tra j
(m) in Tables 1 and 2). It is calculated as shown
in Eq.(3), where U (t) is the wheelchair actual posi-
tion function over time, and R
(U(t)) is a function
that determines the closest position on reference tra-
jectory from wheelchair position (see Figures 7 and
8). In Eq.(3), T is the total amount of time while the
wheelchair is performing the navigation tasks.
tra j
|U(t) − R
(U(t))|dt. (3)
According to the results, subjects’ average navi-
gation trajectory errors for experiments 1 and 2 are
quite low (less than 20cm). However, in the third ex-
periment, the error values increase considerably due
to the complexity of the navigation path. The ob-
tained error values confirm that all the subjects are
able to navigate wheelchair on the allocated motion
path with an average error of less than the width of a
typical wheelchair.
In this paper, a SSVEP-BCI controlled smart home
and wheelchair application developed in Unity 3D
Game and Simulation Engine is presented. The
system has advantage of being low-cost, wireless,
portable, easy to use, and most importantly has high
control accuracy without extensive training require-
ment. Experiments conducted on 15 control subjects
show that all could complete the presented tasks with
high success rates. It is also observed that the sub-
jects’ confidence and competence to control the sys-
tem increases after each trial, even within the lim-
ited time of experimental proceedings. Moreover, the
results clearly show that our system is considerably
easy to adapt and learn by users. Preliminary testing
on subjects in the virtual environment shows promis-
ing results, which supports the feasibility of the sys-
tem for real-time device control applications in future
smart homes.
The authors would like to thank all the participants
who volunteered to participate in the experiments.
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Brainy Home: A Virtual Smart Home and Wheelchair Control Application Powered by Brain Computer Interface