Role of Good Corporate Governance in Minimizing Bankruptcy by
Moderating Pandemic Covid-19
Anita Juwita
, Hugo Prasetyo
and Meiryani
Accounting Department, Faculty of Economic and Communication, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, 11480, Indonesia
Finance Department, Faculty of Economic and Communication, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, 11480, Indonesia
Keywords: Independent Board Commissioner, Institutional Ownership, Board Directors Size, Financial Distress,
Pandemic Covid-19.
Abstract: This research has main object to determine role Good Corporate Governance in minimizing potential of
bankruptcy with pandemic covid 19 as moderating variables. This study uses causal method, which aims to
explain the causal relationship between one variable that affects other variables. The sample using automotive
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2016-Q1 until 2020-Q3 and analysis
data techniques using linear regression with panel data using E views program version 8.0. The type of data
using secondary data as financial statement. This study uses independent board commissioner, institutional
ownership and board size of director as the independent variable, financial distress as the dependent variable,
the Covid-19 pandemic as moderating variable and applying panel data regression with random effect testing.
Result of this research are Independent commissioners, institutional ownership and Covid 19 have impact on
financial distress but board directors size doesn’t impact on financial distress. Independent board
commissioners which moderated by the Covid-19 has impact on financial distress but institutional ownership
and size board of directors which are moderated by the Covid-19 don’t impact on financial distress9.
The Covid pandemic significantly impact on reducing
Indonesia's economic growth. Stated by the Head of
the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Suharyanto, this
pandemic reducing economic growth within second
quarter of 2020 for 5.32%. It is also estimated that
economic growth will remain minus in the third
quarter of 2020. If this condition occurs, Indonesia
entering the stage of an economic recession. The
effects of an economic recession is the potential for
the possibility of company bankruptcy, due to the
company's inability to make sales, resulting in
negative company profits and the cessation of
company operations (Svobodová 2013; Achim et al.
2012; Smrcka et al. 2013).
This pandemic having an impact on Indonesia
macro economy and directly affected the company's
performance. Covid 19 has significantly impact on
China’s financial performance, studied by Shen et al
(2020). The initial symptom of bankruptcy is
financial distress and indicated with uncertainty of the
company's profitability in the future. The company
declared bankrupt while debt is greater than the assets
and unable to covering its obligations to creditors at
maturity (Hanafi, 2013). Financial distress is a stage
of degenerating financial conditions prior to
bankruptcy or liquidation Platt and Platt (2002).
Companies need to anticipate financial distress
condition that can affect to bankruptcy or delisting.
Delisting is condition while issuer's securities no
longer trading on stock exchange. One system that
can minimize the risk of bankruptcy during the
COVID-19 pandemic is implementation of Good
Corporate Governance (GCG). GCG has important
role in minimizing conflicts of interest between
managers and shareholders Shahwan (2015). In Spain
found that the implementation of GCG has an impact
on financial distress research by Manzaneque et al.
(2015). Miglani et al. (2014) in Australia and
Manzaneque et al. (2016) in Spain studied
institutional ownership significantly impact to
financial distress. Manzaneque et al. (2016) analysed
the influence institutional ownership for company’s
continuity, his research mentioned the effectiveness
corporate governance in monitoring management
long-term performance. Institutional ownership play
significant role in controlling management.
Juwita, A., Prasetyo, H. and Meiryani, .
Role of Good Corporate Governance in Minimizing Bankruptcy by Moderating Pandemic Covid-19.
DOI: 10.5220/0011245700003376
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2021), pages 256-263
ISBN: 978-989-758-602-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Therefore, the higher institutional ownership, the
more company in financial distress condition.
Shahwan (2015) in Egypt and Li et al (2008) in China
didn’t show a significant impact of managerial
ownership on financial distress. Suntaruk's studied
(2009) in Thailand showed GCG didn’t impact to
financial distress. Miglani et al. (2014) studied the
independent director variable was negatively related
to financial distress, while Manzaneque et al. (2016)
showed a negative relationship between independent
directors and financial distress.
The board of directors is the executor, decision
maker and manager of a company. The bigger size of
Board of Directors according to agency theory will
bring superiority in decision making. Making the
right decisions, the possibility of financial distress
conditions can be avoided. Bigger size Board of
Directors the possibility of financial distress will be
smaller. Research by (Widyasaputri, 2012), founded
a positive impact of size of the Board of Directors on
the possibility of financial distress, means the greater
the size of the Board of Directors, the greater the
possibility of financial distress. The size of the Board
of Directors has a negative effect on the possibility of
financial distress (Hanifah and Purwanto, 2013).
