Operational Audits on Goods Purchase and Payment of Debt
, Julian Sutiono
, Jajat Sudrajat
and Zaidi Mat Daud
Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Communication, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, 11480,
BINUS Entrepreneurship Center, Management Department, BINUS Business School Undergraduate Program,
Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, 11480, Indonesia
Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Keywords: Operational Audit, Purchase, Goods, Debt Payments.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to assess the performance of PT Serpong Cipta Kreasi especially in the process
of purchasing goods and paying debts, whether the process has been running effectively, efficiently, and
economically. The method of data collection is done by means of interviews and questionnaires given to
parties related to the process of purchasing goods and payment of debts. From this research it can be seen that
the company still has some shortcomings in the activities of purchasing goods and debt payments such as,
there are still advantages and disadvantages of stock of goods, goods received are not in accordance with the
orders, fictitious suppliers, and delays in paying debts.
In general, all companies, both small and large
companies, are required to be able to compete in this
fast-paced and modern era (Hall, 2011). Of course
every company must be able to achieve its goals, the
main goal of the company is to make a profit. There
are several activities that can affect the company’s
profit, these activities are the purchase of goods and
the payment of company debts (Agoes and Hoesada,
2012). In carrying out these activities, companies
generally require substantial operating and
investment funds (Agoes, 2012). Therefore, company
management must be able to design a plan so that
purchasing and paying debt activities can be carried
out efficiently and effectively (Arens, 2015). Good
company management can make the company make
useful purchases, and be able to pay debts on time
(Arens et al., 2011). Paying debts on time is very
important because delays in paying debts can cause
waste and create a bad image of the company. In order
for the entire implementation to run effectively and
efficiently, there are several efforts that company
management can make, one of which is by conducting
an Operational Audit (Arens, 2015). Operational
Audit aims to assess whether the company’s
operational activities have been carried out
effectively, efficiently and economically and provide
recommendations for improvement to management
(Susanto, 2013). Identification of problems in this
thesis are:
Has the purchase and payment of debt at PT
Serpong Cipta Kreasi run effectively, efficiently
and economically?
What weaknesses occur in the purchase and
payment of debt activities?
What steps are taken by PT Serpong Cipta
Kreasi in dealing with problems that arise in the
purchase and payment of debt? The objectives
to be achieved in this research are:
To find out the process of purchasing and paying
debts at PT Serpong Cipta Kreasi.
To find out whether the implementation of the
Operational Audit in the activities of purchasing
and paying debts at PT Serpong Cipta Kreasi has
been running effectively and efficiently.
To provide suggestions and recommendations if
there are weaknesses in the existing systems and
procedures at PT Serpong Cipta Kreasi.
For the Company. As an input that is used to
improve the weaknesses that exist in purchasing
and paying debt activities, so that the company
can prevent these weaknesses in the future.
For the author. By conducting this research, it is
expected to increase the knowledge and insight
Meiryani, ., Sutiono, J., Sudrajat, J. and Mat Daud, Z.
Operational Audits on Goods Purchase and Payment of Debt.
DOI: 10.5220/0011242900003376
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2021), pages 193-197
ISBN: 978-989-758-602-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of the author and how to apply the theories that
have been studied during lectures, regarding
operational audits of the purchase and debt
payment process.
For Readers. The results of this study are
expected to provide new information and
knowledge about operational audits of debt
purchases and payments.
In preparing this thesis the writer uses qualitative
methods. The ways in which the authors collect data
and information are as follows:
Library Research. In conducting this research
the writer reads and studies books and other
reference materials related to the research
discussed in this thesis.
Field Research. The author also conducts direct
visits to the field to obtain information and data
needed in this study. The following are some of
the techniques used:
Observation. The author directly observes the
activities of purchasing and paying debt so that
the author can understand well and obtain
accurate information.
Interview. The author conducts interviews with
the parties concerned by having prepared the
right questions in order to obtain information
about the problem under study.
Documentation. The author collects data in
ways such as observing, studying, and
investigating documents that are sources of
information relating to purchases and debt
Questionnaire. The author makes a list of
questions related to purchasing and paying debt
activities and their controls which will be filled
in by the parties concerned.
At this stage, the authors evaluate the company’s
internal control by providing a questionnaire filled in
by the relevant department in order to better
understand the data obtained. The questionnaire
given relates to the purchase and payment of debt at
PT Serpong Cipta Kreasi as well as objective
questions that have short answers in the form of
”Yes” and ”No”. The list of questions is as follows:
3.1 Accounts Payable Table
Based on the results of the questionnaire questions,
we can conclude the overall internal control of PT
Serpong Cipta Kreasi. PT Serpong Cipta Kreasi
already has good internal control in purchasing and
paying debt, this can be concluded from the results of
the questionnaire answers. Although overall the
company already has good internal controls, there are
still advantages and disadvantages as follows:
The company already has clear and written
policies and procedures related to purchasing
goods and paying debts.
