a supervised manner to evaluate small patches, with
a geospatial visual system, we showed that oil spills
can be rapidly detected and localized, allowing imme-
diate reactions and avoiding substantial environmen-
tal impact. Our classifiers achieved up to 93.6% of
accuracy and an F
score of 78.6% in a small dataset
comprised of 6,907 patches, revealing promising re-
sults that may be enhanced in future work by exploit-
ing larger datasets and more elaborate DL techniques,
such as image segmentation networks.
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logical Research – Brazil site PELD-CCAL
(Projeto Ecol
ogico de Longa Durac¸
ao -
Costa dos Corais, Alagoas) funded by CNPq
–(#441657/2016 − 8, #442237/2020 − 0), and
FAPEAL (#60030.1564/2016). This research was
partially financed by the Justice Court of Alagoas
through the I Workshop on Mathematical Solutions
in Justice and Tourism.
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Oil Spill Detection and Visualization from UAV Images using Convolutional Neural Networks