Research conducted by (Manzaneque et al., 2016)
found that board size has a negative effect on the
likelihood of financial distress
Based on the results of previous empirical studies,
it is known that there are still inconsistent results
regarding the relationship between GCG and
financial difficulties. There are still very few studies
that test the Covid Pandemic 19 factor as a
moderating variable that affects the relationship
between GCG and financial difficulties. The
automotive industry chosen as the sample because the
it’s quite affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in
Indonesia. This study purpose to analyze the effect of
the implementation of Good Corporate Governance
on financial difficulties, analyze the effect of the
Covid 19 pandemic on financial difficulties, and
analyze whether the Covid-19 pandemic moderates
the effect of Good Corporate Governance on financial
2.1 Bankruptcy Theory
Emerling (2015) stated bankruptcy as the last phase
of a company’s life due to insolvency. Ben et al.,
(2015) stated bankruptcy was the company's failure
in generating profits. Bankruptcy is the situation
while debtor unable in covering debts and inability to
survive in market competition, asset’s destruction and
low productivity (Aleksanyan and Huiban 2016). The
company is declared bankrupt if the company's debt
is greater than the assets owned by the company, and
the company is unable to fulfil its obligations to
creditors at maturity (Hanafi, 2013).
2.2 Financial Distress
Platt and Platt (2002) stated Financial distress as
decline condition in financial conditions that occurs
before bankruptcy or liquidation occurs. Financial
distress can be detected when a company is
experiencing financial difficulties or has
experienced a continuous decline in profit and is
unable to meet its obligations when they fall due.
Companies that are in a “decline" cycle must be able
to make strategic choices whether to reduce
dividends, reduce investment or change the capital
structure to avoid financial distress (Koh, Durand,
Dai, & Chang, 2015). Edi and May Tania (2018)
stated that financial distress means a condition in
which a company is categorized as facing a financial
crisis that decreases in fulfilling its responsibilities
to creditors.
2.3 Financial Distress Measurement
The measurement of financial difficulties in this
study refers to Altman (1968), Altman (1968)
developed a model for bankruptcy prediction as
Altman Z score model and defined as Multiple
Discriminant Analysis (MDA). The MDA technique
has been applied in several financial distress and
bankruptcy studies with satisfactory results (Aziz
and Dar 2006; Bellovary, Giacomino and Akers
2007; Platt and Platt 2006; Zmijewski, 1984). The
discriminant function estimated by Altman (1968) is
Z = 1,2X1 + 1,4X2 + 3,3X3 + 0,6X4 + 0,999X5
Where X1 = Working Capital/Total Assets; X2 =
Retained Earnings/ Total Assets; X3 = Earnings
before Interest and Taxes/Total Assets; X4 = Market
Value of Equity/Book Value of Total Liabilities; X5
= Sales/Total Assets; Z = Overall Index. On
Altman's formula, the firms classified according to
the company's sustainability. Z < 1.80→Distress
Zone. Z > 2.99 →Safe Zone. 1.8 < Z < 2.99→Grey
2.4 Research Model
The research model in this study showed below:
Role of Good Corporate Governance in Minimizing Bankruptcy by Moderating Pandemic Covid-19
Figure 1: Research model.
IBC (X1) : Independent Board Commissioner
IO (X2) : Institutional Ownership
BDS (X3) : Board Directors Size
FD (Y) : Financial Distress
COVID (M) : The Covid-19 pandemic.
The following will explain the concept and
operational definitions of each variable.
2.4.1 Independent Board of Commissioners
According to Marlinda (2020) the independent
board of commissioners as a person who is not
affiliated in all respects with the controlling
shareholder has no affiliation with the board of
directors or the board of commissioners and does not
serve as a Director in a company related to the owner
2.4.2 Institutional Ownership
Institutional ownership is ownership of company
shares owned by institutions or institutions such as
insurance companies, banks, investment companies,
and other institutional property. (Arianandini and
Ramantha, 2018).
2.4.3 Board Directors Size
The board of directors is the executor, decision maker
and manager of a company. The size of the Board of
Directors which is getting bigger according to agency
theory will bring advantages in making decisions
(Widyasaputri, 2012).
