Table 3: Accuracy vs. normalized error in the Gi4E database.
Method Accuracy (%)
e ≤ 0.025 e ≤ 0.05 e ≤ 0.1
DeepPupil Net 98.37 99.91 100
(Lee et al., 2020) 93.00
99.84 99.84
(Choi et al., 2020) 90.40 99.60 99.84
(Xia et al., 2019) 70.00
99.10 100
(Xiao et al., 2018) 70.00
97.90 100
(Levinshtein et al., 2018) 88.34 99.27 99.92
(Cai et al., 2018) 85.70 99.50 -
Table 4: DeepPupil Net performance for different architectures in the BioID database.
Network Stages Number of Parameters Time Accuracy (%)
e ≤ 0.05 e ≤ 0.1 e ≤ 0.25
2 0.43M 13.2ms 94.51 99.50 100
3 1.65M 15.0ms 98.00 100 100
4 6.57M 18.0ms 97.86 100 100
work achieves real-time performance as it requires
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calization problem is introduced. This network con-
sists of an encoder-decoder based architecture and
was trained end-to-end to localize precisely the eye
centers even in the most challenging circumstances.
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nificant improvement in accuracy over state-of-the-art
techniques. Moreover, due to its reduced processing
time, DeepPupil Net can be incorporated in low-cost
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DeepPupil Net: Deep Residual Network for Precise Pupil Center Localization