The Influence of Brand Ambassador toward Purchase Intention of
Fila on Social Media
Cindy Agustin, Siti Nahdiah and Gaby Shania Pratama
Marketing Communication Program, Communication Department, Faculty of Economics Communication,
Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, 11480, Indonesia
Keywords: Brand Ambassador, Purchase Intention, Social Media.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship and influence between BTS as
brand ambassadors and interest in buying Fila products. This study uses an associative quantitative research
method that distributes questionnaires to @filaindonesia Instagram followers and uses SPSS 25 to obtain data
process results. The results obtained from this study are that there is an influence and relationship between
BTS as brand ambassadors and interest in buying Fila products. The conclusion from this research is that BTS
brand ambassadors produce a strong enough relationship and low influence on buying interest in Fila’s
The rapid development of technology and
information today makes competition between
companies increasingly fierce in attracting consumers
to choose their products, especially for companies
engaged in similar fields. This makes them have to be
more creative in making strategies to increase interest
in the community. One way that companies do to
achieve this is by promoting to a wide audience and
adapting products to the target market in order to
increase the reputation and consumer awareness of a
company, as well as reach a wider range of consumers
which can then affect people’s buying interest.
Therefore, promotion is one of the most important
aspects in attracting consumers to convey information
about products to consumers tailored to the target
market which will later be able to attract new
consumers, influence consumers to buy products and
form the desired image of buyers so that they attract
interest. One of the promotional activities that are
generally carried out by companies and brands is
cooperating with or inviting brand ambassadors to
help achieve the goals desired by the company. The
use of celebrities or individuals who are known to the
public as brand ambassadors trusted by marketers can
be one of the determining factors in influencing what
the celebrity says and has a positive influence on
consumers (Soniya, 2018) so as to move the masses,
attract attention and consumers. More broadly, brands
and companies often hire celebrities or famous people
with a good reputa tion to represent their labels.
Fashion is one of the important sectors in the
industry that is endlessly discussed and growing
rapidly over time. In Indonesia, as reported by CNBC,
the economy in the creative industry sector is strongly
influenced by the fashion industry which contributes
around 18.01% or 116 Trillion Rupiah (Andrea,
2019). Fashion in Indonesia is developing widely, one
of which is in the field of sports. Currently, sports can
be said to be one of the lifestyles that are developing
in young people. Fashion stylist Caren Delano said
that people’s passion now is exercising while looking
stylish, which is a new global fashion trend today.
This can be seen from the high profit selling well-
known sports brands that are the people’s choice
(Tashandra, 2019).
Fila is a company founded by the Fila brothers in
1911 whose products were initially centered on
textiles and knitted garments. Fila then started to
launch sportswear in 1973 with the F symbol in the
box, which then began actively collaborating with
athletes by providing sportswear designed to provide
a sense of total freedom for its athletes. Fila then
developed into a company that provides clothing not
only for sports, but also for fashion that always
follows trends and times. Seeing from the high and
many competitions and the high sales profit of its
competitors, Fila made a strategy to be remembered
Agustin, C., Nahdiah, S. and Shania Pratama, G.
The Influence of Brand Ambassador toward Purchase Intention of Fila on Social Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0011245500003376
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2021), pages 107-114
ISBN: 978-989-758-602-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and increase consumer awareness which in turn could
increase buying interest in the wider community,
especially Indonesia to buy Fila products. To promote
its brand, Fila actively invites several well-known
celebrities, one of which is by collaborating with
BTS, a South Korean boyband to become the global
face and model of Fila products worldwide since
October 1, 2019 (Suryandari, 2019).
BTS or Bangtan Sonyeondan or ”Beyond The
Scene” is a South Korean boy band that debuted in
2013 and has 7 members. This boy band has become
a superstar who broke countless global awards and
recognition from fans through original self-produced
music, best performances and the way to
communicate with fans, also known as ARMY. BTS
itself also made a positive impact through the LOVE
MYSELF campaign and the UN speech ”Speak
Yourself” and was named one of TIME 100: The
Most Influential People Of 2019 (Ibighit, 2021). Due
to its popularity and many achievements, BTS has
been partnered with several times to become brand
ambassadors for several brands, some of which are
Puma in 2015, Line, collaborating with the Dior
brand in 2019 and many more (Andrea, 2019).
BTS itself has an official Instagram account called
@bts.bighitofficial which has 31.2 million followers,
which has become the boy band group with the
highest number of followers in 2018. In Indonesia,
BTS fans, also known as ARMY, are very numerous.