2.4.4 Financial Distress
Bankruptcy prediction in this study was carried out at
listed manufacturing companies in Indonesia, where
the measurement of bankruptcy prediction uses the
Altman's Z-score model. This is supported by Sajjan's
research (2016) that the measurement of z score
suitable for manufacturing companies is to use the
Original Altman’s Z-score model (1968).
2.5 Hypothesis
H1: Independent board commissioners effect on
financial distress.
H2: Institutional ownership has effect on financial
H3: Size board of directors has effect on financial
H4: The Covid-19 pandemic effect on financial
H5: Independent board commissioners effect on
financial distress which is moderating by the Covid
19 Pandemic.
H6: Institutional ownership effects financial distress
which is moderating by the Covid-19 Pandemic.
H7: The size of the board of directors affect financial
distress which is moderating by the Covid-19
This research using quantitative approach and
population in this study are automotive companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period
2016-Q1 to 2020-Q3. The sampling using non-
probability sampling method with purposive
sampling technique. The sample for automotive
companies for the 2016-q1 - 2020-q3 period with the
criteria: (1) IDX listed public company for the period
2016-2020; (2) Automotive companies that
consistently publish financial reports for the period
quarter (q) 1 of 2016 - quarter (q) 3 of 2020; (3)
Automotive companies that have the data or variables
needed in this study. The data analysis method is
panel data regression model (combination of time
series and cross section) using statistical application
program Eviews 8.0.
This research using 12 Automotive companies
with five years total research. The independent
variable are Independent Board Commissioner (X1),
Institutional Ownership (X2) and Board Directors
Size (X3). The dependent variable is Financial
Distress (Y) and Covid 19 as moderation variable.
ICRI 2021 - International Conference on Recent Innovations
Table 1: Variable Measurement.
Source: Data processed, 2020
There are three model testing procedures used to
select the best panel data regression: (1) Chow Test,
it used to choose Common Effect Model (CEM) or
Fixed Effect Model (FEM); (2) Lagrange Multiplier
(LM), it used to choose CEM or Random Effect
Model (REM); (3) Haussman test, it used to choose
Fixed Effect Model (FEM) or REM (Gujarati, 2003).
Figure 2: Suitability Model Testing.
4.1 Chow Test
This test is carried out by means chi-square statistical
test with the following hypotheses: Ho: The model
follows the Common Effect Model (CEM) H1: The
model follows a Fixed Effect Model (FEM) Alpha:
5%. Condition: Reject Ho if the value of the F test or
< alpha. The following are the results obtained from
the chow-test using the EViews 8.0 software:
Table 2: Chow Test.
Effects Test Statistic d.f. Prob.
Cross-section F 54.252059 (11,209) 0.0000
307.678562 11 0.0000
Based on the results of the chow-test above, the F
test and the chi-square test is 0.0000 < 0.05. Thus, Ho
is rejected and H1 is accepted. The model estimation
approach follows the fixed effect model.
4.2 Lagrange Multiplier Test
The hypothesis of the LM test is as follows:
Ho: Common Effect Model (CEM)
H1: Random Effect Model (REM)
Alpha: 5%.
Condition: Reject Ho if Probability Chi-Square <
alpha 0.05. The following is the results obtained from
the Langrage Multiplier test using the EViews 8.0
Table 3: Lagrange Multiplier Test.
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test:
F-statistic 373.3532 Prob. F(2,218)
Obs*R-squared 176.4776 Prob. Chi-Square(2)
Based on the Lagrange Multiplier test, the Chi-
Square of 0.0000 < alpha 0.05. Thus, Ho is rejected
and H1 is accepted. Thus, the model estimation
follow REM.
4.3 Hausman Test
The hypothesis in the Hausman test is as follows:
Ho: The model follows the Random Effect Model
H1: The model follows the Fixed Effect Model
Alpha = 5% Condition: Reject Ho if the p-value <
alpha. The following are the results obtained from the
Hausman test which was carried out using the
EViews 8.0 software:
Table 4: Hausman Test.
Correlated Random Effects - Hausman Test
Equation: Untitled
Test cross-section random effects
Test Summary Chi-Sq. Statistic Chi-Sq. d.f. Prob.
