Before discussing the T test, there is a regression
equation that can be seen from table 11, by looking at
the value in column B, the first row (Constant) is a
constant (a) and the next row shows the independent
variable. Then the regression model equation used is
as follows:
𝑌 = 113,512 + (−2,222)𝑋1 + 4,535𝑋2
+ (−3,256)𝑋3
Y = Audit Report Lag
X1 = Company Size
X2 = Financial Leverage
X3 = KAP size
Based on the regression model equation above, it
can be explained as follows:
• A constant value of 113.512 states that if there
is no company size, financial leverage, and
KAP size, the audit report lag will be 113.512
• The coefficient of variable X1 is -2,222, which
means that company size has a negative effect
on the audit report lag, if the company size
increases by 1 unit, the audit report lag will
decrease by 2.222 days.
• The coefficient of variable X2 is 4.535, which
means that financial leverage has a positive
effect on the audit report lag, if financial
leverage increases by 1 unit, the audit report
lag will increase by 4.535 days.
• The coefficient of variable X3 is -3,256, which
means that the size of KAP has a negative
effect on the audit report lag. If the size of the
KAP increases by 1 unit, then the audit report
lag will decrease by 3.256 days.
Based on the results of the t test and the Beta value
presented, the significant value is 0.042 and the Beta
value is -2.222, where the significance value is less
than 0.05 and the Beta value shows negative results.
This shows that company size has a significant
negative effect on audit report lag. So it can be
concluded that the first hypothesis is accepted.
Companies that are larger in size tend to have a higher
public demand for that company information. This is
a sign that the company has won the trust of the
public, so that large companies will certainly
maintain this trust by providing information quickly
and accurately. In addition, a larger company
certainly has better internal control, the better the
internal control of a company, the better the
company’s operational system. The results of this
study are in line with research conducted by previous
studies (Artaningrum et al., 2017; Dura, 2017;
Hassam, 2016; Widiastuti and Kartika, 2018) which
states that company size has a significant negative
effect on audit report lag. However, the results of this
study are not in line with research conducted by
Arifuddin and Usman (2017) which states that
company size has a positive effect on audit report lag.
Financial leverage has a significance value of
0.04 and a Beta value of 4.535, which means that the
significant value is less than 0.05 and the Beta value
shows a positive value. This shows that financial
leverage has a significant positive effect on audit
report lag, so it can be concluded that the second
hypothesis is accepted. High financial leverage
indicates that the company is in financial trouble,
which reflects high financial risk. Companies will try
to reduce the level of financial leverage of their
companies, not wanting to give bad news to users of
financial reports, especially investors. In addition,
auditors will also be more careful in carrying out
audits, so that the fieldwork time in the audit will be
longer, this causes the signal or information conveyed
by the company to users of the information to be late.
The results of this study are in line with research
conducted by previous studies which states that
financial leverage has a significant positive effect on
audit report lag. On the other hand, in contrast to the
results of this study, research conducted by other
studies states that financial leverage has a significant
negative effect on audit report lag.
KAP size has a significant value of 0.329 and a
Beta value of -3.256, where the significant value is
greater than 0.05 and the Beta value shows a negative
value. This shows that the KAP size has a negative
effect but does not significantly influence the audit
report lag, so it can be concluded that the third
hypothesis is rejected. Big Four and Non Big Four
KAPs have the same accounting standards, namely
Financial Accounting Standards (SAK) made by the
Indonesian Accounting Association (IAI) so that Big
Four and Non Big Four KAPs have the same rules and
standards in carrying out audit procedures. So the
auditors from Big Four and Non Big Four KAPs have
the same responsibility to comply with standards in
carrying out their work. Apart from the same
standards, KAP Big Four and Non Big Four are also
regulated by laws made by the government.
Therefore, Big Four and Non Big Four KAPs have the
same performance to perform audit procedures. The
results of this study are in line with research
conducted by previous studies which state that KAP
size does not have a significant effect on audit report
lag. However, the results of this study are not in line
with the research conducted by other studies which