This can be seen from BTS new songDynamite
quoted from Koreaboo, Indonesia is located at
number one as the country that contributes the most
views, with a total viewer of 48.5 million. Seeing the
large number of BTS fans from Indonesia, we can
find many fanbase accounts on Instagram, some of
which have tens to hundreds of thousands of
followers. In this fanbase account, they will later
provide the latest information regarding BTS, such as
the latest songs, the fashion used by BTS members,
performances and concerts, and much more. In 2017,
Indonesia is said to occupy the first position as the
largest number of loyal BTS fans (Permita). Seeing
from a series of achievements, the positive image that
BTS always brings at all times, making BTS have
many fans and great enthusiasm from ARMY (as
BTS fans are called), makes fashion company Fila
invite BTS to become brand ambassadors and present
BTS X product collaborations. Fila which can be the
attraction of a company to its consumers, so that it is
expected to have an effect on someone’s buying
interest in Fila products promoted by the boyband
Seeing the magnitude of competition between
sports clothing brands today, companies certainly
need to develop new strategies continuously to attract
consumers’ attention and make consumers remember
related brands and products, thus influencing their
buying interest in the end. Like other sportswear
brands, Fila also wants to increase awareness of its
products to consumers, so Fila invites BTS to become
brand ambassadors. With a positive image and a large
number of fans, it is hoped that Fila products can be
remembered by consumers who are in accordance
with the target market which will later affect an
increase in buying interest or not.
2.1 Marketing
The definition of marketing or marketing is the
process by which companies create value for
customers and build strong customer relationships,
with the aim of capturing value from customers in
return. Today, marketing is not just about selling, but
also satisfying customer needs, by becoming a part of
consumers’ lives and adding to the experience
through the brand. If marketers engage consumers
effectively, understand their needs and develop
products that provide more customer value, price,
distribution and promote them well, then the product
will sell easily. Marketing is around in several forms,
such as old traditional forms and in new forms such
as websites, mobile applications, videos and social
media. The marketing concept is the achievement of
organizational goals depends on knowing the needs
and wants of the target market and providing the
desired satisfaction better than competitors. The
marketing concept itself has a customer-centered
“feel and respond” philosophy. The marketing
concept is not about finding the right customer for the
product, but finding the right product for the customer
(Kotler and Ketler, 2016).
2.2 Brand Ambassador
A brand ambassador is a well-connected person or
celebrity who is used to promote and advertise a
product or service. He is a diplomat, representative of
an organization, institution or company that best
describes a product or service. Brand ambassador is
brand face and finger; everything they touch, the
brand touches. Brand Ambassadors form the public
image of the brand and are used by human companies
to convey their message to the public. Nontraditional
marketing companies leverage Brand Ambassadors
in campaigns to answer questions, engage audiences,
ICRI 2021 - International Conference on Recent Innovations
and increase brand awareness. Using a reputable
company to supply this type of staff allows the
company to retain high-quality applicants who reflect
the target demographic in order to reach consumers in
the most effective way (Aggarwal, 2009).
Brand Ambassador is an instrument used by
companies to communicate and connect with the
community, about how they can increase sales
(Greenwood, 2013). Brand ambassadors will later
provide information about the uses and benefits of a
product, as well as provide reasons why consumers
should buy the product (Mudzakir, 2018). As the face
of a product, it is expected that the brand ambassador
has strong knowledge of the product so that he can
explain it in every discussion. It is also important for
consumers to view brand ambassadors as reliable,
trusted and admired figures to create good
relationships, because one of the duties of brand
ambassadors is to make close relationships with
consumers or audiences as natural as possible (11).
There are several characteristics of brand
ambassadors in VisCAP: (1) Visibility, (2)
Credibility, (3) Attraction, (4) Power (Samosir et al.,
2.3 Social Media
Oxford University Press explains that social media is
defined as an application for users to generate
content, share material and take part in social
networks (Ahmad et al., 2019). Meanwhile, social
media is a medium used by consumers for text, image,
sound and videobased information both with other
people and companies and vice versa (Kotler and
Ketler, 2016). There are some of the most used social
media such as YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook and
Instagram. Taking data from We Are Social in
Databox in 2019, social media users in Indonesia
reached 150 million or about 56% of the total
population. Meanwhile, gadget (mobile) social media
users reach 130 million or around 48% of the total
Instagram is an application that allows users to
take photos, videos, apply digital filters and other
activities. The name Instagram itself comes from
”instant” and ”telegram” where instant itself comes
from a polaroid camera which at that time was known
as instant photos. So Instagram can also display
photos instantly, and telegram means a tool that
works to provide information to people quickly, such
as Instagram which is able to upload photos in fast
time with an internet connection so that information
can be conveyed quickly (Sendari, 2019).