0.000000 7 1.0000
Role of Good Corporate Governance in Minimizing Bankruptcy by Moderating Pandemic Covid-19
Based on the results of the Hausman test, the
probability value test is 1.0000, which means it has a
significance greater than the 95% (α = 5%) level of
confidence (significance level). So that the decisions
taken in this Hausman test are Ho accepted and H1
rejected. The model follows the random effect model
4.4 Regression Result
Table 5: Regression Model Result.
Test Name Information Result
Chow test CEM Vs FEM
Fixed Effect
Hausman Test REM Vs FEM
Random Effect
Multiplier test
Random Effect
The results of selecting the panel data regression
model in the table above show different results. The
chow-test result showed the best model is the fixed
effect model compared to the common effect model.
Based on the Langrage multiplier test, it shows that
the random effect model is better than the common
effect model. The results of the Hausman Test
showed that the best model is the random effect
model better than the fixed effect model.
Furthermore, result from the Hausman-test and
Langrage multiplier testing, it can be decided that the
test model for the regression equation is REM.
Table 6: Statistic Descriptive Result.
N Minimum Maximum Mean
Y 228 -,82 114,64 24,3303 28,02406
M 228 ,00 1,00 ,1579 ,36544
X1 228 ,20 ,67 ,3721 ,07095
X2 228 ,32 1,00 ,6916 ,17067
X3 228 2,00 12,00 5,6491 2,56195
M1 228 ,00 ,50 ,0593 ,14053
M2 228 ,00 1,00 ,1148 ,27350
M3 228 ,00 11,00 ,8421 2,17142
Valid N
Financial Distress (Y) variable has a minimum
value of -0.82, a maximum value of 114.64, and an
average value of 24.3303. These results show that on
average the automotive industry is in a safe zone.
Furthermore, the Independent Commissioner variable
(X1) obtained a minimum value of 0.2 with a
maximum value of 0.67, and an average value of
0.3721. These results indicate that on average the
percentage of independent commissioners in the
automotive industry is still relatively low compared to
the number of commissioners. The Institutional
Ownership variable (X2) obtains a minimum value of
0.32 and a maximum value of 1, with the average value
obtained 0.6916, these results explain that on average
institutional ownership in the automotive industry is
quite high. Finally, the size Board of Directors variable
(X3) has a minimum value of 2 and a maximum value
of 12, the average value obtained is 5.649, these results
explain that on average board director size in the
automotive industry is very high. The results of REM
testing model can be seen in the following table:
Table 7: Panel Data Regression Test.
The regression model used in the study based on the
above tests is as follows: FD = 2.443958 + 0.455676
IBC + 1.045734 IO - 0.284074 BDS - 0.793365
COVID - 0.981644 IBC*COVID - 0.025522
IO*COVID - 0.236129 BDS*COVID.
From the equation model above, it can be
explained that based on the results of the regression
test using REM method, it shows the IBC and IO have
a positive relationship with financial distress, while
BDS has no effect on financial distress, and COVID-
19 pandemic has been shown to moderate the effect
of GCG on financial distress.
ICRI 2021 - International Conference on Recent Innovations
4.5 Hypothesis Result
Table 8: Partial Test (t-test).
4.5.1 The Test Results of the Independent
Board of Commissioners on Financial
The independent board variable has value of β (beta)
with a positive direction of 0.455676, a t-statistic
value of 2.235603 and a significance value of 0.0264
< 0.05 (5% significance level). The conclusion is
independent board commissioners has a positive and
significant effect to financial distress. Interpretation
Altman Z-score results if the value is greater > 0, then
the company will be less likely to experience
financial difficulties, so it concluded that if there is a
positive coefficient relationship statistically, means
there is a negative relationship between the board of
commissioners and financial distress. Widhiadnyana
and Ratnadi (2018) stated the proportion of
independent commissioners has a positive effect on
financial distress. Means greater percentage for
independent commissioners will impact on
decreasing financial distress.
4.5.2 The Test Results of Institutional
Ownership on Financial Distress
The t test (partial) of institutional ownership variable
has β (beta) value with a positive direction of
1.045734, t-statistic value of 5.715112 and a
significance value of 0.0000 <0.05 (5% significance
level). The conclusion is institutional ownership has
positive and significant effect to financial distress.
