significant effect of job satisfaction on employee
performance. Based on the results of the Sobel test,
there is a positive and no significant effect of
Organizational Culture on Employee Performance
through Job Satisfaction at Laboratory service. The
findings in this study, there is a positive and
significant effect of Information Technology on
Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction at
Laboratory service. This means that using
information technology makes employees feel
satisfied at work because it can accelerate their work,
make their work easier and more effective, improve
work performance and productivity, and be useful in
supporting their creativity at work so that it has an
impact on improving employee performance.
4.2 Suggestions
Companies should pay attention to organizational
culture because in the results of this study it was
found that the role of organizational culture can
improve employee performance. Companies need to
create a comfortable atmosphere in the company so
that employees feel comfortable working by
establishing good communication. In addition, the
company can provide all forms of support that can
support employee creativity in the use of information
technology such as upgrading information
technology, communicating with employees about
the company’s goals and plans for digital
transformation, providing outreach, especially
regarding the advantages of infor- mation technology
for employees, providing training or a kind of
workshop for employees about the use and utilization
of information technology at work.
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