method. The iPS cells can then be differentiated into
hematopoietic cells for the treatment of the patients.
As the cells are the patient's own, immune rejection
is avoided (Ye, Chang, Lin, Sun, Yu, and Kan 2009).
Also, parents can get a gene test for their fetus if there
are any possible genetic diseases. In such way,
parents can fix their disease-causing genes. With the
effective treatments to diseases, humanity who
receive the gene therapy will all then converge in
aspect for physical condition. And after conducting
those treatments, their physical condition will no
longer be the barrier to get a higher social status due
to the combination of normal treatments and gene
therapy, which means they would own the equal
opportunity to live well. Thus, natural selection is
being further blocked in aspect for better cure effect.
Wipfler, Letsch, Frandsen, Kapli, Mayer, Bartel,
Buckley, Donath, Edgerly-Rooks, Fujita, Liu,
Machida, Mashimo, Misof, Niehuis, Peters,
Petersen, Podsiadlowski, Schütte, Shimizu,
Uchifune, Wilbrandt, Yan, Zhou, Simon 2019
3.2 The Incompleteness of the
Hindrance Due to the Gene
Likewise, the hindrance due to gene therapy would
also be incomplete, it can be reflected that some
genetic diseases like Polygenic, which would make
the treating process very sophisticated and evenly
impossible to be eradicated.
In addition, the hindrance caused by the medical
treatments is in proportionality with the local
affluence level, which can be reflected by the level of
affluence. Residents in the rich area are more likely
to afford the expense of gene therapy, and the
hindrance will be strong. For the poor area, people
can’t afford such expense of gene therapy, and the
natural selection preference would be still significant.
Thus, the block effeck due to medical treatments can
also not be thorough.
3.3 Summary
Gene therapy blocks natural selection more deeply.
Because gene therapy's trials of inheritable. Likewise,
the hindrance can also be incomplete due to the
disability to inheritate diseases like Polygenic, and
the differences in health care levels.
Medical treatments will block the natural selection
both for normal treatment and gene therapy.
However, this hindrance caused by both normal
treatments and gene therapy will not be thorough due
to the realistic objective factors. Plus, both of the
hindrances for two kinds of treatments are in
proportionality with the prosperity level.
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