This result supported by Tri Wahyuning Tias and
Muharam (2012); and Merkusiwati (2015) stated that
institutional ownership has an effect on financial
distress. This means the institutional ownership
structure is one of the factors can affect the condition
of the company in the future, whether the company
run into financial distress or even goes bankrupt. The
same results were also found by Helena and Saifi
(2018) which showed that institutional ownership had
a significant effect on financial distress. Means the
companies that have greater institutional ownership,
the less likely the company will experience financial
4.5.3 The Test Results of Size of the Board
of Directors on Financial Distress
The t test (partial) of variable size of the board of
directors obtained a β (beta) value in a negative
direction of -0.284074, a t-statistic value of -1.511715
and a significance value of 0.1320 > 0.05 (5%
significance level). The conclusion is size of the
board of directors a negative and insignificant effect
on financial distress. The results of this study are in
line with the research of Putri and Kristanti (2020)
and Kristian (2017) which states that the board of
directors has no effect on financial distress. This
means that the board of directors cannot influence
financial distress. Thus, directors have rights and
powers, new decisions are made, the members of the
board of directors unable affect the possibility of
financial distress.
4.5.4 The Test Results of Covid-19
Pandemic on Financial Distress
The t test (partial) in the regression model, the Covid-
19 pandemic variable obtained a β (beta) value in a
negative direction of -0.793365, a t-statistic value of -
1.894159 and a significance value of 0.0495 < 0.05
(5% significance level). The conclusion is Covid-19
pandemic has a negative and significant effect on
financial distress. Economic recession potentially
cause possibility of company bankruptcy, due to the
company's inability to make sales, resulting in negative
company profits and discontinuation of company
operations (Svobodová 2013; Achim et al. 2012;
Smrcka et al. 2013). Besides impact macro economy,
Covid-19 pandemic also directly affected to declining
the company's performance. Supported by Shen et al's
(2020) founded that Covid 19 had a significantly
impact on China’s financial performance.
4.5.5 The Test Results Independent Board
of Commissioners Moderated by the
Covid-19 on Financial Distress
The results of the t test (partial) in the regression
model, the variable of the independent board of
commissioners moderated the Covid-19 pandemic
obtained a β (beta) value in a negative direction of -
0.981644, a t-statistic value of -2.620322 and a
significance value of 0.0094 < 0.05 (significance
level 5%). The conclusion is the independent board of
commissioners has a negative and significant effect
on financial distress which moderated by the Covid-
19 pandemic.
Role of Good Corporate Governance in Minimizing Bankruptcy by Moderating Pandemic Covid-19
4.5.6 The Test Results Institutional
Ownership Moderated by the Covid-19
on Financial Distress
The t test (partial) in the regression model,
institutional ownership variable with the Covid-19
pandemic moderated, the β (beta) value is obtained in
a negative direction of -0.025522, the t-statistic value
is -0.074530 and a significance value of 0.9407 > 0.05
(significance level of 5%). The conclusion is
institutional ownership has a negative and
insignificant effect on financial distress moderated by
the Covid-19 pandemic.
4.5.7 The Test Results Board Directors Size
Moderated by the Covid-19 on
Financial Distress
The t test (partial) in the regression model, the
variable size of the board of directors moderated by
the Covid-19 pandemic obtained a β (beta) value in a
negative direction of -0.236129, a t-statistic value of
-1.446753 and a significance value of 0.1494> 0.05
(significance level 5%). The conclusion is size of the
board of directors has a negative and insignificant
effect on financial distress which is moderated by the
Covid-19 pandemic. Supported by Ainun (2019);
Cinantya and Merkusiwati (2015) showed size of the
board of directors doesn’t effect on financial distress.
It indicated that managers are not motivated by
individual goals, but managers are motivated to fully
realize the goals of shareholders. Managers consider
that the responsibility given as company management
is a mandate that must be properly maintained, so that
no matter the structure of the board in a company,
managers will still try their best to improve company
performance and avoid financial distress.
Based on testing, hypothesis analysis and discussion
show that independent commissioners, institutional
ownership and Covid 19 have impact on financial
distress. Board directors size doesn’t impact on
financial distress. Independent board commissioners
which moderated by the Covid-19 impact on financial
distress but institutional ownership and size board of
directors which are moderated by the Covid-19 don’t
impact on financial distress. Results for this study
cannot generalized for all companies listed on
Indonesia Stock Exchange. Recommendation for next
research to use for another sectors. This research only
using three types of corporate governance
components, that are independent board
commissioners, institutional ownership and size
board directors because those variables are related to
the problem of conflicts of interest that occur between
shareholders and managers.
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Role of Good Corporate Governance in Minimizing Bankruptcy by Moderating Pandemic Covid-19