2.4 Purchase Intention
Buying interest is a condition where consumers tend
to buy certain products under certain conditions.
Buying interest is usually influenced by several
factors such as consumer behavior, perceptions and
attitudes, where it is very important to understand
customer buying behavior which is the key to
accessing how they make decisions and evaluate
certain products (Fitrianto et al., 2020). The purchase
decision consists of five stages: (1) Need recognition,
(2) Information search, (3) Alternative evaluation, (4)
Purchase decision, (5) Post purchase behaviour
(Kotler and Armstrong, 2018).
Based on the background and the concepts used in
this research, the following framework is obtained:
Figure 1: Research design.
The research approach that will be used in this
research is a quantitative approach. Quantitative
approach is the process of collecting, analyzing,
interpreting and writing the results of studies using
numbers (Creswell and Creswell, 2018). The
quantitative method approach will test objective
theories by examining the relationship between
variables, where the variables can be measured using
numbers that can be analyzed with statistics. This
study uses a quantitative approach because it wants to
know the influence and relationship between the
variables produced by the brand ambassador on
buying interest. In addition, every consumer has his
own experience with the variables in this study, so it
needs limitations to get the results of the study.
The type of research used in this study is
associative research. Associative research is a type of
research that is asking for the relationship between
two or more variables (Sugiyono, 2019). The form of
associative research relationship that will be used in
The Influence of Brand Ambassador toward Purchase Intention of Fila on Social Media
this study is a causal relationship whose relationship
is causal, where there are independent variables
(influenced variables) and dependent variables
(influenced variables). This study uses causal
associative research to find out the effect generated
by the BTS brand ambassador on the purchase
intention of FILA products and the relationship
between the BTS brand ambassador and the interest
in buying FILA products for BTS fans. The research
design that will be used in this study is a survey
research method. Survey research provides a
quantitative description of the trends, attitudes and
opinions of a population, by studying a sample of the
population (Creswell and Creswell, 2018). This study
uses survey research methods to obtain data and
information from respondents regarding topics
related to brand ambassadors and buying interest,
which are represented by respondents from
populations with certain characteristics.
Variables refer to characteristics or attributes of
individuals or organizations that can be measured or
observed and vary among people or organizations to
be studied. Variables that are often measured in
research such as gender, age, socioeconomic status,
attitudes and behaviors such as racism, social control,
political power or leadership. The population in this
study has several categories such as Fila Indonesia’s
Instagram followers, who have an age range of 18 to
35 years, domiciled in Indonesia, who are fans of BTS
and have followed BTS’s Instagram account. The
total population in this study amounted to 78.200
followers who followed Fila Indonesia’s Instagram
until November 3, 2020.
Because the population must follow certain
criteria, the research will use a sampling technique in
the form of non-probability sampling. Non-
probability sampling is a non-random and subjective
sampling technique, where each member of the
population does not have the same opportunity to be
a sample (Kurniawan and Puspitaningtyas, 2016).
The non-probability sampling method has several
techniques and what will be used in this study is a
purposive sampling technique, where the sampling
technique has certain criteria or considerations from
members of the population. The considerations that
will be used in selecting the sample in this study are
BTS fans from Indonesia who have an age range of
18 to 35 years, have an Instagram account and are
followers of Fila Indonesia’s Instagram, domiciled in
Indonesia and follow BTS’s Instagram account. The
sample was taken from a population of 78.200
followers who followed Fila Indonesia’s Instagram
until November 3, 2020 using the Slovin Formula
which can be calculated by the following formula use
a tolerable error limit of 10%, so the sample size in
this study is as follows:
 (.)
𝑛 = 98,7 (2)
𝑛 = 100 (3)
The results of this study indicate that all statement
items in the X variable in the form of brand
ambassadors and the Y variable in the form of buying
interest are declared valid because all questions have
an r arithmetic value greater than r table (0.198) so
that it can be continued to the next test, namely in this
study the reliability.
Table 1: Index Average Percentage of Respondents
Answers on Brand Ambassador.
Dimensions Percentage
Visibility 97%
Credibility 95.1%
Attraction 98.4%
Power 96.4%
Among the four dimensions, the dimension that
has the highest average answer index frequency is the
Attraction dimension, which is 98.4%. Based on the
percentage of answers to the questionnaire, according
to Ferdinand (Ferdinand, 2014) this percentage value
is included in the high criteria. The statement that has
the highest answer index value is ”BTS is the idol of
the fans, this shows that the respondents agree that
BTS is an idol and is very popular with their fans.
