 2,56
2018 2,36 0,12 0,05 0,13 2,67
Avg 2,72 0,75 0,25 0,13 3,85
Based on the data above, in the last 11 years the
number of CR4 Company's products was at least
1.90% in 2008, the highest was 7.19% in 2010 and in
2018 was 2.67%. The largest portion of each CR4 in
Indonesia is Indofood SM only with an average of
2.72, Mayora 0.75, Ultra Jaya 0.25 andI ndosari 0.13,
the average CR4 is only 3.85%.
The MES calculation above explains that during
2008 to 2018 the market structure of the halal food
industry in Indonesia was in the form of monopolistic
competition, because MES was carried 10%, the level
of competition was very sharp, barriers to market
entry were very small, only 3.75% or relatively
without significant obstacles.
Analysis of the Structure, Behavior and Performance of Indonesia Halal Food Industry with Digital Marketing Post Covid-19 Pandemic
4.2 Growth
Table 2: Growth of the Indonesian Halal Food Industry
2008- 2018 (Million Rupiah).
Years Sales Growth %Growth
2008 438.044 19.180 1,23
2009 446.558 8.514 1,94
2010 444.762 -1.796 -0,40
2011 647.344 202.582 45,54
2012 718.677 71.333 11,01
2013 830.050 111.373 15,49
2014 1.096.695 266.645 32,12
2015 1.212.638 115.943 10,57
2016 1.623.948 411.310 33,91
2017 1.905.191 281.243 17,31
2018 1.976.531 71.340 3,74
Average 1.030.948 141.606 15,68
Based on the data above, the growth rate of the halal
food industry in Indonesia in the last 11 years was
IDR 438,044 million in 2008, which continued to
increase to IDR 1,976,531 million, in 2010 minus
0.40% and the highest growth in 2011 was 45.54%.
The growth of the halal food industry in Indonesia has
fluctuated, with an average growth of 15.68%. The
trend of the growth of the halal food industry tends to
4.3 PCM
Table 3: PCM of the Indonesian Halal Food Industry 2008-
2018 (Million Rupiah).
Years Sales Growth %Growth
2008 438.044 10.456 2,38
2009 446.558 11.457 2,56
2010 444.762 11.952 2,68
2011 647.344 24.284 3,75
2012 718.677 24.167 3,36
2013 830.050 23.338 2,81
2014 1.096.695 29.001 2,64
2015 1.212.638 30.748 2,53
2016 1.623.948 44.908 2,76
2017 1.905.191 47.728 2,50
2018 1.976.531 43.201 2,18
Average 1.030.948 27.385 2,74
Industry performance is analyzed by looking at the
Price Cost Margin (PCM) profitability indicator, the
Halal Food Industry in the last 11 years 2.38% in
2008 was relatively stable until 2018 at 2.18%. The
lowest PCM was 2.18% in 2018 and the highest was
3.75 in 2011 with an average rate of 2.74%.
Analysis of the relationship between structures
and other factors that affect performance can be
analyzed using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
method, Best Linear Unbiased Estimation (BLU)
(unbiased and good estimator (BLU) is usually done
with classical tests and feasibility tests of minimal
correlation models. 50% This is done because the use
of the OLS method is considered the most appropriate
to describe the relationship between variables and its
use is also easier than other methods in describing the
regression results.
ICRI 2021 - International Conference on Recent Innovations
4.4 Classic Text
4.4.1 Data Normality
Table 4: PCM, MES and Growth Data Normality Test.
Information Jerque-Bera P > 0,05 χ2
(chi square)
pχ2 >pJB
PCM 2.733977 0.254873 0,6738 Norma l
MES 3.140401 5 0.207628 0,6738 Norma l
Growth 1.240525 0.537803 0,6738 Norma l
PCM, MES and Growth of the three variables p> 0.05
and χ2> pJB, it can be concluded that the three
residual variables are normally distributed then it can
be analyzed using the normal distribution.
4.4.2 Autocorrelation Test
Autocorrelation test produced by Durbin Watson
(DW) 1.527812 and between 0.758> 1.527812
<1.604 it can be said that there is no autocorrelation
4.4.3 Heteroskedasticity Test
Heteroskedasticity of the Brush Pagan Godfrey Test
model χ2 (chi square) 0.6738 greater than 0.5 means
that there is no heteroskedasticity problem.
