Mnemonic Techniques and Formation of Teachers’ Ability to Use Them
Marina G. Drushlyak
1 a
, Olena V. Semenikhina
1 b
, Volodymyr V. Proshkin
2 c
Svitlana V. Puchno
1 d
and Artem O. Yurchenko
1 e
Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, 87 Romenska Str., Sumy, 40002, Ukraine
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine
Mnemonics, Mnemovisual Models, Teachers’ Training, Training.
The article reveals the problem of the expediency of teachers’ training to use mnemonics in professional activ-
ities. This problem is caused by the intensification of the educational process, when the amount of information
accumulated by mankind is many times greater than the amount of knowledge that can be assimilated by a par-
ticular person. It has been established that mnemonics should be used in the process of learning mathematics
as a way of perceiving new information through the formation of associative connections with the help of spe-
cial methods and techniques. The expediency of teachers’ trainings for use of different mnemonics methods is
substantiated. The classification of software used to create mnemovisual models is presented. The training on
mastering mnemonic methods of teaching material development has been developed and implemented. The
prospects of scientific research through the development of methodological support for the teachers’ training
to use the techniques of mnemonics in professional activities are outlined.
Modern youth is developing in an environment sat-
urated with powerful and intense information flows.
The amount of information accumulated by mankind
is many times greater than the amount of knowledge
that can be acquired by a person. The constant in-
crease in information, combined with high competi-
tion and the demands of society, leads to an intensifi-
cation of the educational process. On the other hand,
the intensification of the educational process leads
to a number of problems in the mental and somatic
health of students. In such conditions, the problem of
the educatee’s cognitive load appears, which consists
in the fact that a person can achieve the optimal level
of assimilation of material only if there is an adequate
load on the subject’s memory.
The success of training depends on the level of
development of mnemonic processes that ensure the
memorization, preservation, and reproduction of in-
formation in the brain obtained during human interac-
tion with the outside world. Therefore, the introduc-
tion of effective approaches to memorizing a variety
of information can partially solve the problem of cog-
nitive load. As one of such approaches, we consider
the use of mnemonics as a way to improve new in-
formation by creating associative relationships using
special methods and techniques.
The problem of using mnemonics in the educa-
tional process is presented in the following findings:
Scruggs and Mastropieri (Scruggs and Mas-
tropieri, 2000) describe the effects of specific
mnemonic (memory-enhancing) strategies in de-
cision problem of memoring for academic con-
Yesavage et al. (Yesavage et al., 1990) de-
scribe of treatment elderly, which included im-
agery mnemonics for remembering names, faces,
and lists;
Richter et al. (Richter et al., 2016) consider
memory as medical aspect and proposed consider
memoring as mnemonic representation that links
present experience with overlapping past experi-
Miller and Mercer (Miller and Mercer, 1993) pro-
vide examples of acronym mnemonics that have
Drushlyak, M., Semenikhina, O., Proshkin, V., Puchno, S. and Yurchenko, A.
Mnemonic Techniques and Formation of Teachersâ
Z Ability to Use Them.
DOI: 10.5220/0012065800003431
In Proceedings of the 2nd Myroslav I. Zhaldak Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2021), pages 529-541
ISBN: 978-989-758-662-0
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
been used successfully to improve the math per-
formance of students with learning disabilities;
Nelson et al. (Nelson et al., 2013) describe the
effects of a mnemonic strategy on the retention
and application of single-digit multiplication facts
with students with math difficulties;
Manalo et al. (Manalo et al., 2000) touch upon
influence of mnemonic instruction on the compu-
tational skills performance of 13- to 14-year-old
students with mathematics learning disabilities;
Kayaaltı (Kayaaltı, 2018) touch upon to investi-
gate university Saudi students’ attitudes towards
the mnemonic keyword method;
Sarıc¸oban and Bas¸ıbek (Sarıc¸oban and Bas¸ıbek,
2012) make the comparison analysis of the effects
of using mnemonic technique providing some
keywords to students and context method on the
retention of the vocabulary items;
Falkovskaya et al. (Falkovskaya et al., 2018)
touch upon many mnemonic methods, which,
based on the positive resources of native speaker
development, contribute to the painless memo-
rization and further use of difficult material.
In the above-mentioned findings, it is proved that
mnemonic techniques are used to improve the as-
similation of complex information that does not have
established logical connections between its elements
from the point of view of the person who remembers
it. Mentioned above findings and other ones confirm
that the use of mnemonics improves the volume and
accuracy of memorization and development of cogni-
tive processes, increases the duration of storage and
the quality of reproduction of acquired information.