This can be seen from the large number of fans, both
in Indonesia and in other countries. So that it can
attract people to buy the attributes they use. The
lowest average frequency index for the respondents’
answers is the Credibility dimension with 95.1% and
shows that the percentage value falls into the medium
criteria. The statement that has the smallest index
value is ”BTS has extensive knowledge regarding
FILA brand information”, this shows that according
to respondents, BTS is not that intense with FILA
ICRI 2021 - International Conference on Recent Innovations
Table 2: Index Average Percentage of Respondents
Answers on Purchase Intention.
Dimensions Percentage
Awareness 88.7%
Interest 89.9%
Desire 90.6%
Action 88.7%
Based on the results of the average frequency of
the index values, respondents agree, they want to
have Fila products after seeing BTS using those
products, which is an indicator of the Desire
dimension. It can be seen that with the presence of
BTS as brand ambassadors for FILA products, it
makes respondents who see it want to also have the
same product they are wearing. While the lowest
average frequency index for the respondents answer
is Action dimension with 85.4% for the smallest
index value is “I have a tendency to buy Fila products
after seeing BTS using these products.” It means that
respondents don’t really have a tendency to buy Fila
products after seeing BTS using these products.
Table 3: Table of X Variable Reliability Test Results.
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha
N of Items
0.869 16
In the table above, it can be seen that the results of
testing the Cronbach’s Alpha value for the brand
ambassador variable are 0.869. So it can be concluded
that the brand ambassador variable is declared
reliable, because the data results show 0.869
> 0.60,
so the statements in the questionnaire can be
continued for further data testing.
Table 4: Table of Y Variable Reliability Test Results.
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha N of Items
0.868 12
In the table above, it can be seen that the results of
testing the Cronbach’s Alpha value for the buying
interest variable are 0.868. So it can be concluded that
the buying interest variable is declared reliable,
because the data results show 0.868
> 0.60, so the
statements in the questionnaire can be continued for
further data testing
The results of the data above indicate that the
normality level is 0.130 which is greater than the
significance level of 0.05, so it can be concluded that
the data is normally distributed because 0.130
> 0.05
(significance level value).
The results of the Pearson correlation coefficient
test which can be seen in the table above are obtained
with a numerical value of 0.393. Based on the
correlation coefficient table, it is known that there is
a low relationship between the Brand Ambassador
BTS variables and the purchase intention of FILA
products. Both variables have a low correlation with
being in the range 0.20-0.399.
Table 5: Table of Normality Test Results with
le Kolmo
orov-Smirnov Test
Unstandardized Residual
N 103
Mean .0000000
Most Extreme
Absolute 0.78
Positive 0.41
ative -0.78
Test Statistic
. Si
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
Table 6: Table of Test Result of Brand Ambassador
Variable Correlation Test with Purchase Interest Variable.
1 .393**
Sig. (2- tailed) .000
N 103 103
.393** 1
Sig. (2- tailed) .000
N 103 103
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 7: Table of Regression Analysis Test Results.
t Sig.
12.459 9.529 1.308 .194
.528 .123 .393 4.294 .000
a. De
endent Variable: Purchase Intention
The Influence of Brand Ambassador toward Purchase Intention of Fila on Social Media
Based on the results of the above data processing
will be entered in the regression equation as follows:
𝑌 = 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑋 (4)
𝑌 = 12,459 + 0,528𝑋 (5)
The regression analysis value is 0.528 which can
be concluded that every addition to the X variable will
give an increase in the value of the Y variable by
0.528. So, it can be concluded from the data above
that there is a positive influence between BTS brand
ambassadors on buying interest in Fila products. The
positive influence can be seen by the higher the value
of the variable X, the value of the variable Y will also
be higher.
To see the magnitude of the resulting effect
between the X variable and Y variable, the coefficient
of determination formula is used in the form of:
𝐾𝐷 = (𝑟)2𝑥100 (6)
Table 8: Table of Coefficient of Determination Test Result.
Reliability Statistics
Model R R Square Adjusted
R Square
Std. Error
of the
1 .393
.154 .146 4.169
a. Predictors: (Constant), Brand Ambassador
. Dependent Variable: Purchase Intention
𝐾𝐷 = (0,154)𝑋100 (7)
𝐾𝐷 = 15,4 (8)
Based on the results of the above calculation, it was
found that the influence of the X variable, namely the brand
ambassador and the Y variable, namely buying interest was
15.4% and the rest (100%-15.4%) which was 84.6% was a
contribution originating from other factors. outside of this
Table 9: Table of T-test: the Influence of Brand
Ambassador Usage Toward Purchase Intention.
t Sig.
