The first input 2 variable class picked up by
NAND#2 is the class variable in the eighth position
i.e. 53<=dbp<=80.
Figure 1: The best UTM combinational network
corresponding to the fittest chromosome.
This combinational network of NAND gates
corresponds to the following boolean rule:
dpf<=776);age<=41))))))))))))))))) THEN
Nature has developed intelligent techniques to find a
solution to various types of problems, such as the
adaptation of species to environmental variations or
coordination between individuals operating within
populations. The study of these phenomena has
made it possible to develop intelligent systems
characterized by a high level of resilience (that is,
they still perform their function even in the presence
of local malfunctions) and adaptability to possible
changes in the environment in which they operate.
Genetic algorithms (Mitchell, 1996) (and
evolutionary computation in general) draw
inspiration from the theory of natural evolution
according to which individuals able to adapt better
to their environment (with greater fitness) live
longer and produce more offspring. Their genetic
heritage is recombined (crossover) and passed on to
offspring with small random variations (mutation).
In this way the positive characteristics of the
individuals are combined, but also limited elements
of novelty are introduced into the genetic heritage.
Swarm intelligence algorithms emulate the
behavior of individuals operating within a
population. Each individual belonging to any genus
and species present in nature seems to behave
following a series of elementary rules that lead to an
organized population behavior aimed at achieving
objectives (for example, identifying the most
favorable conditions for survival) (Bouffanais,
2016). The interesting aspect of these biological
systems is that these behaviors arise (emerge)
autonomously, without the presence of a
coordinator/ supervisor. The study of these
behavioral models leads to the development of
algorithms that belong to the class called "swarm
These considerations lead us to develop an
“hybrid” algorithm with characteristics that can be
associated with both evolutionary algorithms and
swarm intelligence algorithms. The EBBM
algorithm allowed us to train a combinational UTM
network which reached the highest performances in
predicting the outcomes of Pima Indians Diabetes
Database with respect to other prediction models.
This model can be used, within the healthcare
sector, not only to develop expert systems for
diagnostic support, but also to define useful
guidelines for the preventive medicine. This model
opens also new perspectives in the field of
personalized medicine (Lella et al., 2019), given its
capability to reach the highest prediction accuracies
and to explain the used criteria to human experts.
We are also going to implement, by the use of the
same EBBM algorithm for the optimization of the
architectural configuration, a sequential network of
NAND gates in order to explore the full potentials of
Turing's unorganized A-type machine model.
Bouffanais R. (2016). A Biologically Inspired Approach to
Collective Behaviours. In Design and Control of
Swarm Dynamics, Springer Briefs in Complexity.
Lella L., Licata I., Minati G., Pristipino C., De Belvis A.G.
(2019). Predictive AI Models for the Personalized
Medicine. In Proceedings of the 12th International
Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems
and Technologies, pp. 396-401.
Minati G., Licata I. (2012). Meta-Structural properties in
Collective Behaviours. In International Journal of
General Systems, pp. 1-23.
Mitchell M. (1996). An Introduction to Genetic
Algorithms. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Pima Indians Diabetes Database download page,
diabetes.php , last accessed 2021/09/30.
Pima Indians Diabetes Database on Rishabh Nimje Github
section,, last
accessed 2021/09/30.