4.4.4 Multicollinearity Test
Variance Inflating Factor (VIF) Cantered VIF
variable MES = 1,004 and, G = 1,004 all of them are
taken 10, then the two variables are said to have no
multicollinearity problem (Gujarati and Porter,
4.4.5 Regression Test
T test and F test
Partially MES to PCM t count (2.292) t table (1.96) it
can be concluded that MES and G variables partially
probity, 0.05 means a significant effect on CMP. The
effect of MES and G simultaneously has a significant
and positive effect on PCM. The results of
Table 5: The Influence of MES and Growth on the PCM of
the Indonesian Halal Eating Industry 2008-2018.
Variable Coefficient
S.E. of
residual 0.749352
Likelihood -0.832892 critter. 0.628485
statistic) 0.020224
the F probability test are 0.020, smaller <0.05. R
0.6228 and Adjusted R-squared 52.86. The MES and
G variables together have an effect on 53% of PCM,
the remaining 47% by other variables. The results of
this test indicate that the combination of the MES and
G variables contributes significantly to PCM.
The established of the regression model, the
reliability test R is greater than 0.50. Calculation of R
obtained R 0.622892 R Squared 0.528615 there is a
significant correlation 53% and both variables can
explain 43% of Y and the remaining 47% by other
PCM = β0 + β1MES + β3G+ εi
PCM (Y)= 2.009365 + 0.109762 + 0.018823 +e
Constance (a) 2.0093 MES (x1) = 0.109762
Growth (x2) = 0.018823
Analysis of the Structure, Behavior and Performance of Indonesia Halal Food Industry with Digital Marketing Post Covid-19 Pandemic
From the multiple regression equation, it can be
described as follows:
a. If there are no additional MES and G variables
(equal to 0), then the total PCM = IDR 2,009,365
b. If MES increases by Rp. 1 billion, the number of
PCMs increases by Rp. 11 billion 3). If G
increases by Rp. 1 billion, the PCM will increase
by 1.8 billion.
5.1 Conclusion
a. The structure of the Halal Food Market in
Indonesia is a monopsony market, the largest
company in Indonesia has an average market
share of 2.72%, and CR4 averages 3.85%.
b. The growth of the domestic Indonesian Halal
Food Industry is relatively stable with an average
of 15.68%, the trend tends to decline in 2018 to
c. The performance of the Indonesian Halal Food
Industry has a normal profit rate of 2.74% on
d. Buying and selling transaction using two types of
buying and selling transaction in E-Commerce,
namely marketspace and marketplace. The
internet brought changes in the way of marketing
products through the system of various new
digital marketing tactics, the marketing process.
e. Companies can work with all Business to
Business, Business to Country companies across
industries and build brands, grow market share,
and increase loyalty and customers with the right
digital capabilities. Determines which marketing
tactics will be used. Variables considered
strategy: prospects, analysis and adoption of other
companies that are efficient and effective.
5.2 Recommendations
a. Monopsony market structure, the number of
companies is too many, newcomers easily enter
the market so that the level of competition is very
high, it is advisable to the Government, especially
the Ministry of Industry and Trade, to make
regulations for the Indonesian Food Industry
which makes it easy for export-oriented good and
halal products.
b. As the largest Muslim country in the world, and
various types of halal food available today, it has
comparative advantages selling good and halal
food products to various countries, one way or
another, the food producers are relatively small
companies, the government advises in trade fair
events, and the industry provides the widest
possible for the Indonesian halal food industry.
c. There are many companies in Indonesia, even
though they have gone public but all of them are
small, so that the company's performance is not
optimal, it is suggested that several large
companies including those that have gone public
mergers, innovation and the use of high
technology so that the cost efficiency can
ultimately compete with other food companies in
other countries in the international world. d.
Indonesia as the most populous Islamic country in
the world has the potential to become a halal food
producer not limited to exports and imports but
can promote marketing expansion in various
countries of the world by undergoing digital
marketing transformation to increase sales and
branding, products or solutions.
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Analysis of the Structure, Behavior and Performance of Indonesia Halal Food Industry with Digital Marketing Post Covid-19 Pandemic