12.459 9.529 1.308 .194
.528 .123 .393 4.294 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Intention
Ho1: There is no influence between brand
ambassador usage toward purchase intention
Ha1: There is influence between brand
ambassador usage toward purchase intention
Ho2: There is no relationship between brand
ambassador with toward purchase intention
Ha2: There is relationship between brand
ambassador usage with purchase intention of
FILA Decision making basis:
If Sig.
. <0.5 then Ha is accepted
If Sig.
> 0.1 then Ho is accepted Decision
making with the value of t count and t table:
If t count
> t table, then Ha is accepted
If t count
< table, then Ho is rejected
Based on the results of the analysis obtained with
the help of SPSS 25, it can be seen that the value of
Sig. The brand ambassador variable is 0.000 < 0.05.
If it is seen on the basis of decision making on the
hypothesis, the value of Sig. <0.05 so Ha is accepted
and Ho is rejected.
The results showed that all statements from
variable X in the form of brand ambassadors and
variable Y in the form of buying interest which were
tested for validity had valid results because they met
the requirements, in the form of the calculated r value
obtained greater than r table, namely 0.198 so it can
be said that all statements on the questionnaire
distributed can be used for further research.
Furthermore, the reliability test that has been
carried out shows that the Cronbach’s Alpha value in
the statements of the variables X and Y has a value
greater than 0.60, so it meets the reliable requirements
and can be used for further research. In the results of
normality research, it can be seen that the two
variables, in the form of variables X and Y, meet the
requirements of the normality test, where the
significance value is greater than 0.5 so that the data
can be said to be normally distributed.
Correlation test was conducted to measure the
relationship between two variables in this study,
namely between variables X and Y variables. The
results obtained were 0.393 which can be concluded
that there is a less strong relationship between X and
Y variables. Promotional strategies using brand
ambassadors do not always provide a positive
relationship. which is significant, as can be seen in the
journal Effect of Celebrity Endorser and Sales
Promotion on Brand Excellence and Its Influence on
ICRI 2021 - International Conference on Recent Innovations
Interest in Buying Honda Beat Motorcycles, where
the correlation or relationship between brand
ambassadors and purchase intention is 33.9%. There
are several other factors that can influence buying
interest, which can be seen from the journal The
Effect of Service Quality and Promotion of Relaxister
Sleepwear on Online Purchase Interest, that
promotion and service quality provide a significant
relationship to buying interest, which is 70% or 0.700
which means it is strong or positive (Budianto and
Antonio, 2018). There are also other factors, such as
in the journal The Effect of ECommerce Brand Image
on Consumer Buying Interest (Survey on Tokopedia
Customers), where brand image in e-commerce that
is able to influence consumer buying interest is 0.836
which means it has a very strong relationship (Wijaya
and Oktavianti, 2018). Another factor that can also
influence buying interest is through marketing
communications. In the research journal The Effect
of Marketing Communication on Product Purchase
Interest of PT. INDOFOOD CBP Sukses Makmur
Bitung explains that marketing communication is
able to provide a significant relationship to buying
interest, which in this study obtained a correlation
coefficient of 67% which means it has a strong
relationship (Moniaga et al., 2017).
In the T test, it can be seen that the significance
value obtained is 0.000
< 0.05. So, it can be
concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted,
where it can be concluded that there is an influence
and relationship between the variables X and Y. the
influence and relationship between the BTS brand
ambassador variable on buying interest in FILA
products. In simple regression analysis, it can be seen
that the value of Y = 12.459 + 0.528X, which can be
concluded that every additional value in the X
variable will give an additional value of 0.528 to the
Y variable. So if there is a positive increase in the X
variable it will affect the Y variable.
Based on the results of the research that has been
done, it can be concluded that there is an influence
generated by the brand ambassador on buying interest
which is quite low, which is 0.393. And there is a
positive relationship generated by the brand
ambassador on buying interest, where the result is
0.528. So if there is a positive increase in the X
variable, namely the brand ambassador, it will affect
the Y variable, namely buying interest positively.
This research is expected to be used or continued
for further research, using other methods such as
qualitative methods in order to dig deeper into the use
of brand ambassadors in increasing buying interest in
a company. Further research can use several other
complementary variables such as promotion, price,
service quality, brand image and marketing
communication so that it can provide further research
results in a more complete and detailed manner that
can be used by a company in increasing purchase
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ICRI 2021 - International Conference on Recent Innovations