Secondly, our work suggests that each alarm type
requires a dedicatedly tuned model and that there is no
one-fits-all model for forecasting all types of alarms.
Hence, a narrower research focus might be required
for example limiting the forecasting task on one type
of alarms using a more detailed or even specialised
data set.
4.2 Future Work
Forecasting threshold alarms in patient monitors is
basically an extension of forecasting vital parameter
measurements by not only forecasting the value itself
but also comparing the value to the alarm thresholds.
We chose the MIMIC-III database because a unique
feature of this database is that it contains alarm thresh-
olds. However, if we accept that forecasting vital pa-
rameter measurements without accounting for alarms
is a valid preliminary goal, other clinical databases are
eligible as well. For example, HiRID (Hyland et al.,
2020) provides vital parameters measurements with a
vastly higher time resolution and eICU CRD (Pollard
et al., 2018) even provides such data with a steady
sampling frequency of f
5 min
(one value every
five minutes). This is in sharp contrast to MIMIC-
III which has varying sampling frequencies leaning
towards one value per hour. Using HiRID and eICU
CRD might improve the forecasting accuracy for vi-
tal parameters and also spare us the resampling step
which introduces an additional source of inaccuracies
and errors. Such a simplified forecasting setting can
then also be used to further investigate the effects of
scaling on the forecasting performance.
The contribution of this paper is a first attempt to
forecasting threshold alarms in ICU patient monitors.
Due to the lack of alarm data having a sufficiently
high and consistent sampling frequency, the resulting
models are still worthy of improvement and are not
yet ready to be applied in clinical practice. However,
our results show that the general approach of forecast-
ing threshold alarms through vital parameters princi-
pally works and that the model setup used in this work
is promising.
This work was partially carried out within the
INALO project. INALO is a cooperation project be-
tween AICURA medical GmbH, Charité – Univer-
sitätsmedizin Berlin, idalab GmbH, and Hasso Plat-
tner Institute. INALO is funded by the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Education and Research under grant
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HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics