Throughout these activities, various circumstances
could expose the food product into risks that would
affect the status of the halalan toyyiban of a product.
Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)
Number 26 of 2013 concerning Halal Standards for
Products and Their Use. All articles in the document
apply not only to consumers, but also business actors.
Article 8 in Law Number 9 of 1999 concerning
Consumer Protection. The first paragraph in this
article states that business actors are not allowed to
produce goods and / or services that violate halal
provisions. From the two regulations, it is concluded
that all food and beverage products that are sold freely
in a mandatory manner must be good and halal. Food
and drinks that are halal Thyonian or halal and good
and nutritious are certainly very useful for us, both for
our physical and spiritual needs. MUI has been
granted a Halal certificate to ensure the nation's
access to food, beverages and halal materials (Nafis,
2019). MUI has also established the standards of halal
according to Islamic law. The examination and study
are then conducted to issue a fatwa and then a Halal
certificate is issued. Halal certification process was
not maximized in Indonesia because politics was not
integrated and facilities and infrastructure were
In SCP, the relationship between the three
components affects each other, including the
existence of other factors such as technology,
progressivity, strategies and efforts to encourage sales
(Martin, 1994). Specifically, the industrial economy
examines the structure, behavior and performance of
markets, companies and industries (Jaya, 2019).
Previous research StructureConduct-Performance
(SCP) Food and beverage products from 2009 to
2013, the market structure was monopolistic (Yuliati,
2017). Unlike the SCP of the beverage industry in
Indonesia during the period 2010 - 2014 (Kholik,
2015), the market structure is oligopoly. The
difference occurs that the first researchers are food
and beverages, the second is only drinks. In order for
the research to be different, the authors will examine
only halal eating in Indonesia (Pujadi et al., 2020).
PT CDMI Consulting 2018 research shows that
the rating of 4 big food companies that are well
known to the public in Indonesia, namely: PT
Indofood Sukses Makmur, PT Mayora Indah, PT
Ultrajaya Milk Industry, and PT. Nippon Indosari (all
of them have gone public) as well as being a
secondary data source in this study and a data source
for the Central Bureau of Statistics for 2020.
Companies can work with all Business to
Business, Business to Country companies across
industries and build brands, grow market share, and
increase loyalty and customers with the right digital
For more than half century, the researchers have been
analyzing human need sand the way their satisfaction
can contribute to increase the quality of life (QOL) or
the happiness of individual switch in a society.
Starting with the pyramid of need of Maslow (1954),
many studies have focused on how to rank needs
within a given hierarchy [14], [16], [20] (Max-Neef,
1992; Nussbaum and Glover, 1995; Sirgy et al.,
1995). The criteria to order needs is hard to establish;
any hierarchy of needs will always be subjective and
incomplete for a large number of reasons. Industrial
economists study various company policies (the
policy of the firm) in dealing with competitors and
consumers (including how to set prices for inputs and
products, advertising strategies and research and
development including how to set prices for inputs
and products, advertising strategies (Martin, 1994).
The Economics of Industry organization written by
Shepherd (1990). Denis W and the book Modern
Industrial Organization which states that the modern
approaches have three major advantages over the
Structure Conduct and Performance (SCP), First, they
estimate the market performance rather than use an
accounting proxy (Carlton and Perloff, 2005).
Second, they use changes in exogenous variables
(wage, taxes, demand growth) to explain variations in
performance rather than endogenous variables such
as concentration ratio and advertising. Third, they are
based on maximizing models for individual industries
so that hypotheses about behavior can be rested.
Porter proposes a five forces model as a tool for
analyzing the industrial competitive environment
(Porter, 1985). Among them are: (a). Competition
between competitors in the same industry. (b).
Threats to enter the market for new entrants. (c).
Threat of substituted goods (d). Bargaining power of
buyers, bargaining power of sellers (Kuncoro, 2007).
The SCP relationship as above is also explained in
Perloff, Karp, and Golan (2007: 13) that, "In the SCP
paradigm, an industry's performance - the success of
an industry in producing benefits for consumers -
depends on the conduct - behavior - of sellers and
buyers, which depends on the structure of the market.
The structure, in turn, depends on basic conditions
such as technology and demand for a product.
Typically, researchers summarize the structure by the
number of firms or some other measures of the
distribution of firms, such as the relative market