0.13 rad. Finally, the observed instance is translated
in all three axes from 0.02 to 0.1 m. Examples of the
altered observed instances with the noise, outliers, ro-
tation and translation together with their correspond-
ing holistic and hol+part registrations are presented
in Figure 6. Note how local geometries such as the
lens of the camera, the handle of the mug and the trig-
ger of the spray bottles are better captured with the
hol+part registration.
Numerical results of the drill and spray bottle cat-
egories with fully observed instances are presented in
Figure 5. Figure 7 reports the average registration er-
rors of partial views. Only two categories are pre-
sented but the remaining three behave similarly. The
hol+part variant continues outperforming the other
two methods with noise and outliers on fully observed
instances. However, for rotation and translation, the
partwise variant is more robust, which implies that
misalignments on a global level of the object are more
difficult to refine. Moreover, on partial views the part-
wise variant continues outperforming the other two
methods and is more robust against noise, outliers ro-
tation and translation.
In this paper, we have presented a novel part-based
non-rigid registration method that improves the accu-
racy of local structures by registering individually de-
composed parts of the object. The method is based
on learned shape spaces of each of the decomposed
parts. We have shown in the experimental section that
a holistic registration followed by a partwise registra-
tion (hol+part) is very effective for registering fully
observed objects, while a partwise registration per-
forms better with partial views. We demonstrated the
robustness of our approach against noise, outliers and
misalignments in rotation and translation. In the fu-
ture, we plan to investigate hierarchies and dependen-
cies between parts of more complex objects. More-
over, we will evaluate the strengths and limitations of
the part-based registration when applied to grasping
skill transfer methods.
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Category-level Part-based 3D Object Non-rigid Registration