Analysis of findings related to the teachers’ train-
ing to use mnemonics in Ukraine, revealed the frag-
mentary nature of such scientific research, for ex-
ample, a special course devoted to mastering the
mnemonic techniques by pre-service mathematics
teachers was described in (Drushlyak et al., 2021).
Survey of teachers (135 Mathematics, Physics,
Computer science, Ukrainian language, Biology,
Chemistry, English, History teachers) on their knowl-
edge of mnemonics showed that only half (55.5% of
respondents heard about mnemonics, only a third of
these (39.3%) use mnemonics at their lessons, and, as
a rule, all ideas are borrowed from the Internet (100%
of those who use mnemonics) (table 1).
Therefore, regarding the effectiveness of the pos-
itive impact of mnemonics on the results of edu-
cational activities and lack of teachers’ awareness
of various subjects in mnemonics, the problem of
preparing teachers to use mnemonics in professional
activities is relevant.
The Research Purpose. To describe the common
mnemonic techniques to support the educational pro-
cess and justify the effectiveness of training in mas-
tering the mnemonic techniques for service teachers.
The achievement of the research objective was facili-
tated by the use of a set of appropriate methods: anal-
ysis of scientific literature in order to establish the
state of development of the problem being studied,
determining the categorical and conceptual apparatus
of the study; synthesis, generalization, systematiza-
tion for the theoretical justification of the appropriate-
ness of training teachers to use the of mnemonic tech-
niques and methods in professional activities; empir-
ical: diagnostic (questionnaire), statistical (the sign
test) to assess the appropriateness of using trainings.
The experimental base of the study is the institu-
tions of general secondary education in Kiev, Sumy
and Irpin, Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical Uni-
versity, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
The process of memorizing educational material is
more intensive provided that subjects are engaged in
active thinking, using their operations of comparison,
analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization. Use
of memos, tables, instructions, visual supports that
help students gradually, without overload, to perceive
and remember significant objects are effective.
An essential characteristic of the process of mem-
orization is a measure of understanding the memo-
rized material. Therefore, meaningful and mechani-
cal memorization is usually emphasised.
Mechanical memorization is memorization with-
out awareness of the logical connection between the
various parts of the material (memorization of histor-
ical dates, statistics, etc.). The basis of mechanical
memorization is related associations. One part of the
material binds to the other only because it follows it
in time. To establish such a connection, it is necessary
to repeat the studied material several times.
Meaningful memorization is based on an under-
standing of the internal logical connections between
the individual parts of the material. Two positions,
one of which is derived from the other, are remem-
bered not because they follow each other in time,
but because they are logically connected. Therefore,
meaningful memorization is associated with thinking
AET 2021 - Myroslav I. Zhaldak Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Table 1: The results of a survey of teachers on the use of mnemonics in professional activities.
No Question Answer
Mathematics teachers
Physics teachers
Computer science
Ukrainian language
Biology teachers
Chemistry teachers
English teachers
History teachers
22 15 23 12 15 13 18 17 135
Do you know the
mnemonics techniques?
Yes/ No 17/ 5 6/ 9 13/ 10 7/ 5 7/ 8 6/ 7 10/8 9/ 8 75/ 60
Do you use mnemonics
at your lessons?
Yes/ No 14/8 5/10 10/13 4/ 8 4/11 5/ 8 5/ 13 6/11 53/82
Do you think it is ap-
propriate to use the
mnemonics techniques
in the educational pro-
Yes/ No 17/ 5 6/ 9 13/10 4/ 8 4/11 5/8 5/13 6 /11 60/ 75
What mnemonic tech-
niques did you use at
your lessons?
1. Visualization
2. Color Accent
3. Comedian
4. Storytelling
5. Analogy
6. Fiction
7. Rhyming
8. Hyperbole
9. Interpretation
Where do you get ideas
for mnemonics?
A. Author’s
B. Internet
C. Colleagues’
D. Advanced training
processes and relies mainly on generalized relation-
ships between parts of the material at the level of the
second signaling system.
It is worth paying attention to the meaningful
memorization of the material studied. To do this, it
is necessary to divide its semantic group into parts
with the separation of the main and essential in each
of its parts. In addition, it is necessary to find and
highlight semantic support points in each part, that
is, thoughts, expressions and images that define the
essence of this part and the oral or written formula-
tions of this essence in the form of short headings for
each part. Finally, it is necessary to establish links
between the selected parts and understand the logical
sequence of their location, to draw up a general plan
for the location of educational material.
In order to meaningful memorize educational ma-
terial, mnemonic methods and techniques are deter-
mined (figure 1).
The work of Chepurnoy and Bura (Chepurnoy and
Bura, 2015) on educational mnemonics as a technol-
ogy of effective assimilation of information became a
reference point for us.
Link Method is a method of combining informa-
tion units by creating associative links between them.
The method consists of the following techniques:
Storytelling technique (using stories), Rhyming tech-
nique (using music, rhyme, chants, poems, songs,
counting out rhymes, etc.), Sequential Associations
technique (sequential associative connections are cre-
ated), Bonding technique (combining information
units into a single holistic image with preservation
of the main features and functions), Synthesis tech-
nique (information units are combined into a single
integrated image with a common associative connec-
tion), Key Letters technique (an associative connec-
tion is created between the first letters of words, you
need to remember, and the first letters of words of a
Mnemonic Techniques and Formation of Teachersâ
Z Ability to Use Them
Figure 1: Mnemonic methods and techniques.
AET 2021 - Myroslav I. Zhaldak Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
specially created sentence), Logical Questions tech-
nique (an additional logical associative connection is
created between images remembered through answers
to the main questions What? How? Why? etc.
about the relationship between them).
Key Letters Technique (Mathematics). In the study
of the topic “Disclosure of brackets. Similar terms
and their construction” it is worthwhile to draw the
attention of students to the sign that appears before
the brackets. If there is a minus, then we change all
signs to the opposite, if plus, then leave the expression
unchanged, for example:
(a + b) Minus” Miniaiemo znaky (in
Ukrainian), Minus Change the signs; in
Ukrainian, the words minus and change begin
with the letter m;
+ (a + b) Pljus” Perepysujemo bez zmin (in
Ukrainian), Plus Rewrite without changes; in
Ukrainian, the words plus and rewrite begin with
the letter p.
Key Letters Technique (English). Memorizing the
spelling rules of some words.
Teacher – There is an ache in every teacher.
Measurement Be sure of your measurements
before you start work.
Principal – Your principal is your pal.
Necessary Never Eat Crisps, Eat Salad
Sandwiches, And Remain Young!
Transformation Method is a method of primary
processing of information, which turns information
that is difficult to perceive into convenient for efficient
The method consists of the following techniques:
Analogy (between the informational units of the
memorable find common signs, properties, qualities,
development trends, etc.), Transformation (the ob-
jects of the memorable are transformed into oth-
ers in value and in order to facilitate memoriza-
tion), Pictograms (abstract or such information must
be remembered, schematically depicted by simpli-
fied drawings, pictograms), Stenographer (text infor-
mation that is memorized is recorded using separate
key letters, special characters and a number of ab-
breviations), Phonetic Association (a consonant word
or part of it is selected to memorize an unfamiliar
word, which associatively associated with the mean-
ing of the original word), Neologism (to improve the
memorization of information (words, letters, sym-
bols) new words, terms, concepts, phrases are cre-
ated) (figure 2), Digital Image (digital information
when memorizing is associated with certain images
or systems about times), Digital–Letter Code digits
of numbers in letters to compose specially selected
words for the purpose of their further memorization),
Individual Association (for information that is mem-
orable, associative connections are found with indi-
vidually known data, events, information), Regularity
(for remembering information, certain logical, math-
ematical or other regular relationships are found and
The Amplification method is a method of increas-
ing the efficiency of perception, preservation and re-
production of created associative connections and im-
ages formed by the methods of transformation and
The method consists of the following techniques:
Modality, Character, Personification, Hyperbole, Co-
median, Fiction, Stereo, Color Accent, Visualization,
Interpretation, Emotional Accent. Examples of the
use of some techniques are shown in figures 3, 4.
To confirm the appropriateness of mastering the
mnemonic techniques, pedagogical survey was con-
ducted. During March-May 2019, we conducted a
survey of 32 service mathematics teachers in Kiev,
Sumy, Dnipro and Irpin on the expediency of us-
ing mnemonic techniques in professional activities.
In May 2021, we conducted a similar survey of
135 teachers, but in different subjects (Mathematics,
Physics, Computer science, Ukrainian language, Bi-
ology, Chemistry, English, History). The data were
integrated and analyzed. In particular, we found that
87% of teachers (Mathematics teachers in 2019) and
44.4% of teachers of various subjects (in 2021) said
about the expediency of using mnemonic techniques,
of which 77.2% of mathematics teachers were in fa-
vor of using mnemonic techniques.
Among the techniques Visualization, Color ac-
cent, Analogy, Storytelling, Rhyming and Interpreta-
tion are in favour. The figure 5 summarizes the results
of the 2019 and 2021 surveys.
Based on the teachers’ opinion that Visualization
and Color Accent are the most effective techniques,
which contribute to the meaningful memorization of
educational material. We can paid attention to the
software for creating visual models:
1) Office software products with Smart objects;
2) Mind Mapping software;
3) services for creating whiteboard animation (scrib-
ing) presentations;
4) software for creating infographics.
Let’s describe these groups. The office software
package (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point) is
offered with the function of constructing Smart ob-
jects that allow you to efficiently create mnemovisual
models in the form of a list, connection, matrix, pro-
cess, cycle, hierarchy, pyramid (figure 6).
Mnemonic Techniques and Formation of Teachersâ
Z Ability to Use Them
Figure 2: Neologism technique.
(a) “Signs of trigonometric functions”.
(b) “Abbreviation formulas”.
Figure 3: Color accent technique.
Mindmapping is a technology that allows you to
efficiently restore information (past), generate and
capture New Ideas (future), draw conclusions and es-
tablish connections between them by building mind
maps. Mind maps is the development of Tony Busan
a British psychologist who began developing the con-
cept of smart cards back in the 1970s (Buzan, 2022).
Interesting Ideas and technologies for creating smart
cards in the process of teaching mathematics are pre-
sented in the works of modern scientists: Choo et al.
(Choo et al., 2014), Solmi (Solmi, 2016).
To build mind map software X-Mind, Free-Mind,
Coggle, Mind-Meister are used. Such software help
to fix ideas, organize them into various diagrams,
use these diagrams together with other users. The
mentioned software allow you to build mind maps
(figure 7, 8), Ishikawa diagrams (fishbone diagrams
or cause-effect diagrams), tree diagrams, logic dia-
grams, tables.
The main areas of application of mind maps in the
professional activities of teachers include: creating
lesson plans of any type; planning educational activ-
ities; algorithms for solving problems; study of new
educational material; consolidation and verification of
the studied material; systematization and repetition of
the studied material in preparation for the state final
certification, external independent evaluation.
Scribing technique is used to activate the cogni-
tive and mnemonic activity of educatees, to visual-
ize the educational process. Scribing is a mnemonic
technology for the visualization of educational mate-
rial, which provides the display of key moments of
its content (properties of the learning object, its inter-
nal and external connections) by using simple graphic
elements (drawings, pictograms, symbols, words, cir-
cuits, diagrams) sequentially created on the screen in
according to the oral presentation (or audio).
The appearance of whiteboard animation (video
scribing) is associated with the Andrew Park, who
popularized this technology (We are Cognitive,
2023). Sarkar (Sarkar, 2009) notes that this way of
presenting information has become more productive
for explaining to the audience, because it uses the par-
allel effect when the audience simultaneously hears
AET 2021 - Myroslav I. Zhaldak Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 4: Color accent technique “Past Simple”.
Figure 5: The use of mnemonic techniques by teachers according to the results of surveys in 2019 and 2021 (%).
and sees about the same thing, while the graphic se-
ries is fixed on key moments of the audio sequence.
Among a large number of services there are
several useful for creating video scribing presenta-
tions such as: Sparcol Video Scribe (https://www., figure 9, 10), Powtoon (https://www., Vyond Studio (https://www.vyond.
com/), Plotagon Story (
Infographics is the technology of the presenta-
tion of educational material in the form of statistical
graphs, maps, charts, diagrams, tables that “explain”.
Educational visibility is used not only for illustration,
but also as an independent source of knowledge (fig-
ure 11). Services for creating infographics are Info-
gram,, Parchment, Venngage and more.
Starting in 2020, we have launched trainings for
teachers on mastering the mnemonic techniques (3
hours) (table 2). Teachers of various subjects were
invited to the trainings. The total number of teachers
involved in the training was 135 persons. The training
is based on training for students, pre-service mathe-
matics teachers (Drushlyak et al., 2021).
We investigated the impact of training on the de-
velopment of teachers’ skills of various subjects to
create and use mnemonic didactic materials.