There is already a clear and equitable division of
duties, so that no more one person does two jobs
at once.
There is prior authorization in order to reduce
the occurrence of errors.
There are completeness of each required
document related to the purchase and payment
of debt.
The company has a procedure for selecting
suppliers, so that purchases can run efficiently
and effectively.
The company will repay the debt that has been
settled, thus avoiding double payments.
The company evaluates every activity carried
out to get improvements if there are errors.
Besides having these advantages, of course the
company also has several weaknesses such as:
The company carries out purchasing activities
not in accordance with applicable procedures
due to sudden or urgent purchases. This makes
it ineffective and economical.
There is still a piling up of excess inventory.
There are no sanctions given if there is a delay
in receiving the goods.
There is no minimum stock implementation in
purchasing activities.
The company is still experiencing delays in
paying debt due to the absence of an authorized
official to carry out the authorization.
3.2 Audit Findings from the Results of
Examination of Goods Purchasing
Activities and Debt Payment
This stage is the final stage in conducting an
operational audit. At this stage the author will
evaluate and analyze the results of questionnaires,
observations, and direct interviews that have been
carried out in the process of operational purchases
ICRI 2021 - International Conference on Recent Innovations
and debt repayments made by PT Serpong Cipta
Kreasi, and also to assess the results of the company’s
internal control whether it is running well. right.
Judging from the results of the evaluation that has
been done, the authors found that there are findings in
the company’s internal control. From these findings,
it will be described in several audit findings
consisting of company weaknesses that were found,
the causes of these weaknesses, the impact arising
from these weaknesses that are felt by the company
and other interested parties, and provide
recommendations in the form of suggestions or
improvements. that can be done by the company to
prevent and reduce existing weaknesses, so that they
do not happen again in the future. Some of these
findings are as follows:
3.2.1 There Is a Process of Purchasing
Goods with a Direct Point System
The purchase process is carried out by direct
appointment at a sudden situation. What is meant by
direct appointment is, the company directly appoints
one supplier without making comparisons with other
suppliers. The purchasing process should have
followed the existing rules, namely by comparing
several suppliers first, and generally the ones chosen
are those who are able to provide good prices and
quality, this is done especially if you are going to
make purchases in large quantities.
This direct pointing system occurs because the
company does not have an adequate inventory
estimate and does not have careful planning, so that
when the inventory runs out, the company must make
direct appointments so that the stock of goods in the
company is fulfilled. By implementing this direct
pointing system, the company actually suffers a loss
because the price of the goods purchased is higher
than the market price because the company does not
have time to negotiate the price. In addition to prices
that may be higher than the market, the quality of
these goods is not necessarily what the company
wants, this is all because the purchases are made in a
hurry so there is no time to test the quality of the
To prevent this from happening again, the party
who will make the purchase should make estimates
and careful planning before submitting a purchase
request to the purchasing department. The competent
authorities should also routinely check the items to be
purchased whether the number of orders is in
accordance with the needs.
3.2.2 The Existence of Excess and Lack of
There are items that have been ordered but have piled
up in the warehouse and are unused, this is due to
excess orders so that the goods are not used. But
companies also often experience shortages of
The goods that have been ordered should not be
piled up in the warehouse, or even become unused.
Should all these items be used sufficiently then an
estimate will be made of the number of items to be
purchased to meet the needs of each part. The stock
of goods in the warehouse cannot be empty either.
Cases such as shortages of goods occur because
the company has not implemented a minimum stock
system at the time of purchasing goods. When going
to buy goods, only based on an estimate of how many
items to buy, so there will be excess inventory.
The accumulation of goods can cause the
company to suffer losses, because the goods that have
been piled up can no longer be used. From this case,
it can be concluded that the purchasing activity has
not been running effectively and economically.
To prevent shortages of inventory, the company
should apply a minimum stock. The department head
who will ask for the purchase process should also do
an evaluation so that the purchase is in accordance
with the needs so that there is no excess purchase.
3.2.3 Found a Fictitious Supplier
There were findings that a purchase transaction was
made with a fictitious supplier, when it was checked
it turned out that the address or contact that could be
contacted was incorrect. The impact is that the
company becomes difficult to ask for information or
when it requires maintenance of the items purchased.
Goods purchase transactions should be carried out
with clear suppliers so that the quality of the goods is
maintained and the company is easy when they want
to carry out maintenance of the items purchased. The
existence of this fictitious supplier is because the
company only carries out supplier maintenance once
a year, and the company does not check in more detail
on supplier information when it is about to carry out
the purchase process
The disadvantage for the company with this
fictitious supplier is that the company may get a price
that is higher than the market price and the quality of
the goods is not suitable, if this happens then the
company will return the goods and of course this will
take a long time. So that the process of purchasing
goods runs ineffectively.
Operational Audits on Goods Purchase and Payment of Debt
PT Serpong Cipta Kreasi has to make changes in
its supplier maintenance, which was originally only
done once a year. Supplier maintenance should be
carried out at least twice a year. That way the
company can always be updated about the status of
the supplier and the company’s relationship with the
supplier is getting better. Then when going into the
buying process, the company should check the
supplier starting from the appropriate address and
contact number.
