on the computer. It was to implement this approach
that the GRAN software complex was developed.
Some selected problems proposed in the study
demonstrate the expediency of using the GRAN com-
plex for in-depth study of mathematics. Namely:
the ability to conduct the necessary numerical exper-
iment; quickly perform the necessary calculations or
graphic constructions; to test the hypothesis; check
the problem-solving method; to be able to analyze and
explain the results obtained with the help of a com-
puter; find out the limits of use. When learning math-
ematical methods, the use of a computer or the chosen
method of solving a problem is extremely important.
The problems presented in the work were success-
fully used by the authors of the study during classes
in various informatics disciplines, including computer
modeling and computer mathematics.
A significant improvement of the GRAN complex
has recently been its transfer to the cloud, which pro-
vides access to its services from any platform through
a browser (Zhaldak and Franchuk, 2020). To get to
the virtual desktop on a remote server, you must ac-
cess the browser services and in the input line above
the desktop enter the address https://gran.npu.edu.ua,
then press the Enter key on the keyboard (or in the list
of appropriate symbols on the screen “press” the label
with the word “Go” in the case when using a smart-
phone or other laptop computer where there is no key-
board). As a result, a virtual desktop will open on
which in the line “Username” you should select from
the proposed list one of the available names, such as
“gran”, and then in the line “Password” enter pass-
word “gran” (Zhaldak et al., 2021).
Currently, the expediency and possibility of trans-
ferring the entire GRAN complex of individual ser-
vices into a mobile application is being investigated.
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Using the Gran1 Program in Mathematics Lessons