To determine the level of awareness of teach-
ers in mnemonics, a survey was conducted (135 re-
spondents). 39% (53 people) of teachers confirmed,
but fragmentary, the use of mnemonics in their own
lessons. Among the positive aspects of the use of
mnemonic techniques, teachers noted the revival of
the learning process (39%, 53 people) for students
and the development of creative thinking for teach-
ers (33%, 45 people). According to them, the lack
of time to search for or develop mnemonic didactic
materials (30%, 41 people) and the lack of developed
mnemonic didactic materials for each topic (33%, 53
people) are negative in the use of mnemonic tech-
At the beginning of each training, teachers were
assessed for their ability to reproduce any of the
mnemonic techniques using digital technology (of-
fice package and online services was allowed to create
Mnemonic Techniques and Formation of Teachersâ
Z Ability to Use Them
Figure 6: Mnemovisual models created using Smart objects.
Figure 7: Mind Map “Similar triangles”.
images). The evaluation criteria were: comprehensi-
bility of reception (1 point), rational choice of dig-
ital technology (1 point), quality of visual content (1
point), determining the didactic purpose of the created
AET 2021 - Myroslav I. Zhaldak Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 8: Mind Map “Irregular Verbs”.
Figure 9: Video scribe “Proportion”.
mnemonic means (1 point).
After the training, teacher evaluation was con-
ducted again (a similar task with the same evaluation
criteria was used).
Some of the works of teachers are presented in fig-
ures 7, 10, 11.
According to the results of data processing, the
positive impact of training on the development of
teachers’ skills in various subjects to create and use
mnemonic didactic materials was confirmed.
Statistical analysis of the results was performed
on the basis of non-parametric sign test for dependent
samples. We compiled comparative tables, which
recorded the dynamics of results for each of the train-
ings (2020 2 trainings, 2021 2 trainings). Each
time the results were collected on samples of 32, 35,
37, 31, respectively. 30 pairs of results taken at ran-
dom from the total set of results were studied (ta-
ble 3).
These points (table 4) determined the number of
Mnemonic Techniques and Formation of Teachersâ
Z Ability to Use Them
Figure 10: Video scribe “Degrees of adverb comparison”.
(a) “Function Research”.
(b) “Prepositions of Time and Location”.
Figure 11: Infographics.
respondents whose total score decreased (“–”), did
not change (“0”) and increased (“+”).
In accordance with the objectives of the experi-
ment, a null hypothesis was formulated: the organi-
zation of training does not promote the development
of skills of teachers of different subjects to create and
use mnemonic didactic materials. Then an alternative
hypothesis: the organization of training promotes the
development of such skills.
The constructed hypotheses defined a one-sided
sign test for testing dependent samples. According to
the decision-making rule (Grabar and Krasnjanskaja,
1977) we have: value T
= 16 (number of “+” in
the sample), n = 20 (number of respondents, which
have changes in results), acceptance interval of null
hypothesis: [6, 14] at the significance level 0.05.
Since T
is not included in the acceptance inter-
val of hypothesis H
, we reject the null hypothesis and
accept the alternative one, concluding that the train-
ing promotes the development of teachers’ skills of
different subjects to create and use mnemonic didac-
tic materials. Since the value of T
went beyond the
interval on the right, we concluded that the positive
dynamics of the number of teachers who have devel-
oped the ability to create and use mnemonic didactic
Additionally, we studied the ability to create au-
thorial examples of mnemonic techniques and the
ability to reproduce them in digital form. It should be
noted that natural sciences and mathematics teachers,
as a rule, had no problems with the technical imple-
mentation of the plan in contrast to humanities teach-
AET 2021 - Myroslav I. Zhaldak Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Table 2: Detailing the content of the training on the development of mnemonic techniques.
of hours
Contents Training methods Learning tools Expected learning outcomes
Memory. Mechan-
ical and meaningful
Verbal methods
(story, conversation)
An idea of the mechanisms of hu-
man memory, knowledge of the
types of memorization of educa-
tional information; development of
teacher professional competence
mnemonics as a
technology for the
effective assimila-
tion of information.
