Possible Result 25 The CD77 level expression
remains unchanged in later passage cancer cells (after
one time period of cell doublings), the percentage of
cells marked by STxB-Cy3 remains unchanged, more
cell death (percentage) is observed.
Possible Result 26: The CD77 level expression
remains unchanged in later passage cancer cells (after
one time period of cell doublings), the percentage of
cells marked by STxB-Cy3 remains unchanged, less
cell death (percentage) is observed.
Possible Result 27: The CD77 level expression
remains unchanged in later passage cancer cells (after
one time period of cell doublings), the percentage of
cells marked by STxB-Cy3 remains unchanged, the
number of cell death (percentage) remains
Results 10-27 all overturn the hypothesis because the
CD77 expression level does not go up for later
passage cells. While results 1-9 only supports part of
the hypothesis. (The CD77 expression level increase
in later number) Result 1: It perfectly supports the
hypothesis, which means the later passage cells are
presenting more CD77 relative to earlier passage
cells, leading to the increased binding of STxB. Thus,
more STxB-SN38 kills more cells. This result
indicating STxB-SN38 has the potentials to limit
cancer grows up as targeted therapy. Moreover, due
to its high cytotoxicity, it may replace previous
medicine such as Irinotecan. Future experiments are
supposed to follow up. Animal research like mice
could be done using xenograft. Result 1,14 and 27: In
these three experiments, the STxB binding and
STxB-SN38 killing efficiency follows the CD77
level. They showed that STxB binding is positively
associated with CD77; the killing efficiency is
positively associated with STxB binding. For result
27, the CD77 expression level does not show any
relationship within later passage cells. It indicates
that the CD77 expression level seems not related to
the passage number of cells which does not support
the hypothesis. For result 14, the CD77 drops in later
passage cells. This result opposes that hypothesis.
Since much evidence point that colon and Pancreatic
cancer have some level of CD77 expression, a further
experiment should be followed up. The expression
pattern of CD77 could be complicated. The CD77
level possibly increases with the cells grow up and
drop while the passage number goes up. The reason
might associate with CD77’s function as a membrane
protein. It may also relate to the gene regulation
changes during mitosis.
For results that the STxB binding does not
correspond to STxB-SN38 killing efficiency, they can
be divided into two groups.
First group are result 2,3,8,11,12,17,20,26. In
these results, the killing efficiency of late passage is
reduced compared to early passage. In such case,
group 4 and 5 in group A and group 9 and 10 in group
B should be analyzed deeper. The difference between
group 4 and 5 or group 9 and 10 is the STxB-Sn38
staining. By comparing them, it can tell whether the
cell pathway of STxB-SN38 changes. If the pathway
changes, it is possible that the SN38 group of STxB-
SN38 are targeted by another molecule inside the
cells and eliminated. These results are unexpected
and won’t support or deny the hypothesis. The
unknown pathway is necessary to study more. If the
pathway does not change, then the STxB-SN38 may
have dose effects. A high concentration of STxB-
SN38 could downregulate the killing efficiency.
These results disprove the hypothesis that higher
binding of STxB with cells could increase cell killing
of STxB-SN38. A new experiment testing the
concentration of STxB-SN38 with its highest
efficiency could be processed.
Second group are results 4,6,7,13,15,16,22,24,25.
In these results, the killing efficiency of late passage
is higher compared to early passage. Test if the
pathway changes as talked about before in the paper.
If the pathway changes, the STxB-SN38 may bind to
something unexpected but still trigger the toxic
effects and thus kill the cells. Since STxB SN38 lost
its high specificity of binding to CD77, the
undifferentiated killing of all cells happened and
increase the kill numbers. These results are
unexpected and won’t support or deny the hypothesis.
Further experiments could be done by using cells that
have low or no expression of CD77 treated with
STxB-SN38 for control to see if STxB SN38 lost its
specificity. That may reveal another cell pathway of
how STxB-SN38 entering the cell. (As mentioned
before, STxB requires CD77 to get into cells) If the
pathway does not change, the STxB-SN38 may have
dose effects as mentioned before. It does not support
the hypothesis and more research should be done.
For result 10,11,12,16,17,18,19,20,21, STxB
binding is increasing while CD77 is not increasing or
remains the same while CD77 is dropping down. This
is strong evidence that STxB binds to another
receptor protein to get into targeted cells. That makes
it harder to let STxB mediate targeted therapy. These
results overturn the hypothesis. Later research and
study should focus on discovering and investigate the