financial statements with audit judgment that has a
basis and deep consideration to show the absence of
improperness in the preparation of financial
statements and doubts regarding the Company’s
ability to pay off its obligations and the company’s
future sustainability. The Public Accountant
Professional Standard (SPAP) states that the audit
judgment on the ability of the business entity to
maintain its operation must be based on the auditor’s
own competence against the ability of a business
entity to sustain itself within a period of one year from
the date of the financial statements.
According to Arens (2016) Audit Judgment is a
personal consideration or the auditor’s point of view
in responding to information related to audit
responsibilities and risks that will be faced by the
auditor, which will affect the auditor’s independent
opinion on the financial statements of an entity. Audit
judgment is needed by the auditor in carrying out his
duties, especially in auditing the financial statements
of a company. Judgment depends on obtaining
evidence and developing that evidence so as to
produce confidence that arises from the auditor’s
ability to explain the evidence described. The more
reliable the judgment taken by the auditor, the more
reliable the audit opinion issued by the auditor. Audit
judgment is influenced by many factors, but in this
study the factors studied were the independence,
experience and competence of the auditor.
Independence is an attitude that is free from the
influence of other parties (not controlled and not
dependent on other parties), intellectually honest, and
objective (not taking sides) in considering facts and
expressing opinions. According to Arens (2016), the
auditor tries hard to maintain the level of
independence. high level of trust in users who rely on
their reports. The next factor that can influence the
auditor’s judgment is experience, the experience of an
auditor is the experience an auditor has in conducting
an examination of the number of different
assignments that have been carried out and the length
of time the auditor has carried out his profession and
can increase his knowledge of error detection,
according to Mulyadi (2002) in Pektra and Kurnia
(2015) if a person enters a career as a public
accountant, he must first seek professional experience
under the supervision of a more experienced senior
Apart from independence and experience,
competence is another factor that can influence audit
judgment, according to Tandiontong (2016).
Competence relates to expertise, knowledge and
experience so that a competent auditor is an auditor
who has sufficient knowledge, training, skills and
experience to be able to successfully complete his
audit task, Competence concerns both knowledge of
standards, professional techniques and technical
issues involved, and the ability to make wise
judgments about applying that knowledge to each
assignment. An auditor who gives judgment on the
audit must be someone who has high competence and
is good in their field.
There are many cases of Audit Judgment in
several companies in Indonesia. These cases show the
urgency and recency of the research carried out.
These cases describe the Audit Opinion that is not in
accordance with what actually happened. This
opinion is certainly influenced by the Audit
Judgment, so the author takes the Judgment audit as
the variable under study. In 2018 there were problems
with the Garuda Company’s financial statements, due
to irregularities in the recognition of income in the
financial statements. This irregularity led to a
decrease in the audit opinion on the financial
statements, the auditor concerned was also
sanctioned, Then in addition in 2018 there were
problems in the financial statements of PT Sun Prima
Nusantara Financing (SNP) Finance. Previously, PT
SNP’s Financial Statements received an unqualified
opinion, but PT SNP experienced nonperforming
loans which caused losses to the bank. and the public
accountant concerned is sanctioned. In addition, in
2019 there was a Jiwasraya Insurance Case involving
KAP big 4 PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the KAP
which audited Jiwasraya’s financial statements was
suspected of negligence. PwC provides an
unqualified opinion on the consolidated financial
statements of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya in the audited
financial report signed by the PwC auditor which
shows net income but Jiwasraya actually loses so that
there is a discrepancy in the opinion given by the
auditor. Based on the example of this case, it can be
concluded that cheating can be done by anyone if
there is an opportunity. Even if it is done by a well-
known and trusted KAP, as an auditor it should have
followed the applicable financial reporting standards.
Although management is responsible for the financial
reports they issue. The auditor remains responsible
for the opinions given by the public accounting firm.
The auditor’s opinion is made based on the auditor’s
judgment. because the auditor’s job is as an assurance
service, namely to ensure that the financial reports
have been made fair and in accordance with
applicable standards. even if it is if when the auditor
audits the company, he finds no irregularities. If the
case arises in a company that has been audited, the
auditor will be blamed and if the auditor finds
indications of fraudulent financial statements being