Mnemonics and
their corresponding
mnemonic tech-
Verbal methods
(story, conversa-
tion), visual methods
display), Interactive
methods (brain-
Knowledge of the methods and
techniques of mnemonics: Link
Method (techniques: Sequential
Associations, Key Letters Method),
Transformation Method (Analogy
technique), Amplification method
(techniques: modality, character,
personification, hyperbole, come-
dian, fiction, stereo, color ac-
cent, visualization, interpretation,
emotional accent); development of
teacher professional competence
Specialized soft-
ware for supporting
mnemonic tech-
Visual methods
(demonstration, dis-
Specialized software:
1) office software
products with Smart-
2) mind mapping
3) services for creat-
ing scribing presen-
4) programs for cre-
ating infographics
The concept of specialized software
groups for supporting mnemonic
techniques, knowledge of special-
ized software (including freeware)
and its computer tools for support-
ing mnemonic techniques; develop-
ment of teacher professional com-
Development of
copyright materials
for mnemonic sup-
Interactive methods
(brainstorming, case-
MS Power Point,
Knowledge of specialized software
examples, knowledge of software
tools (MS Power Point, X-Mind,
Free-Mind, Powtoon,, the
ability to use specialized soft-
ware tools to accompany mnemonic
techniques; ability to analyze cre-
ated products; development of
teacher professional competence
ers, who rather presented ideas of mnemonic tech-
niques, but spent more time implementing the tech-
nical part of creating mnemonic didactic materials.
In the process of analyzing the scientific literature, it
was found that the level of development of mnemonic
processes that ensure the memorization, storage and
reproduction of information in the brain, depends on
the success of learning. In order to introduce effective
ways to memorize a variety of information, mnemon-
ics is considered as a way of perceiving new informa-
tion through the formation of associative connections
using special methods and techniques.
The method of “Binding” consists of techniques:
Storytelling, Rhyme, Sequential Associations, Glu-
ing, Synthesis, Key Letters, Logical Questions. The
method of “Transformation” consists of techniques:
Mnemonic Techniques and Formation of Teachersâ
Z Ability to Use Them
Table 3: Results of evaluation of respondents.
The first assessment
The second assessment
The first assessment
The second assessment
The first assessment
The second assessment
1 2 4 11 3 4 21 2 3
2 4 4 12 2 3 22 1 4
3 3 3 13 2 2 23 4 5
4 3 3 14 3 2 24 1 3
5 3 3 15 3 3 25 1 2
6 1 2 16 3 3 26 4 5
7 2 3 17 3 3 27 3 4
8 2 2 18 4 5 28 3 2
9 4 3 19 2 3 29 3 4
10 3 3 20 3 4 30 3 2
Table 4: Comparison results.
Dynamics of points
Number of
Negative, ”–” 4
Without changes, “0” 10
Positive, ”+” 16
Number of changes, n = “–” + “+” 20
Analogy, Transformation, Icons, Stenographer, Pho-
netic Association, Neologism, Digital Image, Al-
phanumeric Code, Individual Association, Regular-
ity. The method of Amplification” consists of tech-
niques: Modality, Sign, Personification, Hyperbole,
Comedian, Fable, Stereo, Color Accent, Visualiza-
tion, Interpretation, Emotional Accent.
As a result of the teacher’s survey, a positive atti-
tude to the use of mnemonics was revealed, the most
popular of mnemonic techniques were Visualization,
Color Accent, Analogy, Storytelling, Rhyme and In-
The classification of software used to create
mnemonic didactic materials is given: a package of
office software with Smart-objects; mind mapping
software; services for creating video scribing presen-
tations; software for creating infographics.
The training on mastering mnemonic methods of
presenting educational material was developed. Ac-
cording to the results of the training, its positive in-
fluence on the development of skills to create and use
mnemonic didactic materials by teachers of various
subjects was confirmed. At the same time, it was
noted that natural sciences and mathematics teachers
had no problems with the technical implementation
of the plan in contrast to humanities teachers, who
rather presented ideas of mnemonic techniques, but
spent more time implementing the technical part of
creating mnemonic didactic materials.
The effectiveness of the training was confirmed by
the sign test.
Prospects for further research are seen in the de-
veloped methodological support for the training of
pre-service teachers to use the techniques of mnemon-
ics in professional activities.
Buzan, T. (2022). Improve your Thinking Skills - The In-
ventors of Mind Maps.
Chepurnoy, G. and Bura, L. (2015). Educational mnemon-
ics: technology for the effective mastering of informa-
tion: a training manual. RIBEST, Sevastopol.
Choo, P. K., Lou, Z. N., Camburn, B. A., Wood, K. L., Koo,
B., and Grey, F. (2014). Ideation Methods: A First
Study on Measured Outcomes With Personality Type.
In International Design Engineering Technical Con-
ferences and Computers and Information in Engineer-
ing Conference, volume 7: 2nd Biennial International
Conference on Dynamics for Design; 26th Interna-
tional Conference on Design Theory and Methodol-
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