3.2.4 The Goods Received Are Different
from the Goods Ordered
After placing an order for goods, sometimes the
goods that arrive do not match what was ordered from
the supplier. The goods that arrive should match what
has been ordered, so that there will be no return of
goods to the supplier.
The mismatch of goods that arrive occurs due to
lack of checking when the goods arrive, when the
goods arrive, they are only received by the warehouse
department but not accompanied by the department
who ordered the goods. The warehouse department
cannot ensure that the goods arrived in accordance
with the goods ordered.
Cases like this can affect the performance of a part
of the company, especially the parts that really need
the goods. If there is an error in receiving such goods,
then the goods must be returned to the supplier, and it
will take a long time for the appropriate goods to be
sent back by the supplier. Of course this process is
very ineffective and inefficient.
When the process of receiving the goods takes
place, the warehouse department must be
accompanied by the person who ordered the item, so
that it can help check whether the item that arrived is
in accordance with the order. If it turns out that the
item that arrived is wrong, you can immediately
return it to the supplier. It would be even better if
when ordering goods the company confirms with the
3.2.5 Payment of Debts to Suppliers Is Late
Based on existing audit findings, it is known that the
company was late in paying its debts. Based on the
provisions, debt payments should be made before the
due date. In the debt repayment process, the finance
department cannot immediately make payment
transactions, because the authorized official must first
sign the current account that will be used.
But sometimes the authorities are not in the office
or on duty outside the city. If this happens it will take
longer because the finance department has to ask for
the signature of another competent authority whose
position is higher.
Delays in paying debts can create a bad company
image in the eyes of suppliers, so that suppliers are
hesitant if they want to extend their cooperation with
the company. To prevent delays in paying debts, the
authorized official should check the due date then set
a schedule for signatures on the current accounts to
be paid.
4.1 Conclusion
After conducting an operational audit of the activities
of purchasing goods and paying debt at PT Serpong
Cipta Kreasi, it can be concluded that the activities of
purchasing goods and paying debt are sufficient, but
there are still some weaknesses in the company.
These weaknesses are:
In purchasing activities, sometimes it is not in
accordance with the applicable procedures. As
with the direct point purchase method, this
direct point method is carried out if it is an
urgent or important condition. It should be in
accordance with the applicable procedures, the
purchasing department should make a
comparison of several suppliers first, but this
direct point method does not make a supplier
comparison first and immediately appoints one
supplier as a supplier.
There are still shortages and excess inventory of
goods. This is because the company does not
apply the minimum stock method and does not
make careful purchase plans. Of course, this
weakness can hurt the company from an
economic point of view.
There is a fictitious supplier in the purchase of
goods. This happens because of the lack of
supplier maintenance carried out by the
company and not doing a more detailed check
on the supplier before making a transaction with
that supplier.
The goods that came do not match what was
ordered. This can happen because when the
goods are received, the warehouse department is
often not accompanied by the part that ordered
the goods, so the warehouse department cannot
fully ensure that the goods that arrive are exactly
what they ordered.
ICRI 2021 - International Conference on Recent Innovations
There is a delay in payment of debt. The late
payment of this debt is due to the absence of an
authorized official to sign the current account
used for debt repayment.
4.2 Suggestion
Based on these findings, the author will provide some
suggestions to PT Serpong Cipta Kreasi, especially in
the activities of purchasing goods and paying debt,
this suggestion is an improvement for the future, so
that it is expected to minimize the occurrence of
errors in the future. The following suggestions are
The company must use the minimum stock
method, and the part that will make the purchase
must estimate the goods to be purchased so that
there is no accumulation of goods and shortages
of stock. How to calculate the minimum stock
can be by using the average with the lead time
for the fulfillment of goods, for example, item A
is used on average as many as 5 pcs or 5 pcs /
day, and the lead time starts from purchase
request to arriving at the warehouse on average.
time of 10 days. Then the minimum stock = 5
pcs x 10 days = 50 pcs.
The company should carry out supplier
maintenance at least twice a year, so that the
company will get the latest information from the
supplier and the relationship with the supplier
will be better. The company must also provide
sanctions if an employee is involved in a
fictitious supplier. If a purchase occurs outside
the supplier list, verification and checking must
be done first.
The procedure related to the receipt of goods
must be in accordance with the procedure,
namely, when receiving goods, the warehouse
department must be accompanied by the
department who ordered the goods, in order to
ensure that the goods arrived are as ordered.
The authorized official in charge of signing the
current accounts must have a schedule for
signing the demand deposits so that the debt
payment process can be carried out before the
due date. The finance department must also
make a schedule for requesting signatures, for
example, at the beginning of each month, they
ask the competent authority to sign the current
account to be used.
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Operational Audits on Goods Purchase and Payment of Debt