downturn due to COVID-19. The National Logistic
Ecosystem (NLE) is a program targeted for
completion in 2024 according to Presidential
Instruction No. 5 of 2020, however, the results of the
national logistics arrangement are expected to be
applied in a sustainable manner to support the
national logistics system. The implementation of the
National Logistic Ecosystem (NLE) is closely related
to Law No. 7 of 2014 concerning Trade. Judging from
article 3 paragraph (1), (2) of Law No. 7 of 2014; the
scope of Law No. 7 of 2014 covers (1) domestic trade,
foreign trade, border trade, standardization, trade
through electronic systems, trade protection and
security, empowerment of cooperatives and micro,
small and medium enterprises; export development,
international trade cooperation, trade information
system, government duties and authorities in the trade
sector, national trade committee, supervision, and
investigation; (2) business services, distribution
services, communication services, education
services, environmental services, financial services,
construction and related engineering services, health
and social services, recreation, culture, and sports
services; tourism services, transportation services,
and other services. The implementation of the
National Logistic Ecosystem (NLE) is included in the
scope regulated by Law No. 17 of 2014 namely the
distribution of goods as regulated in article (7). Just
like the existence of Government Regulation No. 29
of 2017 concerning Payment Methods for Goods and
Delivery Methods for Goods in Export and Import
Activities, which is a more detailed explanation for
Article 40 paragraph (2) of Law Number 7 of 2014
concerning Trade. Therefore, the Government
Regulation concerning the National Logistic
Ecosystem (NLE) is needed as an explanation of the
mechanism for the distribution of goods in Article (7)
of Law no. 17 of 2014 concerning Trade.
NLE is a new breakthrough that is in line with the
principles of good governance. Through NLE,
stakeholders can benefit more, both in terms of cost
and time. The implementation of NLE so far has
proven to be able to cut logistics distribution flows,
save budgets, and clarify information and
communication because processes from upstream to
downstream have been integrated.
NLE is also the answer to the problems of
Indonesia’s logistics system in and out which always
occurs, especially in the era of the Covid-19
pandemic. So, it is hoped that the rules related to NLE
will not only be applied during covid but also after
covid. NLE is a unit of a series of rules issued by the
government in response to Covid which led to the
promulgation of Law no. 43 of 2020 concerning
Amendments to Government Regulation Number 23
of 2020 concerning the Implementation of the
National Economic Recovery Program in Order to
Support State Financial Policies for Handling the
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic
and/or Facing Threats That Endanger the National
Economy and/or System Stability Finance and Saving
the National Economy. Until now, the NLE itself still
has weak legal force because it is based on
Presidential Instruction No. 5 of 2020 concerning the
arrangement of the national logistics ecosystem.
2.4.3 National Logistic Ecosystem (NLE)
and Its Relation with the Welfare State
So the National Logistic Ecosystem (NLE) in this
study will function as a planned process or effort.
Another meaning in the welfare state theory, the
National Logistic Ecosystem (NLE) is that the
government actually has a responsibility to guarantee
the greatest happiness (or welfare) of the greatest
number of their citizens. The principle of welfare is
the same as happiness, which is then called the
principle of utilitarianism. Based on these two
principles, it means that everything that can create a
sense of happiness and provide welfare or well-being
is good because the state plays an active role in
managing and organizing the country’s economy,
which includes various state responsibilities to ensure
the availability of basic welfare services for its
citizens. Regulations that are proclaimed can move
the wheels of the economy in a positive way that can
encourage every human resource to be used to drive
economic activity, one of which is by meeting the
basic needs of each person. One of the roles played
by the state is the effectiveness of state revenue
sources through various efforts
Welfare state theory is used because this theory is
considered to have basic similarities with the
discourse on implementing the National Logistic
Ecosystem (NLE). In the theory of the welfare state,
the state actually has a basic obligation to ensure the
welfare of its people. This of course must be
accompanied by qualified resources, including
economic resources. One of the things that can be
done to realize this is by optimizing sources of state
revenue which can be done through changes in
logistics policy. Therefore, the implementation of the
National Logistic Ecosystem (NLE) cannot be
separated from fulfilling the obligations of the state
as a welfare state. Even after the end of COVID-19,
practices are still important for the long-term
improvement of the national economy. In addition,
the National Logistic Ecosystem (NLE) will provide